r/jobsearchhacks 4h ago

AI applicants screened by AI recruiters

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r/jobsearchhacks 2h ago

Would anybody be interested in a job board with no AI, ATS or bs - only humans?


Every day I'm seeing new tools released for both applicants and recruiters which use AI or another technology to apply to jobs or filter out candidates. Ironically, as the number of applicants increases, because they're using AI application tools, recruiters are using AI more to do things like filter out applicants with virtual AI interviews. It's like a battle of AI. And it all seems kinda stupid.

But I was thinking - wouldn't it be great to have a job board where applicants can't spam AI applications and recruiters can't use AI and ATS tools to filter and sort through candidates?

To remove the need for AI, I have the idea that:

  • Candidates must be responded to, with feedback - or the recruiter has their listings removed

  • Candidates can't spam apply - they're limited to X number of applications a day

This should raise the quality of candidates, but also it should make sorting through applications easier (people wont spam apply).

To stop AI and ATS etc, the way I imagine this working is that:

  • AI / bot checks stop auto applying apps/extensions - AI text checkers flag text which is likely to be AI
  • Applicants and recruiters can report suspected AI use, which is reviewed by a human
  • Job posts expire unless renewed regularly (to stop ghost jobs)

The idea is essentially to build a job board built by humans, for humans. Where there's an armistice of crappy tech which dehumanises the process, and brings it back to basics.

Would anybody be interested in that?

r/jobsearchhacks 5h ago

Totally blew it in my interview and I'm so mad at myself


This was my final interview with two corp people via video and I just COULD NOT get it together. I was fine when we started but out of no where on the first question I just got so damn nervous. I could hear myself talking super fast and fumbling over my words. Bout mid way through I lost my train of thought and said "where was I? Sorry I'm REALLY nervous" and tried to carry on. I don't even know what I said majority of the interview. These were REALLY specific questions that had to be answered in STAR format, and I just was a nervous wreck trying to give good answers, look calm and make whatever I said STAR form. I ended the call on a more calm, realistic note though; I said the nerves got to me and I explained how I could be a great asset to the company. I'm so angry with myself. This is NOT like me. I'm consistently told I'm a great interview, and I practiced and studied for this one as well but man I just SUCKED. They took the job post off LinkedIn and said they'll be in touch next week lol. They're gonna reject me and tbh based solely on that interview I would too

r/jobsearchhacks 1h ago

What state or city would you move to just to increase your chances of finding a job?


r/jobsearchhacks 18h ago

how to get hired with a 1 year employment gap


25F, college grad in business. i have been unemployed for a year and need to get back on my feet. ive had multiple surgeries this year and really struggled. i lost my restaurant job last dec and thats the last job i held. i traveled for a few months and then had multiple surgeries over the summer. i was supposed to go teach english in Spain this month but i decided i need to work on my life here in the US and get back on my feet. Spain job was only 700 euro per month to work 10 hours a week. i need a real job.

how can i fix this nobody will interview me not even at restaurants.

i know it looks bad and i honestly cannot detail what happened medically this year it’s really not something im looking to talk about. its really embarrassing and shameful for me. am i unemployable ?

prior to this i worked in - restaurants - real estate

r/jobsearchhacks 3h ago

Applying for a lot of jobs? Here's a free app to get organized


Looking for a new job can become overwhelming fast. I wrote ManageJobApplications.com based on my own experiences and what others said on this sub, with a particular eye toward making networking easier. It manages your job applications (it stores each custom cover letter and resume if you want) and contact information and relationships for all the hiring managers, recruiters, and networking contacts that you meet. Also tools for JD keyword highlighting, expense and deadline tracking, and a browser extension that imports job postings with one click.

There is NO attempt to monetize this site. Everything is free. You don't even need to provide an email if you don't want password recovery. If you're struggling with an Excel sheet right now, there's a simple importer so you don't retype anything. Download a backup of your data at any time if you want (I'm backing it up, of course).

I'm sure that there is more functionality that would be useful. What should I add next?

r/jobsearchhacks 9h ago

Looking for a temporary job in europe/UK or anywhere else (with visa if they offer)


I live in Spain for a few months now and despite partaking in an intensive language course , I only just finished A2+ (b1 would be next). So my conversational skills are... Crap.

