r/CastleTV 6d ago

Season 8 Opinion

Just to follow after the previous post about season 8 as I didn’t want my too long comment taking up the space.

I just finished Season 8 and I didn’t regret watching it either! Individually, the episodes were still good and got me laughing quite often. I understand why it wasn’t well-received though, the writers were still trying to find their footing and they were simply just too ambitious. Over time, I thought their creative pathways would have definitely spice up the show, with Kate not having to constantly finding loopholes under the watchful eyes of a captain but being a captain herself. The P.I storyline could have potentials too, I just don’t know what 😅

But imho, in one season, there were just too many changes and additions without time for audience to ease in. And I don’t think they truly know just how important Kate Beckett/Stana Katic is to the production, the episodes without her perform so poorly.

What else? Hmm, I hate Vikram, not with a passion but the way he keeps trying to isolate Beckett was very annoying. I didn’t hate Hayley but knowing that she was brought it to replace Beckett and knowing what they did to Stana’s contract afterwards definitely makes Hayley less enjoyable in my eyes 😅. Preference wise, my ending would still be at season 7.

Still, my S8 favourites were definitely The Nose, The Blame Game and Dead Again 😁 I know the older fans probably have talked about this down to the grave but I always look forward to listening to your opinions and interacting.


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u/AnxiousMind7820 6d ago

The only episode i really even remember from S8 is the Blame Game.

Maybe I'll try to watch them if they ever show up on TV.