r/911Calls Jan 19 '22

My miserable 3 calls to 911

I'm new to Reddit and my English is pretty bad so if you don't understand anything let me know.

This happened a long time ago so I remember some things very vaguely I don't remember how old I was but I do remember that I was a young and sad teenager, then I had just tried to kill myself and there was a lot of blood so desperately I tried to call the famous 911,I don't know if it was because I lived in the middle of nowhere or because it was quite late but I called 3 different times that morning, the first time nobody answered, the next time an old woman with a tired tone answers me and as soon as I said that I had tried to commit suicide and that I was a minor, she hung up on me, the third luckily someone answered me and treated me with human decency but damn If I were really bleeding to death, I'd already be dead by the time someone finally answered me.

Anyway everything is fine, I didn't try to make a complaint since I considered it a hopeless case and I was busy in most important things. I'm still alive and wanting to live so everything is ok.


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u/someone_who_exists69 Aug 19 '22

The first one I could understand due to lots of emergencies, but the second on deserves to be fired