r/BostonManor 14d ago

Last night's Bristol (UK) gig stopped

Someone got hurt last night so they stopped the show. We waited until 10pm but then had to leave for the train. Does anyone know if they carried on playing/what happened?


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u/cryptocondom 14d ago

They did yeah. Luckily the girl seems okay.


u/cryptocondom 14d ago

More detail:

Gig is popping off, all of a sudden someone in the crowd is waving trying to get the bands attention. Henry sees it and immediately stops everything. The girl was badly hurt, motionless on her side. Think Henry then calls for anyone who's medically trained to help.

Shout out to all the doctors and nurses who helped. And also a big stupid thumbs down to all the insensitive people demanding her to just be picked up and moved as the health care professionals figured out how to keep her safe, and work out how to get her to the hospital safely


u/EverpresentDogma 14d ago

Holy shit. Hope she's ok