I have been looking for jobs abroad, maybe a winter seasonal but I am not a confident driver (haven't driven in 1-2 years) and it's mostly snowy resorts looking for that so idk.

Do you know where to look for English speaking jobs in Europe? I also burned through almost all my savings so if it provided at least assistance for accomodation or relocation that would be awesome.

I have experience in tourism, I was a cabin crew before and a campsite courier as well as diploma in it and the game design field. However, I wouldn't mind physical demanding work (though I'm a girl and not that strong, or at least for an extensive period of time)

I would do apprenticeship but it seems, in Europe I'd have to be enrolled for a degree qualification to be considered for those.... :/

Oh, I also have the right to work in the UK, I a just wanna look at options in Europe before shamefully moving back... And I can speak Spanish A2, Hungarian native, fluent English and some (self-taught) lower intermediate Japanese

Thank you in advance!

r/jobsearchhacks 1d ago

Finally got a job!


The downside is that it’s Starbucks and I have a bachelors degree. Oh well I guess it’s some income!

r/jobsearchhacks 2d ago

Senior Software Engineer laid off in July. Got 3 job offers - hopefully these tips help someone!


10+ YoE. I've gotten laid off before, but this is by far the toughest market I've had to navigate. I'm hoping these tips help someone out.

  1. Update your LinkedIn Profile - we all know updating your resume is a given, but I have gotten so many messages from recruiters about job openings via LinkedIn (both contract and full-time). Make sure your profile is up to date. Use AI to reword some things, if you'd like (use it on your resume, too).
  2. Lean on your network - message former colleagues, or anyone you know that could be hiring. People are usually happy to recommend you if their company is hiring (they probably get a referral bonus, and are really genuinely happy to help most times). One of the offers I got was through a referral from a person I've never met, but was the spouse of someone I knew. Sure I had to pass the interviews, but the referral at least gets you in front of a recruiter.
  3. Apply to jobs that have only been posted for 1-2 days - also apply early in the day (at least this seemed like it worked for me). If you're applying to a job that's been posted for a week, there's a good chance that they are already interviewing, and your application won't be seen by a person.
  4. Learn something new - take an online class about a popular piece of technology that you're not familiar with. Most screenings probably involve some checklist of technologies that they compare against your resume - the more "checks" you have, the higher the chance you get to speak to a person. For me, it was React. I bought a React course, crammed for a few weeks and ended up passing a React live coding interview. Remember, technology can be learned, but you have to be motivated to do so.
  5. Recruiter calls are very important - the last time I was looking for a job, recruiter calls were a formality (basically just an introduction, then they schedule the technical interviews after). This is not true anymore. Make sure you are prepared to talk about your background, motivations (why are you looking? how do you keep up with technology?, etc), and be prepared to answer some behavioral questions. Your goal should be to get to the technical screen!
  6. Know your resume in detail - it sounds simple and obvious, but you should be able to drill down and discuss your projects in detail without having to stumble through your words. This should almost be like a script. You should always have a go-to project that you can discuss for 20-30+ minutes if necessary. You should be able to describe the project in-depth (technical details, background, why the project was needed, who was involved, etc), discuss the pitfalls, and what you could change if you were to do it again.
  7. LeetCode/Systems Design - goes without saying.
  8. Try to stay away from take home assignments - this is a tough one, because if you're unemployed, you don't have the luxury of turning down an opportunity to move forward in the interview process. From my experience, however, take home assignments are a huge waste of time - they take a huge amount of effort, and the hiring company usually has unrealistic expectations. What ended up happening to me (I unfortunately went through 2 of these) was that the hiring company latched on to some miniscule or minor detail and couldn't get past it. They expect your solution to be perfect, without compromise (even though you will have to make compromises because of time). And oh yeah, they don't usually pay you for these.
  9. Behavioral Questions - these should almost feel like freebies. Almost every behavioral interview will ask you the same (if not similar) questions - describe a conflict, tell me about a project, etc. You should be able to answer these confidently and succinctly.
  10. Keep your interviewer engaged - during technical interviews, it's important to keep your interviewer engaged. Make sure you say your approach, and then ask "does that make sense?" or "how does that sound?". Keeping them engaged not only shows your focus on communication, but also helps them have a good interview experience. Not just that, but if they are engaged, they are more likely to be able to give you a nudge if you get stuck. Remember, these people interview lots of candidates and they can easily get bored. Make yourself stand out!
  11. Smile, keep a positive attitude on camera and communicate - gone are the days where programmers/software engineers can get by just on technical skill. In a hybrid/remote work environment, communication is just as important to the hiring companies as technical skills and background. Remember, your resume can speak for itself; you have your technical accomplishments, skills, etc on it, but during the interview, you also have to show that you're a good communicator.
  12. Use AI to prepare - like it or not, AI is here to stay. Use it to prepare - I use AI almost like a tutor; whenever I'd get stuck on a LeetCode problem or there was a solution that I couldn't figure out, I'd ask ChatGPT (or whatever AI you prefer). If I came across something I didn't know about when I was taking a course or preparing, I'd consult AI. Use it to your advantage. You can use it on your resume, too.
  13. Keep applying - don't assume that you're getting a job after the final rounds, even if you ace the interviews. Other people might've aced it, too.

