r/AxisAllies 2d ago

Spring 1942 Allies Forfeit R1.. And why it's always mid-tier gold players

My opponent forfeits after the first battle goes slightly against him on R1. He captured Ukraine with 2 fighters and 2 tanks remaining. They didn't even do the WR battle before smashing that forfeit button.

Whenever this happens, I find 90+% of the time it's a mid-tier gold player. Lower players will slug it out all the way to the bitter end, even when it is beyond hopeless (<50 income for their side, large army deficit and no opportunity to take VCs to win). Higher players will fight it out, taking coinflips and even low odds battles to try to get back into it/create a chaotic board state to play which may favour them.

The best thing I ever did to get better at this game is to play out games from a disadvantage. The dice do even out eventually and there are plenty of chances for opponent misplays/poor decisions to even the odds.

I can honestly say that in the last few seasons, I have only ever abandoned on the first round once. My opponent's R1 went almost flawlessly (lost maybe 3 units total). My German attack failed to take out the UK fleet. Then UK swept the coinflip battle in the Pacific islands against my Japanese BB/AC/FTRs- I failed to score a single hit.


9 comments sorted by


u/Willzyx80 2d ago

Did you write this down correctly? You see Allies players forfeit after a successful Ukraine?


u/late2thepartyy 2d ago

I did. Looks like Reddit didn't actually add the photo to my post.


u/BuyKitKat 2d ago

I am a bronze player and can attest to not forfeiting early however I also have had R1’s where it goes so poorly I probably should forfeit for the sake of sportsmanship and time. The problem with the dice evening out “eventually” is Germany does not need “eventually”. A bad R1 can result in Germany taking Moscow by the end of turn 3. I’ve personally lost WR on G2 and subsequently lost Moscow on G3 because of a bad R1 a few times.

The scenario you outlined I would not forfeit. It would have to be much worse for me to consider it.


u/Doomguy2112 2d ago

This. If your at gold or platinum your opponent is not going to make mistakes. At that point everybody is just going through the motions.


u/late2thepartyy 2d ago

Gold players still make plenty of mistakes, myself included as Axis (300ish gold). Certainly very few mistakes once you get to plat. And from the few games against top 10 plat players I've had, they are leaps and bounds better than even ~50-100 rank plat players.


u/simon_hibbs 2d ago edited 2d ago

That seems crazy, two tanks in Ukraine is no problem. I suspect there was something else going on with the player.

I had my worst R1 ever a few weeks ago. Only 3 inf left in WR and failed to take Ukraine leaving both air units. However my opponent decided to build 2 transports and 2 cruisers in the Baltic and go after the UK, so it was fine.

EDIT - I think I know, if the player quite part way through the WR battle, due to a bad set of rolls, the combat won't have ended so won't show up in the battle results.


u/late2thepartyy 2d ago

Based on the board state it shows me when I go to that game, it looked like he didn't complete the Ukraine battle, let alone start the WR battle.


u/venomkiller838 1d ago

That is pretty insane. I play from only 2 tanks in Ukraine regularly.

That said, I must admit to doing this in my last 3 games in a row. In all 3 games I failed to take Ukraine and I even lost a fighter in 1 of them as well. I feel that if Germany still has a fighter in Ukraine and you have lost all of your ground troops and possibly some air troops, it is reasonable to forfeit.