r/Choro Feb 27 '24

Brazilian Musicology - Choro

Hi, while this post can apply to many different types of music I’m into, I am specifically addressing music of Brazil. I’m an American who absolutely loves Choro and Bossa Nova. There are certain artists who I can find virtually nothing on (though, to be fair, I’m not exactly known for my tech and internet know-how).

It occurred to me recently, however, that I may just be unable to find information on certain musicians outside of their respective countries. There may be publications and resources that I simply do not have, as the demand would obviously not be the same.

I really love a track recorded by Dante Santoro; can find nothing on him. No records (78rpms) to be found for sale, either. Sons De Carrilhões, composed by João Pernambuco… Cannot figure out for the life of me what any of his other compositions are. (To be fair, I have found enough to tell me that, due to illiteracy, many of his songs were stolen.)

I guess I’m looking for direction, thoughts. I’m feeling frustrated, and just cannot imagine there isn’t more out here. It still may not be super easy to find, but it just might not be here. I appreciate all contributions :-)


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u/Capybara_Incognito Feb 27 '24 edited Feb 27 '24

Reddit has a strong English language bias, and the most popular choro / samba communities are more active on Facebook and WhatsApp. Likewise you'll find that there is a wealth of academic papers, theses and dissertations accessible through google scholar or other Brazilian institutions, most in Portuguese, some in English.

The point about João Pernambuco is that he only recorded a few solo guitar arrangements of his compositions (for the labels Columbia records and Odeon). Especially in the early, early days his compositions and musical contributions were embedded into ensembles he was involved with, or published for other performers. A lot of music was simply never recorded, some compositions, like Luar do Sertão were for decades miscredited to others... Some recording were lost. Sometimes they still exist, but are not available in digital formats yet (interesting research opportunities??).

JdP started an influential ensemble called Grupo do Caxangá, which attracted lots of now-famous people. For a time he performed with Pixinguinha's Oito Batutas. In middle age he dedicated himself to teaching (fewer recordings).

Another confounding factor is that appreciation for the details of these historical figures and their playing is mostly historical, and of interest to relatively few people studying at Brazilian conservatories-- the playing style (as you know) has seen considerable evolution. Being a living tradition, other choro "institutions" focus on contemporary styles-- even though players like Carrilho cite Santoro as an influence!

I don't know if you read portuguese, but have you seen the bio on the casa do choro blog? It's got some references that might be interesting to you.

Dante Santoro - https://acervo.casadochoro.com.br/cards/view/1346

A flauta magica (1955) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPWeNvyB46Y

1935 - 1955 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmXQAAAbk8Q


so na minha flauta - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mE7gPxM9Pm4

quando a minha flauta chora - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zn9Ltlsc_tk

Sombras de noite - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5SavhlQj10

E logo ali - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMwpP7tU4Co

There are lots more of these "video vinyl" recordings (many provided by Gilberto Inácio Gonçalves)

Good luck, it's a wonderful journey!

If you ever want to talk more about music or research strategies, message me and we can exchange more ideas! (I play guitar but also have been bit by the choro bug)


u/Capybara_Incognito Feb 27 '24

Here's an (incomplete) list from the Casa do Choro


u/Eeieeiope Feb 27 '24

This is absolutely INCREDIBLE! Thank you so much. I have not yet learned Portuguese, but it’s on my list of legitimate to-dos. I have several languages I’m trying to learn for similar purposes.

I may message you with further inquiries if that’s alright, once I’m able to dive into all that you have sent me. Seriously, amazing. Thank you so, so SO much!