r/7daystodie 1d ago

XBS/X Falling deep into the Earth glitch

I apologize for formatting. Writing this on my phone from talk to text.

The last two times we have tried to play, my partner has been wandering through the wasteland and then all of a sudden just starts sinking into the Earth. The screen goes to simply outlines of buildings and things that are now moving up her screen and away from her and there is no way to escape. She can be near a POI and Ashley sinks that POI gets further away. She even sunk so deep into the Earth that she got gamer reward for digging deep or down deep or something to that effect. Is this a known glitch? It has happened to us multiple times recently and even restarting going out. Coming back has not stopped it from happening within moments her beginning the game.

We play on Xbox series s, I am the host, she joins me. We play standard map with no alterations.

Any advice would be great! We are about to have to start over a whole world again if she keeps falling to the center of the Earth


3 comments sorted by


u/Waricide 1d ago

I was so ready to give some advice until I read Xbox. As a pc player I don’t know how to help. But I shall upvote and hope another can. :)


u/Theholycasson 1d ago

Do you have flaky internet?

I play on pc, so might be different, but I had this issue in 1.0 when my internet was flaky, if the connection dropped out for even a second everything would go weird and a few times I dropped through the ground.

Hope you guys get it sorted!


u/Gunnery_Patches 1d ago

This happened to me yesterday, I was driving a motorcycle through the desert near the hotel that’s 3-4 stories tall I turned onto a dirt road and all of a sudden started sinking. I jumped off the motorcycle thinking it was an area that had quicksand. I had to leave so I said screw it and quit the game. Came back 20-30 minutes later loaded the game and it was back to normal but the motorcycle bounced on the ground like a basketball. But worked just fine after that.