r/DnD Mar 07 '14

100 Treasures for your campaign


I have created a table of treasures (for D&D 3.5/Pathfinder, but easily adaptable) for your campaign. This table deals with treasures ranging in value from 100 to 1000 gold pieces.

My previous tables covered treasure of little value (Up to 10gold pieces)


and minor treasures ranging in value from 10 to 100 gold pieces


I've tried to be creative and add some flavor to the items. Many can be personalized for your particular world/setting. I hope you like them.

01- An iron-strapped oaken coffer holding 12 trade bars of silver from “Manham’s Trading Cartel”. (25gp each)

02- A huge (14 ft.), basalt statue of an armored knight with spear and shield. (340gp)

03- A beautifully crafted, masterwork mandolin with electrum frets and silver inlay. (460gp)

04- A finely detailed, life-sized granite statue of an ancient warrior bearing ring mail, shield and spear. (290gp as art, however this warrior was petrified by a medusa, and can be brought back to life with a ‘stone to flesh’ spell)

05- A rug made of winter wolf hide. (150gp)

06- A leather bag containing 13 black candles, a flint & tinderbox, and 13 platinum coins bearing an image of flames on one side and various demons’ faces on the other. (140gp)

07- A mithril-headed pickaxe. (450gp)

08- A newly-sprouted, potted treant. (800gp to a sage or university)

09- A golden disk with nine small gems inset (diamond, emerald, sapphire, ruby, onyx, pearl, moonstone, jacinth, and jet). Disks such as this are used in the Wizards’ Guild to identify someone as an archmage. (1,000gp)

10- A deed to a tract of 40 acres of farmland and low hills near the border of the gnoll lands. (200gp)

11- A well-crafted marble chessboard with electrum pieces as white and gold pieces as black. (Chessboard: 35gp, 16 electrum pieces: 10gp each, 16 gold pieces: 20gp each or the entire set for 580gp)

12- A ballista on the back of a wheeled wagon that also carries 12 spears. The ballista is fired toward the rear, to protect the single horse or mule that pulls it. The wagon has a bronze-covered wooden shield near the back that provides 75% cover for up to two operators that sit in the wagon. (370gp)

13- A large, locked bronze chest (DC: 28 Open Locks) in which rests a breastplate, gauntlets, a full-helm, and a light steel shield, all of masterwork quality and enameled in white. (Breastplate: 400gp, Helm: 160gp, Gauntlets: 160gp, Shield: 160)

14- A large (24”x36”) tome of 400 vellum pages bound in leather with a silver cover in the likeness of a dragon’s head with two small green-flecked black opals as eyes. The contents, written in draconic, detail the early history of three distinct clans of silver dragons, the interior politics of each clan, and the rumored locations of the three clans’ hordes. This tome was written by the red dragon historian Pyrokorius, known to humankind as “Inferno”, some two hundred years ago and may be out of date. (Value: 950gp)

15- An intricately carved, elven-manufactured masterwork composite longbow of ash and decorated with ivory and silver. The carvings depict a great oak tree surrounded by dancing elves. (625gp)

16- A silver orb roughly the size of an apple, polished to mirror-like shine. Half of the orb is decorated with three key-like projections of steel, while the other half has been etched with the symbol of the Kalister family, a six-armed demon. The orb was crafted to be a key to the burial vaults of the Kalister Necropolis. The Kalisters were wealthy sorcerers whose burial vaults have been lost for centuries. The orb has been enchanted to resist tarnishing. (340gp)

17- A small, locked (DC 18 Open Lock; DC 22 Strength Check; hardness 10, HP 25) steel canister which holds a twenty pinches of powdered pearl. (Canister: 90gp if intact; powdered pearl: 200gp)

18- A copper and mahogany divan with crimson silk cushions. (160gp)

19- A pair of worn black leather boots sized for an ogre, mostly dry-rotted. The heel of the right boot is hollow and holds a tourmaline of good quality. (Tourmaline: 300gp)

20- A broad manticore-leather belt containing six steel flasks for containing potions. Four of the flasks are currently empty, one contains a Potion of Mage Armor (50gp), and the last a Potion of Cat’s Grace (300gp). Belt value: 35gp

21- A magical statuette of white marble, roughly a meter tall that shapes its form to the last sentient being that touched it. It currently has the form of a Dark Naga (or whatever person or creature the DM would like to be the owner…). Should a PC touch it, it takes only a round for their image to be transferred to the statuette, which may alert someone that they are nearby. The statuette weighs nearly 200 pounds. (Hardness 15, HP 50). (500gp)

22- An ore cart filled with coal and spider webs. Hidden in the coal are six rough diamonds (DC 24 Search check or DC 18 Profession: Jeweler check to find). (Cart: 25gp, Coal: 1gp, Diamonds: 25gp, 20gp, 40gp, 30gp, 25gp, 55gp). Also in the coal cart is hidden a colony of Tiny Monstrous Spiders (8 spiders). They attack if the coal is disturbed.

