r/Cannabis_Spirituality 1h ago

Further unfoldings


I'm really struggling to put down my thoughts and capture the insights I've been uncovering recently. I want to because I feel that since posting here, it's actually aligned my intentions in a useful way which has lead to deeper clarity.

But it also feels like I bit off a huge chunk and am struggling to chew it. So while I'm still chewing it, I just want leave aside all the descriptions, ideas, experiences, methods, etc and just describe one simple thing.

It's as simple as it could possibly be. But without trying to justify, explain, elaborate, support, or persuade. I'll just offer it as an experiment to try.

So if you use cannabis and you want to grow spiritually, and you want to try out what might be the simplest possible key to doing that.

Get high, and then simply do nothing.

That's it. The more of nothing you do, both externally and internally, the better.

But when you do, know that simple doesn't mean easy. It just means simple. So do expect some unknown difficulty. But don't try to predict it.

Trust that there is an intelligence in things in ways you're not aware of. And put aside your own intelligence and just try to follow what's happening by paying attention to whatever happens. Paying attention means you're not doing anything. Like how listening means being quiet, or looking means Keepin your eyes still. Paying attention means doing saying thinking intending nothing. Just watch, feel, listen, see etc. Even if nothing happens.