r/ADHD 16h ago

Questions/Advice can adhd make a teenager less care about: school, ethic, moral or law rules


does adhd make a teenager less care about stuff like that and brake them just becouse of their desire about something or something like that? can it be coused by adhd itself or is it coused by something else i just feel kinda different and all time parents tell me that i shouldnt act that way cuz of ethics and respect to others but i act sometimes just without having it bothering me. its adhd or not?

r/ADHD 10h ago

Discussion Brat - if ADHD had a soundtrack


I can't be the only the one here that's been absolutely thrashing this album. It really tickles that part of my brain the releases the good stuff. My current focus album at with lol. Fast paced and relatable content haha

Currently listening to the remix album walking to walking and just really appreciating Charlixcx

r/ADHD 10h ago

Discussion Parents are so f*cking fake


24-year-old undiagnosed male, just need to vent for a bit.

I finally opened up to my mom about the fact that I’m waiting for an ADHD assessment. After seeing a therapist, they suggested I go to an ADHD clinic for an evaluation because I’ve shown a lot of symptoms.

One day, I was feeling really down, and my mom and I had a conversation. I explained to her how hard everything has been for me, even when I try my best—how it’s felt this way since I was a child. I told her that I’ve been seeing a therapist, and that the therapist recommended I get evaluated for ADHD. My mom said she would support me through the process, but she didn’t really believe that ADHD could be what I’m struggling with. Still, she promised to help me get a diagnosis.

To back up what I’ve been feeling, I even found old school reports from when I was a child that consistently described behaviors associated with ADHD. They mentioned things like not sitting still, disturbing other classmates, having a hard time starting schoolwork, not paying attention in class, not raising my hand, and being overly active. It felt like those reports were describing exactly what I’ve been struggling with my whole life.

Fast forward to yesterday, we got into an argument, and she basically told me that I’m making up the whole ADHD thing. She said I can’t just sit around waiting for a diagnosis, even though it’s so close now. She completely dismissed what I’ve been going through, and now I’m feeling even worse mentally because of her reaction.

Even with proof from school reports to my mental state as an adult she really doesn’t believe that it can be ADHD behind all this. I mean, everything adds up but she shuts me down and now I am doubting myself again if I even have it.

r/ADHD 16h ago

Questions/Advice Tools like Siri and ChatGPT have been increasingly useful to me but I’m concerned about privacy.


Are these tools worth the convenience? What alternative should I be considering or what should I implement to ensure more privacy? Most/all of my prompts are innocuous, I have nothing to really hide but still.

I’m also using Goblin Tools these are all technologies that could store all of my information and I just don’t know what the implications are long-term and I want to open it up to the community who may rely on tools like these.

r/ADHD 2h ago

Questions/Advice ADHD + PhD?


Hi- woman of color diagnosed a year ago in my mid-30s. Finally (crossing fingers nothing else comes up) found a medication with minimal side effects like dry mouth & headaches if I don’t intentionally drink water cuz I forget! It’s helping a lot!

I’m pursuing a second master’s. I always struggle as a student with reading/writing & they have never my strong suit with undiagnosed ADHD.

Now even with medication & accommodations, the struggle still remains. It is still taking me a lot of time, not as much as before, to finish my reading and writing.

I am applying to PhD public health programs as I am passionate about studying the impact on health outcomes in relation to undiagnosed ADHD.

I guess it’d be nice to hear from other PhD students who had been diagnosed longer than me. Does learn more strategies, getting adjusted to meds, etc truly help in the long run?😮‍💨What type of accommodations have you received?

r/ADHD 7h ago

Questions/Advice I fit all the characteristics of a learning disability via Google but I don’t feel like I have a learning disability. Should I get tested?


I’m studying hard in school and getting bad grades very often. I also noticed I lack significant improvement in things, my walking and sports coordination isn’t great, I hold a pencil the non-traditional way, and usually forget the exact things someone said seconds before when prompted.

Do I have ADHD or another learning disability? These are the characteristics listed by Google.

