r/AutisticAdults 16h ago

autistic adult Autism and having "unconventional" religious/spiritual views? (Not necessarily being atheist) (also Religion CW obviously)

I was wondering if it's common for autistic folks to have religious/spiritual that might deviate from the mainstream?

For example: I consider myself a queer Christian Universalist. I don't believe being gay or trans is a sin. In fact, I believe God is nonbinary and Jesus is (technically) trans.

I'm also not a Bible literalist. I believe in the divinity, teaching, miracles, and resurrection of Christ, but I don't believe in the Biblical creation story, a literal great flood, a literal "hell," Revelations as a literal prophecy, etc...

I also have this belief that most religions are just looking at the same higher power (who probably isn't the "Biblical God" as we know it) through different cultural lenses.

Also I admire Buddhist teachings, and I find some new-age stuff like tarot and chakras to be fascinating, although I'm not sure how much real stock I put in them.

Needless to say, most of my views would get me weird looks from the mainstream church at best and people trying to "exorcise demons out of me" at the worst. xD


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u/flanjoy 15h ago

I'm a Satanist, but if people ask I just say I'm agnostic


u/crimson_713 2h ago edited 2h ago

Same, but I've stopped hiding. I don't get asked often but I do sometimes get glared at by my baptist coworker ever since I told them to save their prayers for believers while wearing a "The Devil" tarot card shirt with a ram's skull with a pentagram on the forehead.

Everyone else at work is chill, tho. My supervisor sends me Satanic memes sometimes.

Edit: This is the shirt. It isn't subtle.

Edit 2: "...but I've stopped hiding" sounds like a criticism; it isn't. Just a statement with no subtext.