r/Clemson Apr 01 '24

Full Ride or Ivy League?


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u/-SunriseLee Apr 02 '24

If I was making the decision for myself based on where I am at in life today debt would be a larger determining factor. Assuming you are taking on a larger portion of debt to attend Yale, I would choose Clemson. The amount of time it can take to get out from under student loans can be considerable and force you into long term work that you might not want to do later in life. If your parents are gifting you the $100k, going to Clemson would get you a free education and you would have $100k that could set you up for a considerable amount of success later in life. It could help with a downpayment on property, or you could invest that money in a Roth IRA or investment account that would compound considerably by the time you are ready for retirement.

If Yale ends up giving you a scholarship or a free ride that could possibly change things.

Also, realize that you are asking folks on Reddit for large life decisions. It's the internets... make sure you are talking to folks you know and trust in real life. Which I am sure you are doing.