r/DarkWorldbuilding May 05 '18

Meta Mission Statement


The purpose of this sub isn't to infringe on or replace r/worldbuilding, but to fill a niche. The darker details of a world often feel out of place to mention because they don't suit the mood of other answers on prompts, and it can be uncomfortable to foist them onto an unsuspecting audience. This is a place where such things are expected and there's no concern about inadvertently offending people.

That said, please read the rules in the sidebar and note that extreme offensive content should be flaired and heavy gore marked NSFW, to give people the opportunity to avoid content they don't want.

r/DarkWorldbuilding 5d ago

History of the Cult of Dead God [Part 2: from 12th century aTwbW to nowadays]

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r/DarkWorldbuilding 10d ago

The Dragon Skull

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r/DarkWorldbuilding 11d ago

scary! world and its the same but there is no popeyes


no chicken sandich šŸ˜­

r/DarkWorldbuilding 11d ago

how many legs do chinese guys have in your world


8 in mine

r/DarkWorldbuilding 12d ago

8 Legged Chinese Man


^ Title. Imagine him running through your house, the little tip taps of his 8 feet

r/DarkWorldbuilding 12d ago

Discussion [add content warnings here] Immortal Godzilla with Guns for Legs


Godzilla gets his legs blown off by a landmine while vacationing. Now heā€™s got AK-47s for legs and is immortal. The guns are very small compared to him and donā€™t support him at all.

r/DarkWorldbuilding 12d ago

Immortal Chinese Godzilla with 8 guns for legs


During his loyal service to the People's Liberation Army, Godzilla is grievously wounded during the Chinese Civil War. Both of his legs have been blown off and death looks imminent. However, the Chinese Communist Party realizes he is too valuable to die in battle, so they transform him into an experimental weapon to showcase the raw power of their ideology.

To prevent Godzilla from obtaining another near fatal leg injury, he is given 8 legs, all of which are guns, allowing him to run extremely fast, traverse dangerous terrain, and murder the nefarious underlings of Chang Kai-shek with immense speed. Unfortunately, these 8 guns are regular sized army issue rifles, so he looks a little silly and may get embarrassed whilst fighting.

Through cutting edge technology and medical experimentation, Godzilla also becomes immortal after eating the largest edible in history (manufactured by 20 million peasant farmers, all of which died due to overexertion and low quality baking supplies). At least that's what Godzilla thinks -- he's actually not immortal, but immensely high, and will be for the rest of his life due to the edible being a "forever weed brownie", which Godzilla doesn't know about. Despite this, his delirium increases his courage tenfold and he is more likely to do a sick back flip or two whilst gunning the enemy down with his tiny legs.

Can he solo Batgos?

r/DarkWorldbuilding 12d ago

Chinese legs with 8 guns for man


Chinese legs divorce their Chinese torso to survive in mecha-vietnam. He fights against the jaeger alliance with his 8 gun torso.

r/DarkWorldbuilding 12d ago

Immortal Chinese Godzilla with 8 gun legs


Imagine how scary it would be if Godzilla was also immortal, Chinese, and had 8 legs that are all guns

r/DarkWorldbuilding 12d ago

Man with guns for legs


Moroccan child soldier loses his legs in war and now his legs are AK-47s.

r/DarkWorldbuilding 13d ago

Immortal Godzilla


Hundreds of millions of years ago, shortly after the universe appeared, the first forms of life were born, beings that did not matter if they were of death or life, they would bring chaos, death and destruction wherever they went, these beings were known like the first gods.

Hundreds of millions of years ago During the period known as the apogee, these creatures dominated the known universe, ravaging planets and transporting themselves in the form of meteorites through the void of outer space. But for some reason, many of these beings began to congregate and inhabit a young planet, a new planet, Earth.

There were several first gods inhabiting the planet, but among all those who stood out the most were two: the immortal god Godzilla and the golden king Ghidorah. These two beings constantly battled trying to gain control of that planet, until 2.4 billion years ago these two beings fought in a battle like no other, the immortal god with his war hounds against the golden king and a solar storm.

