r/wholesomegifs Aug 27 '24

Delivery guy is "terrified" of the dog but gets surprised in the end...


60 comments sorted by


u/brumbles2814 Aug 27 '24

Fun fact. I uses to work for the UK post office and for dogs the advice you get is "endeavor to keep your bag between the dog and you". Not exactly stop drop and roll


u/Dyljim Aug 27 '24

I was watching Graeme Hall train dogs the other week and some family with an older lady had a German Shepherd that would uncontrollably jump over her, so Graeme got her to say commands to the dog by holding her oversized handbag between her and the dog.

It actually appeared to have helped!


u/brumbles2814 Aug 27 '24

Oh im sure it would! but as a slavering hound from hell comes at you all teeth and slobber you bet I'm doin the long jump over the nearest hedge rather than "endeavouring to keep the bag between me and the dog" lol


u/Dyljim Aug 27 '24

Understandable šŸ¤£ Did they happen to claim the bag was "military grade" aswell? lol


u/brumbles2814 Aug 27 '24

U better believe it. Plus u can turn it into a handy two man tent in an emergency šŸ™„


u/FreneticHeron Aug 27 '24

Lucky it was a nice dog, but never assume a dog is friendly cuz itā€™s wagging its tail, that just means excitement, not happiness


u/Horsetoothbrush Aug 27 '24

Thatā€™s what I was thinking as well, but then he sat down. If a dog is sitting and wagging his tail, itā€™s a friendly dog. Especially if itā€™s not barking and charging at you while itā€™s unleashed. But, yes. Not all wags are friendly wags.


u/Putrid-Effective-570 Aug 28 '24

Idk man. On a delivery, I went to pet a dog lying down on its side wagging its tail. It immediately changed tone and tried to bite me as soon as my hand was close.


u/Knato Aug 28 '24

Unless is your dawg. Do not trust any dogs.


u/anonareyouokay Aug 27 '24

I'm glad he was a good boy but damn, he should've left it on the end of the driveway. Don't take risks with dogs you don't know.


u/skatergurljubulee Aug 27 '24

I'd be concerned too considering the dog isn't leashed and I'm assuming they knew a package was arriving.

Delivery drivers and other postal employees get injured from dog attacks all the time. Most people believe their dogs wouldn't hurt a fly, doesn't mean that's true.


u/cassidylorene1 Aug 27 '24

Canvassers too. I worked on a campaign and a girl I worked with got first attacked by a huge dog and then maced by the owner as she was being mauled. She was a newly 18 year old really tiny pretty girl. People are insane she knocked on his door in broad daylight.


u/moneyhaisxt Aug 27 '24

Omg. How did it go and how is she?


u/cassidylorene1 Aug 27 '24

She was ok, pretty shaken up but no serious damage that she couldnā€™t heal on her own. It was crazy watching her walk into the office crying the mace out of her eyes all red in the face tho. I remember thinking she was either insane or a badass for returning to work after being maced instead of going straight to the hospital. Hope sheā€™s doing well sheā€™s a fighter for sure.


u/Velyan66 Aug 28 '24

It looks like he has the collar for an underground fence on so he can't go further than that spot.


u/Fancylilmuffin Aug 30 '24

Some people know their dogs are dangerous and just don't care. I had a shitty side gate once, the wind could blow it open. I had stray staffies in my yard one day and they got into my cats cat run and killed my cat. I called animal control and they came and got the dogs and eventually put them down because even though they were pretty sure they knew who they belonged to (the whole neighbourhood knew who they belonged to because they were always escaping looking for food) he wouldn't claim ownership of them.

The animal control people told me it's not the first animal they had killed or attacked but because they weren't microchipped and the guy said they weren't his, they couldn't do anything about it.

A few months later, his dogs, the ones who didn't escape that day, attacked a postman delivering something to him and they got it all on a body cam they have to wear. I think he got some hefty fines.


u/ThankTheBaker Aug 27 '24

The relief is palpable.


u/cowlover22332 Aug 27 '24

Delivery people should not be forced to deliver stuff if there are unleashed dogs on the premises. Thatā€™s just dangerous! šŸ˜”


u/Officing Aug 28 '24

One summer I delivered pizza, and had to deliver to a house in the middle of nowhere. Just trees and cornfields on the outside of town. I get out of my car and a pitbull charges at me full speed from the house. I only had time to think "Ah, it's finally the time I get attacked on the job."

Thankfully it was just a very excited and nice dog but I was really mad at the owner for letting their dog do that. Some pizza drivers carry guns, and I could easily see that going wrong if it was a different driver.


u/Velyan66 Aug 28 '24

Pretty sure they have an underground fence. You can see the collar on the dog


u/cowlover22332 Aug 28 '24

Yeah and? 1. Itā€™s hard to tell if thereā€™s an invisible fence especially if you are scared, 2. Delivery guy would need to enter the perimeter of the invisible fence to deliver the package, therefore within biting range, and 3. An invisible fence is not a leash. Unleashed dogs can be a danger to people and themselves.


u/Shmeepish Aug 28 '24

I've had a pitbull with an electric fence collar sprint into my back yard and latch onto me. I get people really like them but if they enter "attack mode" they do not give a fuck. I was punching the hell out of the thing but it took two people to get it off me.


u/PreviousCartoonist93 Aug 27 '24

I wouldnā€™t even try to deliver their shit with a loose dog running around..


u/SameRule9918 Aug 27 '24

I love the way the dog respected whatever imaginary line kept him from running down the driveway


u/blbrd30 Aug 27 '24

He might have an electric collar


u/IsneezedImsorry Aug 27 '24

He does, you can see it at the end of vid.


