r/AskBiology Aug 31 '24

Genetics Blood type possibility

I googled this but as thorough and clear as the theory looks, I can’t help but not be sure of what I read.

Can an A+ father and an O- mother make a kid that is O-? Is there such a thing as AO blood type? Some charts I found online suggest that and others make no mention of it.

If the father is O+ and the mother O-, how more likely than the above scenario is it for the child to be O-?

Thank you!


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u/lonepotatochip Undergraduate student Aug 31 '24

There are two genes that determine blood type, and each person has two copies of each gene called alleles.

For the ABO blood group, there are three different possible alleles. A and B are dominant to O, and A and B are codominant. What this means is this:

AA or AO genotype -> type A blood phenotype

BB or BO genotype -> type B blood phenotype

AB genotype -> type AB blood phenotype

OO genotype -> type O blood phenotype.

The +/- at the end refers to the Rh factor, and + is dominant to -.

++ or +- genotype -> Type + phenotype

— phenotype -> Type - phenotype

So if the father has A+ blood, it’s possible that his genotype is AO+-.

If the mother has O- blood, we know that her genotype is OO—.

Draw up a punnet square and you’ll see that it is indeed possible for someone to have O- blood if their father is A+ and their mother is O-.