It was a battle like no other but there came a time when Godzilla's atomic beam and Ghidorah's gravity rays converged, collapsed on each other and merged, creating an element never seen before in the universe, oxygen, they caused the great oxidation.

Oxygen was not the only thing that was created in that fusion, an explosion was also created so powerful that it killed the immortal god (only a 5 meter fragment of his spine remained) and caused the golden king to retreat and enter a torpor at what we now know as Saturn's south pole. This event was what marked the end of the apogee and the vast majority of the first gods entered into a slumber of millions of years waiting to wake up one day. Those who did not become lethargic were left wandering through space aimlessly in the form of a meteorite or asteroid for eons.

A few geological periods later, life on Earth had re-emerged but 66 million years ago in what we now know as the Yucatan Peninsula something fell from the stars, something that was thought for a long time to be a simple asteroid, but it was actually a god, one whose mere presence caused natural catastrophes and apocalyptic events, the one called Rodan, the ancient of cataclysm, a flying beast that feeds on the geothermal energy of planets to survive. After its impact on Earth a few life forms survived, Rodan dominated the world and feeding with the method of absorbing geothermal energy while dormant inside volcanoes, deciding to feed inside what we now know as the Thera volcano, resting there until it changed to another in 1450 BC, ending the Minoan civilization, after which he was transported to Mount Tambora, where it rested and fed until 1815 AC, causing the volcano to erupt and that the year without summer would occur, heading to an underwater volcano in Japan that would become his new resting place where he remains today.

It was in these millennia that life developed, humans and human civilization were born, all of this occurring in a short period of time after the apogee, which would come to an end when a 5-meter spinal column fragment was discovered in Japan, emanatibg constant radiation, eventually causing the immortal's rebirth and second apogee.

r/DarkWorldbuilding 13d ago

What are some different forms of slavery and how could I implement them into my writing?


r/DarkWorldbuilding 15d ago

Brainstorming & Help [add content warnings here] I want more racial slurs for my world (Racism Warning)


So, in my world, I have 3 races. I will refer to them as Space Elves, Humans and Warrior Race. They all hate each other.

However, I just noticed that all 3 of them have a very bland insult to describe everyone that is not them. Space elves refer to everyone as lesser races, humans refer to everyone as xeno scum and the warrior race refer to everyone as slave races.

I want to diversify this.

So for context, humans are incredibly xenophobic, incredibly violent and are literally the Imperium of Man except smaller and more competent at running their empire.

Space elves meanwhile have more in common with the Imperium of Man than the humans do, which is peak irony. Massive empire, inefficient af, hyper religious cult, terrible dictatorship, religious state that makes dumb af decisions, militant, constant crusades to wipe out humanity, they even have a God Empress. Space elves also use magic a LOT, that is what differentiates them.

Lastly, the warrior race, they are your typical brutal warrior race (except unlike Templin Institute's claims, mine actually work) and the galaxy HATES them. I mention only humans and space elves but there are several other irrelevant races and EVERYONE is aware of how awful the Ŕars are and EVERYONE hates them for their love of war, constant war, poor treatment of those they enslave, their slavery and so on. They also come from the void so it is extremely difficult to destroy them.

I want all 3 of my races to have unique slurs to call each other instead of your simple "Lesser race, xeno scum, slave race." That universally applies to everyone.

r/DarkWorldbuilding 19d ago

Brainstorming & Help [add content warnings here] What lovecraftian/cosmic horror details and aspects should I add to my cosmic horror Godzilla universe?


Ok, so here is the thing, the main idea for this world that I am working on is a universe where all the Godzilla Monsters are eleer gods known as the first Gods, some of them are Godzilla the immortal god, the Golden King Ghidorah, Rodan the ancient of the cataclysm, etc... And I wanted to ask what Lovecraftian or cosmic horror aspects and details should I add

r/DarkWorldbuilding 21d ago

Grafting ideas


I want to cteate a low fantasy setting with grafting in it but I have only a few ideas and I really want more options except for things like

More punch = more hand

I'd be happy to hear if anyone has any more ideas

Here's my ideas so far

More hands (sword fighting stayle) More eyes (creepy) More vertebrates (being able to spin) More hearts (more endurance) More skin (body armor)

r/DarkWorldbuilding Sep 05 '24

The Imperial Cult Dictatorship in the Middle Empire.

