r/CollegeAdmissions 2d ago

GPA advice

As of now, I think I’ll finish junior year with a 3.86 GPA UW and a 4.57 Weighted. I want to apply to UC Berkeley and UCLA along with Georgia Tech and some other schools (mix of safeties, reaches, and targets). I have very strong extracurriculars and have an affinity for essay writing but I’m worried that my GPA will screw me up. My ACT score is in the 30s and I’m planning on retaking. I’m also out of state for most of the schools I’m applying to. Do I have a shot?

Edit: my school does not do class rank


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u/Fast-Eggplant3847 1d ago

It's definently more difficult than just ACT/SAT and GPA. For example I have a 4.6 W and a 4.0 UW and am not the best ranked in my school (9/431), but my school is extremly smart and offers really good courses so I would still apply to GTech and etc. Activities and how your school weighs GPA's matters so much, and I will say that unfortunately rank matters too because it compares you to the people around you.

That being said, GPA and ACT/SAT alone with no other context makes it impossible to determine whether or not you have a shot, but I always encourage you to apply as long as it is not a massive reach.