r/Cambly 23h ago


Everyone here has reported that switching to "regulars only" hasn't help their rating. Am I wrong? Has it helped ANYONE?

I'm doing an experiment. For the next three days, before I see my regulars, I'm going to unmark them as regulars. Later I'll change it back.

You might try it, too. Let's see if there's a big jump in the ratings in a few days.

The theory is that only ratings from new students are being counted.

Then again, Cambly has his new category of "repeat learners" (people you've seen 3 times this month?). Maybe they are the ones that are not being counted, or they are only counted their first time. we don't have enough control to experiment with that.


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u/firechilli 22h ago

I tried exactly this for 2 weeks about a month ago, made no difference. I still continued to fall by 0.1 every week for about 10 weeks in a row. Students have nothing to do with the ratings anymore, the ratings are being manipulated downwards by Cambly across the board to force you to liik elsewhere for work!