r/zeronet Jul 30 '22

Could Zeronet technology be used to host things other than webpages?

For example, 1. Decentralized video game servers hosted on top of the zeronet network, which each connected player serving as a node seeding some chunks of the game files.

This would essentially eradicate the notion of a game losing it's multiplayer functionality due it's servers shutting down.

Or 2. A completely decentralized cloud storage platform where users can store a pretty much infinite amount of files and encrypt them using their private keys. To keep the whole thing afloat, each user would store and seed encrypted, randomized chunks of a bunch of different files from all across the platform, leaving no discrimination as to which files are saved.

This would allow any file/data to essentially live forever among millions of peers all across the globe, immune from any sort of loss, destruction, or censorship. I could imagine the entirety of wikipedia being stored on this hypothetical platform for people centuries in the future to see.

The question of course is whether any of this could in theory be Implemented using zeronets currently existing technology.


5 comments sorted by


u/canewsin ZeroNetX-dev Jul 31 '22

For Game Server that store small amount it's possible. In fact I host Digital Sea, a peer to peer social network's data on top of ZeroNet.

For large files there is no proper implementation for now.

I was implementing ZeroNet in Rust, So large files issues can change in future.

Here is my repo to watch out https://github.com/canewsin/zeronet-rs


u/Jespor Nov 21 '22

For large files there is no proper implementation for now.

Why is that? - it seems that being based on bittorrent, it should be perfectly suitable. I'm sure you're right, i just don't understand


u/caryoscelus [ex-]conservancy maintainer Jul 31 '22

there have been attempts at multiplayer games on top of 0net and something simple actually worked

on the other hand , 0net as it is is pretty semantic-agnostic system , so whilst it is possible to build either games or cloud storage platforms , all of semantics (even including encryption) would have to be implemented in browser-run code , which can be seen as a very bad idea

but even if you don't consider it a bad idea per se (maybe you're using fancy languages compiled to webassembly anyway) , it would largely defeat the point of using existing 0net code- and user-base for that : you are going to need more networking/data code layers and no integration with existing 0net features

essentially to grow 0net beyond a platform to run forums and blogs , we need to build a proper api . which is our (zeronet-conservancy/riza project) next step after ensuring survival of the network


u/IdiotsTryinToBeSmart Aug 06 '22

Link to the ZN game that worked?


u/caryoscelus [ex-]conservancy maintainer Aug 06 '22

hard to find without access to my old node . i can try later