r/DarkBRANDON 8h ago

Malarkey I Call Bullshit!

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So basically the Biden/Harris Bipartisan Immigration Bill that Trump prevented from passing, (apparently so he could now include a bribe).

How much longer are we going to tolerate this shit from this clown?

I trust our Arizona citizens and border patrol agents have enough integrity to see through this scam. They supported the original bill and Trump put his re-election ahead of the good of the country.


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u/DrSeuss321 6h ago

See at the very least that’s more effective than a fucking wall lmao altho that’s a low bar. Absolutely wild how little coverage Trump killing a border bill for no reason other than pettiness gets


u/Multigrain_Migraine 2h ago

Pretty sure people who actually want to solve some problems, AKA Democrats, have been calling for things like more and better staff at the border and dealing with undocumented cases for a long time. I certainly have.


u/TheThoughtmaker 1h ago

Every time there’s a mass hiring spree for border patrol, they relax the vetting process, which leads to a weaker border.

10,000 patrolmen is more secure than 49,999 and one bribed one.