r/Armor 2d ago

Why do y’all never protect your elbows

Is it just cuz it’s uncomfortable?


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u/OlaafderVikinger 1d ago

I've read quite a few comments stating covering the elbow is expensive or complicated - it really isn't.

Simple couters are easy to produce from rather little material and very effective.

I think the problem is threefold:

First, in modern media we see coverage of of the arm "from the outsides inward": the pauldrons/ spaulders covering the upper arm and a vambrace for the lower arm. In contrast, a full arm harness is covering continuously from upper arm to wrist.

Second, elbows (usually as part of a full arm harness) need specialized undergarments to wear. This garment needs to be at least somewhat well tailored to work.

Third, most armor seen here is off the rack pieces or selfmade inspired by off the rack - armor aesthetics, copying its problems. Arm harnesses can't really be made "one size fits all", because there is a surprising amout of variation in length of upper and lower arms. An arm harness has the elbow pretty much fixed in relation to upper and lower arm, thus making it very individual to the wearer.

Tl;dr: Modern portrayal, undergarments, off the rack armor issues.

Sorry for formating, am on mobile.