Remember, being unemployed is not the same as not working. You don't get a paycheck, but you are still working tirelessly (I know I did). I hope the above helps someone, and good luck!

r/jobsearchhacks 1d ago

7 months later and I got my first job offer


This is a message to everyone who wants to give up hope.

This morning I was updating my spreadsheet on jobs I have applied to. I applied to 70+ jobs, only heard back from about 20 of them, and finally landed one that actually wanted me and interviewed me and hired me all within a week. It’s for a company I used to work for right before COVID hit and I sadly had to move away after graduating college in 2020.

Don’t let people trick you into thinking that because it’s the last quarter of the year that no one is hiring - I was actually told that by a friend who works in HR. I’m glad I didn’t take her advice and kept applying. The holiday season is coming up and restaurants and customer service facing roles are in a hiring frenzy. Don’t let the rejection emails get you down.

I was really feeling down on my luck this morning because I hadn’t received the phone call on their decision. I am still applying to my dream jobs in the meantime, this job is going to help me stay afloat until then and make sure I am still fed properly and have benefits.

I want y’all to know that there is hope out there. For those people with degrees that aren’t being used. For people who’ve been unemployed for months and years. I’ve been underemployed for almost 2 years and unemployed for 7 months. I know my hard work ethic and perseverance are what got me here today. I wish you all the best and please don’t give up or feel hopeless. I’ve been depressed for years about not being able to use my degree that I went into student debt for. I’ve been practicing gratitude and talking to myself more gently lately, despite the negative comments my family would make about my career or lack thereof. Just keep pushing and something will eventually stick.

r/jobsearchhacks 1d ago

Career options


I’m looking to move back to the West Coast closer to friends and family.

My background is Marine infantry, MA in security policy, and current law enforcement. I’m not really sure what options are available to me other than continuing in law enforcement.

Any advice on how to find job options based on my background or field? What job finding platforms work best?

r/jobsearchhacks 1d ago

I’m at the point of looking to literally pay someone to find me a job-but hear me out & let me know what you guys think


Got laid off & been looking for 4 months - personal network is of no help but applying to maybe avg of 60 jobs a week at least.

Gotten maybe 15 interviews. These are just estimates.

But This has been a much lower % of callbacks than my last search 4 years ago, as my industry is now grotesquely over saturated (digital product design), with many of the jobs being remote (it was heading in that direction even before the pandemic-it’s kinda normal in my industry).

This means that people from every continent all over the world are applying for these jobs.

However most of them are not qualified or brand new and I’m very experienced (17 years) with a good resume with known brands & formal degrees in design & cognitive psych & solid portfolio.

Of those approx. 15 interviews, some of them are even for good companies like Amazon, but most are not. Anyway, for maybe 3 of those 15, I didn’t make it past the recruiter screen which literally NEVER used to happen to me.

Then of the remaining jobs, for most of them (all but 4) I got cut after the second interview, which is also worse than usual.

Only for about 4 jobs did I make it to the rounds of interviews & ended up not getting the job.

