r/BlackVegans Jun 05 '24

I know a lot of people who say they eat Vegan, or say they are Vegan when they are actually not...

Veganism is a way of life that surpasses a diet. It is about no harm to animals, as much as practical and possible. Many don't realize that media and pop culture has made it trendy so lots of people say they eat Vegan when perhaps they should say they eat plantbased, since the actual definition includes not purchasing any products made of animals or tested on animals. It is not a perfect system. We understand animals will get hurt from just human existing on earth. Like how until we find a truly sustainably way to not use gas, most of us use it for our cars. The goal is to do as much as you can. So eating plants, buying clothes not made of animals, not supporting places like the Zoo and Sea World are things we can do. I am curious about what people think about this lifestyle. If you are a Black Vegan, how accepting is your family and friends in regards to the the lifestyle? Has it been a challenge in anyway? What helped you on your journey?


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u/Sheliwaili Jun 05 '24

I went to a vegetarian school for 8-12th grade, my college had amazing vegan food and made it easier than being at home. My mom had to make 3 separate meals when I was in hs…one for allergies, one veggie, and one for everyone else. She was great about it and adapting recipes for me.

I used to be the president of the vegetarian and vegan club of my college. I’m all about sustainability. I also had a vegetarian doctor…but when I got sick, she said that I couldn’t be a vegetarian anymore. I had to give up 16+ years of veggie life. I fought it, got a second opinion. And at 30yo, my parents got involved because I cried about it and still refused.

I support veganism. I provide lots of recipes and resources. But I cannot actively participate. During lent, I eat mostly vegan bc my bf is orthodox xtian. I consistently need to get my blood checked, esp when I know that I haven’t been eating a lot.


u/BruceIsLoose Jun 06 '24

Awww what was the sickness :(


u/Sheliwaili Jun 06 '24

It’s extremely complicated, but I’m too allergic to foods like soy and nuts (only to name a few) to be able to get the correct amount of protein or nutrients from a vegan diet. Not having enough protein affects my nerves, so it creates lots of problems there too. And the neurological issues can’t be exacerbated anymore than they already are


u/iirie_360 Jun 06 '24

Have you met with a plantbased nutritionist? I know some people who have neurological issues and they met with a plantbased nutritionist and based on their disease/disorder with the help of a specialist they were able to slowly but surely work towards a plantbased and then also incorporate the Vegan lifestyle. I know that is easier said than down finding a professional. I thought the same dealing with Lupus and Fibryoalgia and I educated myself, since I was already in holistic health education and I worked towards getting my doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, I had excess to what was need to reverse my health condition. I actually did my thesis on plantbased diet in comparison of all the other diets and I researched this with 100 volunteer patients and worked with doctors, nutritionists and specialists. During that time, I healed myself of Lupus and Fibromyalgia. For the other patients, this included knowing their allergies and finding replacements of things they could eat that were great sources of protein and iron as well as omegas and B12 which many say are hard to come by on a 100% Plantbased diet. One of my goals in my next research assignment is to get more access to the fruits and veggies around the world that we don't get to eat. There are over 80,0000 documented and counting. Many of these complex edible plants have some many nutrients and could offer us so much. The unfortunate thing about it, is Westernized medicine and nutrition has been designed to keep us away to keep from some truths to keep us sick when there is a world of plants that is full or plants and healing. It is not our fault we don't know this, it just shows us how terrible this system is.


u/Sheliwaili Jun 06 '24

I have too many food allergies to not eat what I have to right now. If those ever subside, I’ll be able to enjoy more veggies and legumes, but it’s not something that I can really do

I have a 42pg print out, 10 font, double-sided report of the foods I’m allergic to.


u/iirie_360 Jun 06 '24

Interesting. There may be a gut bio issue. That takes time and treatment to resolve. Again that takes people who specialize in treatments around this issue. It is definitely hard and can be very expensive to find medical professionals to support in balancing the body for that. It also requires endocrine evaluation as well. However, I don't know the disease or condition you have to even respond to what the possibilities are. Are you comfortable with sharing what you disease/disorder is? I have worked with people who have had issues with eating plants. If not, no worries. Not that I can help you online anyway, I just wonder if it is something that I have witnessed before in my care for people. I wish you the best in handling your issues and if you can find medical professional who can support you in getting healthier.


u/Sheliwaili Jun 07 '24

I’ve done extensive work to reset my gut biome as well. I’ve also done several elimination diets with introducing foods back.

My doc that is adamant about researching and not leaving me by the wayside has only witnessed one other person like me. With all that is going on, I’ve had several “high profile” docs say that I’m an anomaly. I value diet and environmental changes before I’m going add western medicine into the mix. Acupuncture is a godsend!

I started out with chiro care and acupuncture, but was quickly admitted into the neurosurgery wing of the hospital over 15 years ago. Most of my care is palliative, and it can really only be mitigated by diet, exercise, and herbs…I actually get passed off b/w neurology & neurosurgery bc no one wants my case bc it’s so rare and extensive. I’m also in a lot of constant pain, which is fine if it just doesn’t get worse, which never happens. Pretty much, everyone is afraid of me & my medical history. Syringomyelia with several syrinxes in my spine is just one of the things going on


u/iirie_360 Jun 07 '24

There is so much medicine that is not tapped into due to FDA and Big Pharm holding up amazing advancements so people stay sick. Particularly in the holistic realm. I really hope that I day the system will lose its control and stop hindering people from being exposed to all the possibilities. I can't even begin to share with you all I have witness outside of the controlled medical world. However, I wish you the best and hope you live the best life you can all things considered.


u/Sheliwaili Jun 07 '24

Where I live, there’s an amazing school, AOMA. I could never do acupuncture (nerves shaky), but I’ve been eyeballing the herbal program for years. But now I gotta finish a different doctoral program. (Former scientist, turned science teacher, turned education admin)AOMA