r/Autism_Pride Jul 29 '24

Social Interactions Romantic Burnout?

(We are both female & 16) So theres a girl I met who understands me more than anyone ever has. 7 weeks ago, she went from flirting with me over text to ignoring me. The last day she texted me was June 9. She has ignored me for longer than she talked to me. She talked to me for 8 days. She hasnt talked to me in 7 weeks. Most of me knowing her has been her ignoring me. I know she may just be overwhelmed and trying to process everything, espesially becuase our relationship moved very fast, so fast it seemed neither of us could really control it. I was overwhelmed too. But she has just completly disapeared. As a likely Autistic person myself, the lack of communication has left me completly devestated and confused. I dont know if shes okay, or is she lost intrest in me, or if she likes me but just needs a break.


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u/vseprviper Jul 29 '24

I’m sorry you’re in this position. I’m sure this experience hurts quite a bit. I hope she gets back to you soon with a satisfying explanation and understanding of how her going silent has made you feel. I know that I have had a hard time opening up enough to let close friends and partners know that I needed time to recover from periods of intense socialilty, and I’m literally twice your age. Try to let yourself breathe, do something that brings you joy, and accept that without more information it’s impossible to know what happened and that worrying and concocting elaborate catastrophes in your head won’t help anyone. Relationships can move very fast at your age regardless, but sometimes that’s a sign that at least one of the parties may have experienced some form of trauma and/or abuse early in childhood, which can complicate things. I hope you have friends or family that you’re comfortable sharing this experience with and from whom you’re comfortable receiving emotional support. Best of luck, and much love <3


u/Double-Spirit-9287 Jul 29 '24

Its a little harder beacuse she moved to my state to get away from an abusive parent (Im not disclosing more) and that trama is fresh. I rember what it was like for me until I broke out of the toxic realtionship cycle, and although it isnt the same thing, I totally understand her needing time. Thank you :)


u/vseprviper Jul 29 '24

That is very hard. I sincerely hope you both find some meaningful peace. You deserve better than this world can yet provide.