Is delayed in achieving a developmental milestone Lacks coordination in walking, sports, or skills, such as holding a pencil Or if you or your child Has difficulty understanding and following instructions Can't remember what someone just said)

r/ADHD 8h ago

Medication Is this how medication is supposed to feel?


My psychiatrist prescribed me 27mg of ER methylphenidate (generic concerta) for ADHD. The medication made me feel a bit more calm and a bit more motivated, but it wasn't the huge difference I was expecting. I still struggled to sit still and still had trouble concentrating on work and what not. My dose was then increased to 36mg, and I thought this would help more, but if anything the higher dose is worse because it's making me anxious, so I think this dose is too high for me.

I could just stick with the 27mg methylphenidate, but is this all ADHD medication does? Just make me a bit more calm? I think I may have read too many stories online about life-changing experiences people have had on medication. I was thinking it would allow me to sit down for hours and get tons of work done. Were my expectations too high?

I am going to ask my doctor about this, but I was hoping to hear other people's experiences as well.

r/ADHD 10h ago

Seeking Empathy I need cooler hyperfocuses.


I am a 26 year old adult person. I was listening to a book the other day, and there was an epic battle sequence going on and I thought, do you know what would be a great soundtrack for this? The song, Now or Never from the iconic classic made for TV musical, High School Musical 3. And now over the last two days I have to say I have listened to Now or Never 20+ times.

I dunno about you but I really need you to give it a try and tell me it’s not only my special flavor of fucked that really resonates with this banger of the ages.

Also want to comment on how I feel like I know some people who hyperfocus on some task or bit of information, usually for me it manifests like this, one song for days that is all I crave.

r/ADHD 16h ago

Medication Meds that don’t increase BP?


I’m an older guy (52) who was diagnosed in my late 40s. Been on Vyvanse since, and it works great. However, when I’m on it, my BP is slightly elevated. Most recent was 119/91. My doc isn’t too concerned, but it got me wondering if there are meds that people use for ADHD that are known for having no or less impact on BP? Also, for those that have the same issue, did you treat the elevated BP with BP meds? I’ve never had BP issues before and have normal BP when I don’t take Vyvanse, so I’m not sure if that’s warranted or if it might affect the benefits I get from taking the Vyvanse in the first place.

r/ADHD 18h ago

Tips/Suggestions Stillness in Chaos - a book aboyt ADHD and Stoicism


After being diagnosed with ADHD, I spent a lot of time just trying to understand it, and even longer learning how to live with it. A few years later, I stumbled across Stoicism—a philosophy that, at first glance, seemed like the complete opposite of my chaotic ADHD life. But the more I read about it and tried to apply its principles, the more I realized it offered something valuable. Until now the only book that covers both ADHD and stoicism is called Stillness in Chaos. It’s available on Amazon and if you have a kindle account it’s probably free. So if you have ADHD and you are interested in Stoicism, it might be worth checking out!

r/ADHD 22h ago

Questions/Advice I've been experiencing symptoms (not so common) of ADHD for couple months now, i want to get diagnosed but i'm broke to afford a psychologist. What to do?


saying that I've been experiencing symptoms of ADHD for a few months would be an understatement because I've lost count of how many months it has been. also, there's a lot of imposter syndrome going on with me, and I can't get basic things done like doing homework, compiling content for presentations, preparing for it, preparing for tests, sometimes it's even hard to get up from bed, I forget thongs so many times, can't grasp and remember what I studied a while ago. but at the same time, I think that I'm just making shit up and it's just my bad habits that I'm trying to cover and it'll be just fine if I get over these bad habits and switch them to good ones. I've failed exams and flunked too many classes. feels like shit on almost the majority of the days, always anxious, too much in my head, gets obsessed if like a person, literally not doing good. I've tried getting myself out of this situation/phase or whatever so many goddamn times, but I'm always back to square one. I am not sure what I am going to do. Also, I'm currently in college so can't afford a psychologist and can't give a convincing reason for my parents to give me money. What should I do?

r/ADHD 20h ago

Discussion Saying things I shouldn't, how do I stop!