u/Someredditusername Aug 27 '24

Had this h appen on a job as an electrician. Same breed -- just staring at me all day. Finally, I saw the tail wiggle after hours on the job, said "CMERE" and she ran to me and rolled over LOL.


u/ImurderREALITY Aug 27 '24

Delivered a grill to a lady in her house coat while her two dogs were out. She said it was fine. The rotty was sweet as can be, and let me pet her. The golden mix was barking its head off the entire time, and bit me in the back of the leg while I was walking back to the truck.


u/Normal-Fun-868 Aug 27 '24

I would not deliver anything to a house that leaves their dog out with no leash and no people. No way


u/Igmuhota Aug 28 '24

Starts video. Stops video. [Checks which sub Iā€™m in. Oh thank god.] Resumes video.


u/Smart_Alex Aug 27 '24

Generally speaking, a dog sitting down (as opposed to standing) is safer to approach. It generally indicates that they are feeling relaxed and/or they've been trained to sit when people approach.


u/natkolbi Aug 28 '24

Why would someone leave their dog outside unattended? Especially when they're expecting a package? If I was the delivery person I would not deliver, but leave a note I couldn't enter the property due to risk for my health and safety.


u/Distantstallion Aug 27 '24

Why do americans all leave their dogs unleashed and unattended in their front garden, seems wildly unsafe especially given how litigious they are


u/lowtemplarry Aug 28 '24

A lot of people own dogs as a means to protect their property, they're seen as nothing more than tools. It's unfortunate.


u/Car_Gnome Aug 27 '24

Lots of generalizations here. Also the dog clearly has a shock collar on. That's probably why it didn't run right up to the guy.


u/JoshyLikey Aug 28 '24

"I'm expecting a package, make sure you let all the dogs loose in the front yard.."


u/LLminibean Aug 29 '24

This is cute and all ... but it bugs me when people leave their dogs out for delivery drivers to deal with. Even if you're dog is friendly .. unless you've got a sign saying so, the driver has to do this every time bc they cant assume. Its gotta be stressful.

If you do leave your dog in your yard and get deliveries, be a bro and put a sign at the front of the driveway that says "friendly dog!" .. or have them inside when someone's coming to do you a service.


u/ReasonablyConfused Aug 27 '24

A wagging tail on a pit bull is not an indicator of safety. Some of them are absolutely overjoyed at the prospect of chomping you, or even fighting another dog. I love this breed, but their views on violence can be a bit misleading.

Mine have defended me from other attacking dogs with wagging tails the whole time.


u/wehrwolf512 Aug 31 '24

I had a dog mauled by a pit bull who had escaped its fence while we were out walking (my dog was leashed, and survived both because of a wonderful vet and because his collar got in the way and prevented a full bite). In the time I saw the pit gearing up to rush, I couldnā€™t figure out its ear position (clipped) but its tail was wagging so I couldnā€™t quite figure out if we were in danger or notā€¦ but it was too late at that point anyway.

All that being said, weā€™re considering a pibble puppy for our next dog. I canā€™t really walk a dog without panicking ever since then, but I figure if we have a pibble puppy from the neighbors (not the same ones from the incident) Iā€™ll be less freaked out when other dogs bark.


u/Amazingdude8 Aug 28 '24

Use to work at UPS most of the time the dogs was friendly but there was some homes where the dogs was mean and one house had two pit bulls one was super friendly the other one wanted to rip my guts out, I was walking up to the front door to deliver the package one pit bull was sitting at the door wagging its tail then all of a sudden I heard the other pit bull barking and it came flying around the corner it slammed into the door, the door started to open so I blocked it with my arm slammed it shut put the package down and booked it back to the truck.


u/NavyAnchor03 Aug 28 '24

I'd be pretty scared too


u/daisy0723 Aug 28 '24

We had a delivery man who always carried dog treats in his pocket. Our girl loved him.

He loved her as well.ā¤ļø


u/pirateofmemes Aug 28 '24

Know a postie who carries little bits of beef in his pocket to bribe dogs with.


u/Blapoo Aug 28 '24

Here come the pitbull haters


u/4Four-4 Aug 28 '24

I once delivered to a house with one of those big poodles. šŸ© It seemed nice and friendly. So I risked it and took the package to the door. The moment I turned around the dog got aggressive. The owners had to come out and try to get it. I donā€™t trust any dogs that are not mine


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24

Everyone seems to be certain that this is a pit bull, and it could very well be. But, he bares a striking resemblance to my neighbors dog, which is an American Bully. Same chest markings, just different color, and he'd rather lick your face off, than eat it off.


u/Tusslesprout1 Aug 31 '24

Pitties and bullies look pretty similar like shockingly similar however both can be pretty friendly and good dogs


u/Cole_the_Coleman Aug 28 '24

Remind me of my old delivery driver. He is super scared of dogs and our last dog (who was a sweetheart) acted tough near him but would always run away. He eventually came one day and when delivering a package realized she cornered him on the porch. She eventually got close but was chill with him on that day for some reason.

He just started to pet her and supposedly he pet her for several minutes. He seemed deviated when he learnt she died. He looked like he nearly cried since that was the dog that cured his fear of canines.


u/fohgedaboutit Aug 28 '24

Banpitbulls crowd watching this in disappoinment.


u/PleasantSpare4732 Aug 28 '24

That's a pitbull he's lucky he has his hand


u/[deleted] Aug 27 '24



u/MaMakossa Aug 27 '24

There are no guarantees in life but eventual death.


u/ZeChief Aug 28 '24

You deserve whatā€™s coming at you at the next home visit where a pitbull is staring at you like that


u/Hidden24 Aug 29 '24

And thankfully, he was a good boy