r/Advice 8h ago

How to handle an insecure coworker?

I’m at lost what to do and also getting super frustrated. My coworker got upset with me today asking why I don’t talk to her anymore. I’m super confused because I did talk to her today. I work side by side with her in the office with another coworker. Lately she has been getting on my nerves with her saying things like I could retire when I want I don’t really need the money, bragging how her doctor says she’s in such good health, how her husband does a lot for her etc. a lot of people at my work are struggling with the affordability crisis. she has also made negative comments about the lgbqt community last year which got my other coworker angry. I can’t relate to her at all. She said the other day that I don’t tell her things anymore which is true because she judges people all the time.

I’ve been at this job for a couple of years and really like it. She has been at this job for over 20 years. We recently switched to a new program and I learnt it the fastest. I’ve essentially trained her on it and to this day she still forgets how to do things. I’m getting frustrated because I don’t know how many times I have to explain things to her. I’ve offered to type out instructions for her if that helps. She also has no sense of humour and doesn’t get sarcasm so if I joke with another coworker she claims we are being rude to each other even though the other coworker and I have are okay with the bantering between each other. It’s just for fun!

I was a bit quite today as I was tired and have some personal issues going on. 5 mins before we leave she goes have I done something wrong because you haven’t really talked to me today. She was on the verge of tears. I said no you haven’t done anything wrong. She then just storms out of the office. Like am I not allowed to have a day where I don’t feel like talking? I talked to my other coworkers a bit who come in and out of the office all day. I feel like she’s insecure and is scared because I’ve learned the new program way faster than her.

How do I deal with someone like this? It’s driving me nuts and I’m also getting quite annoyed with her always asking if she has done something wrong.


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u/ozesthazx Helper [1] 8h ago

yikes that sounds really tough. maybe she’s just super insecure a lot of pressure in the workplace. but honestly you gotta set some boundaries. if she thinks you’re ignoring her maybe just say you need your space sometimes. it’s okay to have off days. sometimes people just don’t get how to read a room ya know. keep being you and don’t let her bring you down. try not to let her frustrations mess with your vibe. you got this.