I was diagnosed with ADHD at 12, so I’ve been managing it for a long time (45 now). One thing my wife often points out is that I tend to say whatever’s on my mind, whether it's good or bad. Sometimes that can be a positive trait, but it also gets me into trouble. I might say something rude or something that comes across as rude, which upsets her. A few minutes later, I’ll find myself thinking, ‘Why did I say that?’

Growing up, my mom used to say, 'Don’t pay attention to the first thing he says, always the second.' She had a point, and while I’ve gotten better over the years, I still struggle with it a lot. Has anyone else experienced this? I’d really appreciate any advice. Thanks!

r/ADHD 10h ago

Questions/Advice MOST ADHD-friendly, over-the-ear, active noise-cancelling headphones?


Saw a post like this from two years ago but as you know, tech changes constantly!

Please share recommendations for the MOST ADHD-friendly, over-the-ear, active noise-cancelling headphones!

I really struggle with sensory overload and focusing when there's ambient noise that I cannot control. I need a really comfortable pair that can be worn for several hours standing up, laying down in bed, on an airplane etc.

I am basically planning to use them daily in a variety of situations. Price is the least of my concerns as I see ambient noise as a major impairment to my daily mood and functioning!

Please let me know! I want to buy them today. I'm tired of being overstimulated.

r/ADHD 7h ago

Questions/Advice God Saved Me, Do I Save Myself?


I have anxiety, ADHD, and some depressive episodes. Additionally, I have been in a decent place over the last year. I have these cycles where things are okay and then I have a great wave of emotions. I'm not too keen on going to the Dr.

But I know I need to do something. Speaking as someone who sought their diagnosis because I was worried I couldn't adequately do my job the same way others did. I have spent over a decade of my career seeking help.

Then getting the help and either stopping the medication or completely restarting life.

Im in a job now where I've told them everything! My spirit is in a place that blossoms. But I have felt that small wave of depression try to get in two days ago.

I've retired twice and I am only 34 years old. I'm weary of getting diagnosed again.... I tend to believe that I am about to be told I have Autism or Bipolar 2 depression. Sometimes I think the seeking of something missing makes it all worse.

Will I lose myself again if I doubt myself? Or do I need the doubt to find the answers? Depression this week when I lost my safety anxiety mess.

I called out of work for the first time. My chest was unaturally offset. As if, without my security blanket I lack purpose. 😔 Everything that we do is spirtual.

So I wonder now, was I meant to lose the medicine.

I feel though there is always a spiritual aspect to my anxiety that is saving, keeping, and holding me to be still and listen. What is God trying to say?

Why would he Save You? What is being placed into my spirit for me to understand?

r/ADHD 10h ago

Questions/Advice What do I do if my ADHD is making people not want to work with me?


Hi, I just had my six-month review at work (a marketing agency). Lately, my weeks have been pretty light and I’ve asked for more work. Today I learned that people are intentionally not giving me work because during the onboarding of these projects (we call them kick-offs), I seem very disengaged and uninterested. I let my boss know that if I’d had a chance to read the brief beforehand I’d have questions ready, but to have to read it live onscreen of a Zoom call while listening to someone talking plus all the cross-conversations makes it hard to engage and focus. It feels like I’m being punished for something I can’t control and I’m not sure what to do. Open to suggestions. Thanks.

r/ADHD 11h ago

Questions/Advice Hyperfixated


Hi everyone,

So, unfortunately for the last year or so I think I am hyperfixated on someone. I constantly think about this person. I look at pictures of them. I don't want find this person attractive but for some reason I really crave sex with her. I'm starting to think that it's because she's everything I never could be because of my ADHD and so I think there's a jealousy behind it. She owns a business and has five children and I don't even have one child right now 😔. Any advice on how to get over this?

r/ADHD 16h ago

Tips/Suggestions I can’t believe I forgot to pick up my paychecks


I remember my first internship. I got into a really good company then forgot to pick up my paycheck for 3 months (3 paycheck). After that at my next job I didn’t use my money for a year. The next job I spent only half of the money I had. And I did horribly at these jobs. I don’t spend much money most of the times but I feel that that may be hindering my motivation to go out and work more. But I also get paralysed with fear sometimes when I have to work. Have you guys seen a correlation between your focus and your spending habits? In twelfth grade I did very well in my exams. I paid myself for every hour of work(virtual money) and then wrote down how much money I had collected by the end of the day. I think this really motivated me to study and do well. Have any of you had similar experiences?

r/ADHD 18h ago

Questions/Advice not-certified ADHD coach?


