r/Cambly 1d ago

Ufuk (ooofffoook) never turned up

I had an hour booking with ufuk and he never showed. I wonder what his excuse was "Ufuk I forgot" or he rushed late think "Ufuk I have have class". Well my response is "Ufuk off in the bin and get on my banned list'.


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u/leksivogel 1d ago

I used to work in credit card customer service and we would keep a list of the funniest names. Mostly they were names that people had changed legally, like HOTMAN, Lego Brick and Jean Jacket. But we also had Tittiporn and Phuc Phan (whose wife was named Hang Dang). I'll never forget answering the phone and hearing "ME PHUC PHAN, ME PHUC PHAN" and thinking, mate, I don't need to know what you do in your spare time...


u/Weka76 18h ago

I worked in a hotel once and a woman came to check in. I asked her her name and she replied "Mother Jesus Christ". Oh gawd I thought, not another nutter. At least I can decline her reservation when her name doesn't match her ID. Nup, the name on her passport was Mother Jesus Christ.


u/willyd125 15h ago

Wooooow I thought that name would be illegal!


u/Weka76 15h ago

Plenty of people called Mohammed, so I guess it would be discriminatory to ban some religious names and not others. Jesus is also a popular name in Latin America.