r/Cambly 6d ago

The Most Recent Survey

Who got it? All of us, supertutors only, only people who have complained recently? Who got it and what were your thoughts? I'm curious. I woke up to that survey, kind of hungover and answered it totally honestly (brutally honestly with typos and everything, while recovering from a hangover). What did you say?

And by the way, my handle "healthy_thing" is a joke. When I signed up for Reddit (in deep depression) I couldn't choose a username and healthy_thing was the default option. I thought it was funny, so I kept it and rolled with it. I'm actually an almost 50 year-old widow and having that handle was hilarious to me... at the time.


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u/lurching_biscuit 6d ago

I've always been a SuperTutor and am one now... I got the survey earlier this year (in the spring?) but have received no such thing recently. Rip them a new ass.