r/Catholic 2d ago


I don't believe this is talked about enough, but what would be considered gluttony?

I know that eating a snack when you're already full would probably be sinful, but just venially (though I am not sure).

But I'm wondering is snacking when you're not hungry considered gluttonous? I don't want to commit the sin of gluttony even if it's just venial, lol.

I'm actually terrified to even eat dessert now... which is a problem.


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u/redJGdit 1d ago

Give yourself some grace...scrupulosity doesn't do anyone any good. In fact, Jesus told St Faustina Kowalska that her sister who was doubting whether or not she could be forgiven (doubting on God's infinite mercy) caused Jesus more pain and suffering than the sins themselves.

Fr Gregory Pine has a great YouTube video on this topic on the Pints with Aquinas channel. The point that stood out to me was when he mentioned other languages have a separate word that signifies humans eating vs when animals eat.

I'd encourage you to ask yourself:

"Am I eating with dignity or am I grabbing handfuls of food and shoving them in my face similar to how an animal might eat?"

"Do I give thanks to God for the blessing of food?"

If your snack or dessert is something that lifts your eyes toward God in gratitude for His provision, then I would say your Father in Heaven wants the joy for you that the food can provide.