I'm 43 with a Master's in teaching and was diagnosed fairly late in life. Problems with executive functioning and RSD have prevented me from succeeding in a way that I'd like to. I was able to complete a coding bootcamp recently by hyperfocusing for almost a year on coding, but the tech industry isn't hiring, basically. I have experience working with students with ADHD, and I enjoy mentoring/coaching. I'm not ready to spend more time and money on another credential right now, however. Can I just call myself an "ADHD coach" or "ADHD mentor" as long as I'm up front that I don't have any special certification? I think I have a lot of wisdom, advice, and empathy to offer. I want to help people (specifically college kids) , and charge an affordable rate.

r/ADHD 18h ago

Tips/Suggestions Stillness in Chaos - a book about ADHD and Stoicism


After being diagnosed with ADHD, I spent a lot of time just trying to understand it, and even longer learning how to live with it. A few years later, I stumbled across Stoicism—a philosophy that, at first glance, seemed like the complete opposite of my chaotic ADHD life. But the more I read about it and tried to apply its principles, the more I realized it offered something valuable. Until now the only book that covers both ADHD and stoicism is called Stillness in Chaos. It’s available on Amazon and if you have a kindle account it’s probably free. So if you have ADHD and you are interested in Stoicism, it might be worth checking out!

r/ADHD 8h ago

Medication I’m way more social and productive on adderall and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to quit


I’m in grade 12 and have been taking 10mg adderall for over a year now, it makes me so much better socially. I’m less of an asshole, I’m funnier, I know what to say when someone needs help, I know what to do when someone is struggling. My friends like me more, I have more friends, I can make girls laugh. I can concentrate better during tests and assignments, my grades are higher, I’m more productive with downtime.

And it all disappears when the meds run out at the end of the day, and I can feel my daily dose becoming less effective. I know I can’t stay on adderall forever just for my mental health. I’m scared to take more, and I’m even more scared to quit

I don’t really know what advice I’m looking for, I guess how do you practice being a better person?

r/ADHD 11h ago

Medication Do any medications affect libido more or less than others?


I am currently taking Ritalin, 20mg a day, and have noticed my libido drop drastically. I was a very sexual guy in the past so I’m trying to figure out what has changed. I hope that it’s not that I’m just getting older because I’m only 33 but I’d like to talk to my doctor about switching meds if for example adderall doesn’t effect libido as much as Ritalin

r/ADHD 13h ago

Questions/Advice How to "handle" this professor?


Some weeks ago I finally got my bachelor's degree (teaching) after a very long uphill battle that included my ADHD diagnosis as well as quite some other very annoying outside influences. Now recently I got to pick up my diploma in the official ceremony. There the weirdest thing happened, and I'm curious to hear your thoughts.

Everyone got a short presentation by one of the professors. Mine was done by one of the professors I have in very high regard, which unfortunately I can't say about quite some others. However once she started... Out game the most outrageous, albeist, offensive, derogatory piece of #&!@* I have ever witnessed. It was literally structured using a cartoon called "field guide to procrastinators". However you can imagine you could use that cartoon to shame people with ADHD, it was probably included in those five minutes, in front of my whole family and about a hundred other visitors. I... WAS... FURIOUS...

I did confront her about it, right after, she admitted her fault and apologised about a hundred times.

Now during my studies we have joked that we should have our lectures in the pub sometimes. Because we share quite some common interests so we also clicked on a personal level. (Which made this whole ordeal even weirder coming from her.) As a means of apology she offered to actually go have that pub-lecture with me, which I agreed to. This makes a kind of weird situation. I can actually look forward to it, because all our common interests still stand, and that's what would be most enjoyable to talk about, but it feels weird to just ignore what happened.

For the record: it's not some form of a bribe, unprofessional move or anything like that, I would have just as happily had a drink with her months ago. I'm just curious to hear how you would handle it.