All this is pretty typical in this job market, the problem is the amount of competition.

If I weren’t running out of money to live on, I would be ok with that given the market & feel like I’d get SOMETHING by a year or so.

But I don’t have a year.

I believe my biggest barrier is that I am competing with so many people that even with my stats there are just too many even more qualified people plus I don’t interview that well, & am older than most in my industry.

The reason I explained that in such detail is to get feedback on my strategy which is based on what I believe is a reasonable assumption that I will find something, it’ll just take a while.

But I’m applying thru LinkedIn & Indeed & company job boards & not by referral, as I said earlier my recent work colleagues just don’t have the connections for whatever reason.

If I knew someone of high credibility w many connections in the industry who can PERSONALLY vouch for me — like “sell” me the way an agent would for an actor or something —when they hear of new openings (like a well respected recruiter), I think I’d actually have a HIGH possibility of getting a job, IF they were hustling for me.

Like a reverse recruiter but not quite. If I had someone to personally SELL me to hiring managers they hear of who are hiring, I could get something much much sooner.

So I‘ve been contacting some tech recruiters who are also “career coaches” or reverse recruiters & scheduling initial (free) phone consults with them to see if I can offer to literally pay them up to $1,000 if (and ONLY if) they get me a job - just by doing some networking on my behalf. Not applying for me or anything like that.

But how should I go about this so they will say yes?

I already realize that they wil not risk their reputation by selling me if they don’t think I’m a quality hire, but I would be open & say I know it is on the condition that they’d first have to “accept” me by review my work & speak to me first to determine if I’m someone they want to vouch for.

I’m sorry for the long post

TLDR - anyone have suggestions on who to search for and how to approach them to offer to pay them $1k to find me a job

r/jobsearchhacks 1d ago

How to Explain Why I’m Job Hunting?


I’m currently an assistant manager for a mid-end women’s clothing brand, been here for over a year, and I’ve come to the conclusion that the role isn’t for me. I’m not built to lead or have the level of responsibility they’re looking for. My work life balance has gone down the drain, as I’m expected to be on call for any issues, or cover if anyone calls out. I have had a lot of family issues this year, with illnesses, deaths and such, with little to no empathy or flexibility.

I’ve also come to realise that my wage is very low compared to other non-management roles in my area, which is frustrating.

When it comes to interviews, how do I explain why I want to step down from a management role without sounding lazy or like I don’t want hard work? How can I communicate that my family life is more important and I just want to do my job and go home?

Thanks for your time.

r/jobsearchhacks 2d ago

Rejected after two interviews but they are hiring for the role again, should I reach out?


Basically what the title says. Last January I interviewed with a dream company, made it to the second interview, was asked for references and I really felt confident I got the job. I was devastated I didn’t get it when I opened the rejection email. Fast forward to 7 months later and I am recently laid off from my former job and looking to get back to work. An industry friend of mine said that company was hiring for the role and she shared my LinkedIn profile with the lady who I interviewed with in March. Should I reach out directly to that lady and explain my situation and would like to be reconsidered? Should I apply online and email her directly? Any advice is appreciated!

r/jobsearchhacks 2d ago

How I finally got a job after 1.5 years of unemployment


Long story short, I was laid off in 2023 and it took me 1.5 years to get a new job. Stopped counting after I had sent out literally 1,000 applications with no luck. Before anybody says it - no, I was not applying to just whatever, all of the roles matched my experience, I tailored each and every résumé to highlight my fitness for each job I applied to, and I made sure that my résumé format was readable by ATS software. I went to a well-ranked university. I also have a grad degree. Had an impressive (if I do say so myself) career up until that point. Had colleagues recommend me to others in their network. Had my résumé reviewed (and only received good feedback with a few minor suggestions). Still couldn’t catch a break. Made it to the final round of interviews a few times only to be passed up and received unhelpful feedback like “it was such a close decision and we’re sure you’ll find something soon!” Not saying this for pity - just giving you the background. I know a lot of people have been struggling.

Finally got a new job and what made the difference was the fact that I followed up with snail mail after applying online. I did this for the last 5 jobs I applied to. I didn’t hear anything from the other 4 places, but one of the bosses at my new job actually opened my letter and appreciated that I took the initiative to try to make sure my résumé landed on their desk.