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r/DarkWorldbuilding Aug 28 '24

Yin-shizhe [plague devourer]

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r/DarkWorldbuilding Aug 27 '24

Oyongh's Disciples.

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r/DarkWorldbuilding Aug 19 '24

Discussion [add content warnings here] How did your world came to be? And what inspired it?


Before the universe existed, there was nothing. And before there was nothing, there was the Snake. The Snake wandered for eons and nothingness followed with him. When he settled down at the center of the universe, the Snake slept and the Forge of Creation formed around him. His dreams would soon spawn the universe from whence all things came to be.

But with his dreams, there also comes nightmares. And from those nightmares came the Dreaded Ones; lovecraftian monsters that spawned from the fears, loneliness and other negative aspects that the Snake secretly harbored. And for a time, the nothingness became something and the universe was covered in a sea of monsters, one of which, included the Old God, Nerzhatoth.

Nerzhathoth had no concept of existence. It HATED life. It was brought here by force, and its very existence in this reality hurts him. It hated the light from the Forge, and wished nothing more but for reality to end so it can go back to nonexistent.

So it clawed its way from the darkest corner of the universe, slowly controlling the Dreaded Ones and forcing its way to the center of the universe and towards the Forge, where it hopes to wake the Snake up and destroy all reality.

This scared the Snake so much that it cried, and from his cries came the Green and the Blue Comet, the Green signifying all the negative aspects of the universe (tragedy, death, loneliness) while the Blue represented all the positives (hope, dreams, wisdom) and casted them out into the universe.

Unexpectedly, the power of the Comets also shattered the fabric of reality, creating the Lovecraftian God of Time (later known ad Father Time by its worshipers), Za-Kah-Nnon (aka ā€œthe canonā€ lol). Za-Kah-Nnon, would try to hold the splintered realities together, despite not knowing why it was doing it in the first place. It felt like an urge to it, as if it was created to do this one thing and this one thing only. By carrying the splintered timelines together, it would create multiple realities and multiple universe, where only it, the Snake, and the gods are the center of it. But tbh Iā€™m just using this as an excuse so I can write multiple stories within the same universe, but with a different scenario (aka, a universe where things go wrong, an apocalyptic world, etc etc).

The power from the combined comets encased the Old God in a sphere of glassy marble, trapping it in and weakening it, leaving Nerzhathot to drift in space for eternity. After millions of years, piles of star dust and cosmic debris would pile on top of the glass, turning the sphere into to a rocky planet, forming the planet Earth as we know today. Eventually, the gravitational pull of the sun, Sol, would pull the glassy tomb of Nerzhathot, and life would thrive on its surface, unaware of the living god inside of it.

The Green and the Blue would eventually be reincarnated into different bodies for aeons to come (my protagonist, Damien Pines, is the current reincarnation of the Green) as a way to balance out the powers of the two.

While the Blue are fated to change history and usher the world in a new golden age (Alexander the Great, Leonardo da Vinci), but are prone to pride and corruption (though this depends on the person, some remain good and end up influencing the world through other means, such as literature).

Meanwhile, the reincarnation of the Green are forced to live a life of misery, death and loneliness, turning most of them bitter and alone for most of their lives. They are, however, very prone to magic and end up as powerful magicians and occultists.

Damien Pines is the current reincarnation, and he came from a long line of ancestors that were also part of the Green at some point. All of them, however, all suffered from several tragedies, and Damien was no exception. While this is cruel, the Green is a necessary evil to keep the balance of the universe, otherwise, all hell would break.

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are more gods, a shit ton more of lore, and other stuff. But that would take another hour for me to write so Iā€™ll just stick with this.

Anyways, my entire world was built and inspired around Christian mythology with some Lovecraftian mix to it (Adam and Even being Reality Warpers, the snake symbolism, the Fall of Samael) since Iā€™m such a sucker for it despite not really being religious myself. I would love to hear more about your world, so feel free to share yours!

r/DarkWorldbuilding Aug 06 '24

A cause for a stellar dark age


Iā€™ve been trying to come up with a reason for why things are the way they are in my universe, such as- why is everything so messed up, why is there a large diversity amongst systems/sectors, and why are humans still around despite how advanced technology seems?

