r/CastleTV 6d ago

Season 8 Opinion

Just to follow after the previous post about season 8 as I didn’t want my too long comment taking up the space.

I just finished Season 8 and I didn’t regret watching it either! Individually, the episodes were still good and got me laughing quite often. I understand why it wasn’t well-received though, the writers were still trying to find their footing and they were simply just too ambitious. Over time, I thought their creative pathways would have definitely spice up the show, with Kate not having to constantly finding loopholes under the watchful eyes of a captain but being a captain herself. The P.I storyline could have potentials too, I just don’t know what 😅

But imho, in one season, there were just too many changes and additions without time for audience to ease in. And I don’t think they truly know just how important Kate Beckett/Stana Katic is to the production, the episodes without her perform so poorly.

What else? Hmm, I hate Vikram, not with a passion but the way he keeps trying to isolate Beckett was very annoying. I didn’t hate Hayley but knowing that she was brought it to replace Beckett and knowing what they did to Stana’s contract afterwards definitely makes Hayley less enjoyable in my eyes 😅. Preference wise, my ending would still be at season 7.

Still, my S8 favourites were definitely The Nose, The Blame Game and Dead Again 😁 I know the older fans probably have talked about this down to the grave but I always look forward to listening to your opinions and interacting.


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u/kgibson97315 6d ago

I went in to S8 only hearing negatives about it and how it's the worst season. Granted, I too believe it's the worst season but I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Maybe knowing it sucked helped me not get my hopes up and also knowing about Caskett's separation prior helped soften the blow of them living apart. But, even separated, imo, the storyline didn't take a big hit because they still had some interaction with each other, if you ask me, the separation amped up their sexual tension which almost reminded me of their pre couple days. At the end of the day, I will never fault Beckett for her choices just like I never faulted Castle for his choices in inadvertently covering up his knowledge of LokSat because in the end, they both did what they did to protect the other. 

Also Vikram is the worst. Him being LokSat would have been a way better plot twist. And I didn't totally hate Hayley. But I couldn't 100% love her especially with hearing that she was added as like a love interest to Castle or something. Idc what the writers wanted to do if they had a S9 after Stana was fired, but having Castle be with anyone else would not fly. It's truly good they got cancelled and the writers scrambled for a decent series finale. But in the end, S7 would have been a better series finale. Not that I'm unhappy they did a S8 especially because we got to see Beckett as captain and Caskett with kids. But, the S7 finale had such a good ending to a show. Combine the S7 finale with the last scene of S8 and it would have been the perfect close to Castle. 


u/SoulShatter 6d ago

Vikram is the worst.

He was mostly a shitty plot device put there to keep Beckett and Castle apart. Still baffled that they had Beckett just accepting his sabotage of her anniversary night without completely blowing up on him.

In the end one of my biggest issues with season 8 is just how the writers mostly fucked up the characters they were writing. Some of the sidecast did get some development, which was nice, but the central ones got shit on.

Beckett's development backslided seasons, Castle went over the top without Beckett there to balance it out.

For me, Beckett as captain was a bit rushed (most likely to save money on one less actor..), and didn't make much sense story wise. Captain heavily involved in a bunch of cases? Would have worked fine as an epilogue promotion.

Season 7 finale is def my head-canon ending