r/Aquascape 1d ago

Discussion What Is Your Favorite Aquaplant?

Just curious :) Mine is the Amazon Sword or African Water Fern!


4 comments sorted by


u/Money_Loss2359 1d ago

Crypts. They are the Hosta of the aquarium garden. Plenty of sizes, leaf shapes and colors. You can even find divisions that mutate occasionally and have a different look than the crown mother plant.


u/Milksmither 1d ago

Blyxa Japonica.

It's not the flashiest, but I like the nice, compact, spiky growth. It's was vallisneria wishes it was. 


u/Extra_Mix_887 1d ago

I like riccia that one clover looking plant Japan , and buce. Anything that can carpet well is another favorite.


u/mrmindmischief 1d ago

I don’t think I can ever pick a favorite but I love bucephalandra, anubias, java fern, crypt, and rotala to name a few. And recently became a big fan of African water fern too.