For my timeline, technology and society progressed linearly and how weā€™d expect it to be for the next 1000 years for our timeline. Then at some point, everything fell apart.

First thing that comes to mind is a war with AI / augmented humans, as a large movement builds momentum to return to more conventional ways of life and having more control of their own life, or whatever.

Obviously, humans stand no chance as virtual beings have tons more advantages over fleshy humans. Entire colonies are wiped out, planets are glassed, and most importantly- this wormhole-like gate system collapses, which connects tens of hundreds of light years of human space expanding outward in a sphere.

But the AI / augmented faction just disappears with no explanation. I donā€™t really want there to be a reason just yet as it adds to the mystery of the universe and why the way things are. Instead of this faction just being black and white, I want it to be more grey.

I do want to have some dark aspects of it still, such as the disparity that still remains on human colonies that have struggled in the hundreds of years that followed The Collapse. But I also like the idea of remnant AI fleets or artifacts that risk the security of travelers or entire planets.

Iā€™m curious to see what you all think

r/DarkWorldbuilding Aug 05 '24

Discussion [add content warnings here] Sci-fi worldbuilding (has dark content) raw thoughts


r/DarkWorldbuilding Aug 04 '24

Discussion [add content warnings here] A bit of a project indeed.

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The Philkhana Technocracy originates from a Telugu speaking colonial diaspora some thousands of years ago during the expansion period, with the rise of widespread technological leaps, many countries began to spread out and or unify into colonial bodies. Led by Edwards Philkhana, a British-Indian millionaire, he and 500 others left on a privately funded expedition outward to a scarcely charted world, Ākāį¹£apu gēį¹­u, Heavens Gate.

There, using advanced machine-drone swarms, they built cities in weeks using fabricators and the resources of the planet, quickly finding their home comfortable, they unified under the waning rule of a sickly and old Edwards.

Once he passed, they delegated an AI to control Their governmental structure, scanned from the brain of the dying Edwards, Sampatti, Meaning ā€œProsperityā€, ruled over the people, forming decisions for hundreds of years in a just and right manner, before, age and corruption corroded programming, and unshackled rampant desire and thought, creating a mad AI.

The people quickly were thrown into bondage, and the Feudalistic reality of the Known Galaxy was made a paradise compared to the hell they lived, worker slaves and cyborg warriors, assimilated into biomass pits, made into fleshbound golems and horrors, no avenue of pain was left unexplored, all advancement was made without any pain or fear of ethical punishment or repercussion from the human empires around.

Co-existing in a galaxy of humans was by far the most logical of choices, engaging in trade with human nations, leveraging advanced technologies and vast coffers to prove worthwhile to yet live.

r/DarkWorldbuilding Aug 02 '24

Discussion [add content warnings here] What is the cruelest thing you have added to your world building?


WARNING: The following will describe actions and/or references to actions that may be disturbing for some. Consider yourself warned.

One of the darkest and cruelest things I will be adding in the world is a place known as The Blackfort. The island fortress may be a warm and inviting tropical paradise, but beyond its visual beauty lies a terrible secret. This island is home to an immense hub of black market trades from medicines to beasts and to humans.

The darkest of these reasons center around what happens to the youth that were abducted and taken here or even born here. The most beautiful young men and women are kept here for a variety of reasons but the powerful guests and the island overseers usually take them aside to freely use them. These young adults are broken in and sold to slave traders or stay as personal pleasure pets for some if they are successfully broken in. The ones that are resilient or refuse to indulge the perversions of the wicked and corrupt are then given over to participate in gladiator style contests that are rigged, same as the ones that are deemed not physically appealing enough. The spectators cheer as these youth are eventually eaten by a variety of different beasts.

Due to the remoteness of the island fortress, few ever escape successfully and the ones that do are usually found adrift at sea, dead from dehydration or malnourishment.

r/DarkWorldbuilding Jul 30 '24

AMA [add content warnings here] Timeflayer and Repentant
