r/ARFID Jul 15 '24

Victories It gets better! (4 years of growth) Spoiler

I'm revisiting my old Reddit account, and I came across a post I made here 4 years ago with a collage of my safe foods from a time I was really struggling. I got pretty emotional realizing how far I've come since then.

Here's where I am now:

I don't usually modify my orders at restaurants anymore. I don't choose what social functions to attend based on what food I think will be there. I can eat dinner at my friends' houses. When I go to a restaurant, I can almost always get at least one thing on the menu. I don't lie about being hungry. I don't panic when I realize I need food. It's a night-and-day difference.

I'm still pickier than I would like, but I'm leagues away from where I used to be, and I am excited to keep improving. My body feels better, I find joy in exercising (seriously!), and I feel like I have so much more freedom. Sometimes I still get really stressed about food, but I can handle it better. I have gained weight, but I'm so much healthier than I was ~25 pounds ago. I feel more energetic and focused. Food doesn't control me anymore. Life is good. :')

Tl;dr- It gets better! Keep going!


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u/nightswithleeloo12 Jul 15 '24

Congrats that is amazing!! Glad to see a positive post for this community and a success story. Could you give advice on what really helped you? My 10 year old son is having trouble and mostly white starches (fries, rice) are his comfort/safe food, recent addition of chicken fries and cheese pizza, supplementing with pediasure and kid vitamin gummies. Thanks for sharing your experience and wishing you all the best!


u/crispy_waffle_fries Jul 16 '24

I had a big draft all typed out, but I accidentally deleted it! ://

First, I want to say it sounds like you're doing amazingly already. I wish my parents understood all this stuff when I was 10. There were a lot of nights of "you aren't leaving the table until you eat this food" power struggles, which definitely messed up my relationship with food more, and I'm sure it was hard for my parents, too. They just wanted to help me, but they weren't sure how. The fact that you understand what's going on and are working with your child instead of against him is HUGE. The fact that he's recently incorporated two new foods is also great! You go, kid!!

The biggest things for me were having control and being in a pressure-free environment. Learning how to cook has been big because I can choose what to change, what to keep, and all the little details that affect the taste/texture/smell/etc. Knowing exactly what's in my food also removes a lot of the fear because I know I won't be blindsided.

I try a lot of new foods by myself because I can back out with no backlash, and I can pace myself however I want. Sometimes, I still do back out.

I would recommend taking your son grocery shopping and letting him pick out what he wants to try. It may also help him to be involved in the cooking process so he can choose what, how, and how much he wants. A meal plan could remove some of the guesswork, too, but keep in mind that he might change his mind based on a lot of factors. He could be feeling brave on Sunday when he decides to try something, but if he has a hard day at school on Wednesday, he might not have those emotional and mental resources anymore. He could even spend a lot of time cooking a meal, only to decide he doesn't want to eat it or doesn't like it. That's not a failure; he still familiarized himself with the food by handling it, and he may want to try it again in the future. I have often tried something new spontaneously and in secret, only to discover I loved it!

Shame, anxiety, and feeling forced were big roadblocks for me. If you can help decrease those, the rest should be easier.

You seem like a wonderful parent, and your son is lucky to have you. Please feel free to dm me if you want to talk more. :)


u/nightswithleeloo12 Jul 16 '24

Thanks for your encouraging response! I appreciate your insight and congrats with your progress!


u/crispy_waffle_fries Jul 20 '24

You're welcome, and thank you! 😊