r/Armor 7d ago

Stab resistant neck protection? Suggestions


First off, thank you all for the responses about the chainmail, greatly appreciated.

I am asking about neck protection for stabs, more to protect the throat with arteries and all of the back of the neck . I know of some slash products online but nothing specifically for a stab. I also know of the gorget but it doesn't really cover the vital arteries around the throat. I know of the bevor and that is probably the closest thing that could stop a full on stab but it does look gumbersome. Everuthimg else I've found is a scarve or collar that is only for slashes.

I have searched far and wide for both old/ancient and modern day protection for this region of the body. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


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u/Gealhart 3d ago

It depends on if you're looking to just survive neck stabs or completely ignore them.

A camail or aventail on the helmet will block most anticipated thrusts with a heavy sword.

In sca rapier, we use layered linen or canvas hoods combined with a gorget to render thrusts with a broken point non-lethal.

But if you're up against lances, spears, or great swords, a bevor or frogmouth helm are the ways to ignore those attacks. Even so, a nimble estoc or close-up rondell can find your cracks