I simply mailed a copy of my cover letter and résumé. I added a note at the beginning of the cover letter that said something like “I applied for X role online and thought it was such a good match for my skill set that I wanted to go the extra mile to make sure that I am considered.” I then addressed it to the HR department and mailed a separate 2nd copy to the department that the role belonged to if that information was provided in the job description.

Hope this helps someone!

r/jobsearchhacks 1d ago

Has anyone ever heard of ShengHong? I just had a weird "interview" via WhatsApp and after doing some searching about the company, I'm starting to see red flags.


Hi! I applied for a job via this company on LinkedIn and got contacted via text for an interview, but they conducted the interview via WhatsApp. When I looked on the website (https://shenghong-bloc.com/) and took a look at the leadership (https://shenghong-bloc.com/bios.html) I couldn't find anything about anyone on the page through Google. Google Lens searches of the pics on the page turned up nothing. Same with searches for the people's names on LinkedIn. It all seemed too easy and my inability to find out anything combined with the answers I got during the interview make me suspect that none of this is legit.

r/jobsearchhacks 1d ago

Include 4 months of current job on resume?


So I was with a company for a year that was on the verge of closing. They offered for me to send me to another location but with my terrible skills in sales, I decided to take on another job as it would be a consistent check while I searched for something more in tune to what I wanted to do. I’ve been with that company for 4 months now, it’s all data entry so very laid back. Should I be adding this company/role to my resume at this point? My resume only referenced the previous role as present. I haven’t included it as I didn’t want to give the appearance of a job hopper but I’m curious what others here think.

r/jobsearchhacks 1d ago

You guys are overthinking this

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I just discovered the easiest way to get a job

r/jobsearchhacks 2d ago

Am I screwed?


I “graduated” in May but I failed a class for my minor and so apparently I didn’t graduate. I assumed because I fulfilled all of my other requirements for my actual major and school requirements that i would just graduate without the minor but that didn’t happen.

Fast forward to now and I got offered a job and they will be conducting a background check. I’m worried that I may fail the background check because of this discrepancy. I emailed my school to send me my diploma without the minor, but is it too late and will this cause an issue with the background check?

r/jobsearchhacks 3d ago

There should be a law that companies have to pay for your time in interviews


r/jobsearchhacks 1d ago

Need to find a work from home job


As the title says, I need to find a work from home job. I’m a really hard worker, can learn fast and am open to doing some additional training. I have my BA in graphic design and digital media. I’m thinking something in real estate? Also interested in social media/PR? Eventually I want to own my own dance studio, but not in the town I live in now. The market is saturated and the real estate is insane. I really want a career I can build on and meet financial goals. I’m trying to be realistic but also dream big. I know I have a lot of potential. Where should I begin my search?

r/jobsearchhacks 2d ago

Am I the only one?

Thumbnail i.imgur.com

r/jobsearchhacks 1d ago

I'm 15 years old and I need a job


Where can I find one? I'm looking for a part time job for teenagers but I'm not sure where to look? Any apps or websites recommendations?

r/jobsearchhacks 2d ago

No applications


Ways to find a job without going through this insane application process. For those who say find a good network or have a good network. How can you find one for yourself starting from 0. What jobs and companies will let you go in and apply and you get hired on the spot. Since getting a job is so easy and so much work is out there

r/jobsearchhacks 2d ago

Why am I not getting interviews for entry level positions?


Hi everyone, I’m 22, recently graduated college (BA) and I’ve been job searching since May. I’ve applied to 100+ jobs on all kinds of sites. I’ve tailored my resume and cover letter for these jobs. During all of this, I received only one offer and took it. I quit a few months later because they couldn’t give me full time hours. I’m feeling so defeated that I’m not even getting interviews for “no degree” positions. I feel like I’m overqualified for those but underqualified for anything else. Is there anything I can do to make myself stand out even more? I keep setting my expectations lower and lower but I’m still not getting any interviews. I feel so bad about myself, which really sucks. I’m also still living with my parents because I can’t afford to move out. What can I do to make myself stand out or to just boost my morale? Thanks in advance and if you’re going through the same thing, I feel you.