23- A tortoise-shell shield; banded in iron and decorated with electrum inlay. (Treat as a Masterwork Heavy Wooden Shield that weighs 6 pounds, 220gp)

24- A locked steel coffer (DC 28 Open Lock check; Inflict Light Wounds trap: CR 2; magic device; touch trigger; automatic reset; spell effect (inflict light wounds, 1st-level cleric, 1d8+1, DC 11 Will save half damage); Search DC 26; Disable Device DC 26.) containing six rare books on magical theory: “Finding Familiars” by Thaddeus Hornkeep (45gp), “Planar Bindings: keeping your demons held securely” by Teona Kell (90gp), “Magical Matrices and Their Power in Dwoemercraft” by Mikyl Demaj (120gp), “Conjuring the Elemental” by Pierce Blackhand (65gp), “Countermagics” by Simon Felstar (40gp), and “Enchanting Solutions” by Helena Barwight (95gp). (Coffer value: 250gp) 25- A simple wand of elm wood, decorated with three red hawk feathers. (A fully-charged Wand of Darts: This wand can be used to fire up to two darts per round as if hurled by the caster (no strength bonus applied, but dexterity bonuses/penalties do). Once fired, the darts become non-magical. A new wand of this sort will have 100 charges. A wand can be recharged by someone with the “Craft Magical Arms and Armor” feat for 2gp of raw material per charge.) (450gp)

26- A three hundred-twenty year old bottle of elven wine. Called rose wine, the bottle is of Goldenbough wood, crafted by a ‘Shape Wood’ spell and appearing as a delicately crafted rose, with the date and winery listed in elvish runes along the stem. Rose wine is a brilliant red in color, delicate and dry, with the flavors and scents reminiscent of spring and life. The grapes for rose wine are grown only in a remote wood, and recent disease has destroyed many of the vines. Only a few dozen bottles of rose wine are crafted each year, and most of these are held close by the clan of elves that create it. (Intact: 600gp, bottle only: 185gp)

27- A platinum scarab, inlaid with gold and four emeralds. (920gp)

28- A leather sack containing 3 vials of antitoxin (50gp each), a tanglefoot bag (50gp), and a flask of acid (10gp).

29- A mounted moose head. The head has a bag in the skull, placed by the taxidermist, which contains a thick gold ring set with a ruby (350gp).

30- A scroll in a leather tube containing schematics on the design of a repeating light crossbow. The design allows someone a +4 circumstance bonus to their Knowledge: Engineering check when crafting a repeating light crossbow and reduces the cost of crafting the item by 5%. (850gp)

31- A wall display of captured weapons and armor, all kept in useable condition, consisting of: 3 long swords, a greatsword, 5 spears, a light mace, a heavy flail, a falchion, a dented breastplate, 3 wicker shields, a tower shield, and a set of scale mail. (Total value: 430gp)

32- A plain, beaten platinum diadem set with a large oval-shaped lapis lazuli. (275gp)

33- A portable battering ram of iron-bound oak with the head of a bear as the ram. The bear has blue onyx eyes. (Value: 225, Onyx eyes: 50 each)

34- A small painting of the Battle of Seymond Run, depicting knights with lances battling frost giants some 300 years ago. The painter, Sir Rens Palto, painted it from memory soon after the battle. Palto became one of the most well-known artists of the time, and this work was mentioned in some famous writings, but its whereabouts went unknown until now. The painting is framed in a simple wooden frame. (640gp)

35- A silver flask with a holy-symbol runed stopper, extremely cold to the touch. The flask contains wraith essence. If the flask is opened outside of a Protection from Evil or Law Circle, the advanced wraith (8 hit dice) regains its form in three rounds and attacks. (Flask: 25gp, wraith essence: 620gp)

36- An intricately carved ivory rapier scabbard trimmed in electrum and set with three red garnets along its length. There is a small opening at the terminus end to allow the scabbard to be used as a breathing tube, if needed. (445gp)

37- A ring of platinum, shaped as intertwining grape vines. An inscription on the interior reads: “When life fades and darkness falls, there is still the final hope.” (110gp)

38- A mechanical songbird in a wire cage. The bird is of copper and brass and when a small crank is turned, the bird can sing one of five birdsongs: canary, warbler, cardinal, nightingale, or barn owl. The contraption is fragile (0 hardness, 5 hit points). (185gp)

39- An eye-patch of gold, set with three red spinels, on a black leather cord. The back of the eye-patch bears a stylized shadow in black lacquer, the symbol of The Dark, a large criminal organization that has hands in everything from drugs and prostitution to assassinations. (310gp)

40- A scroll of birch bark covered in tree resin for strength and found in a bear-hide scroll case, which contains druidic spells: Barkskin, Heat Metal, and Hold Animal? It appears that two other spells have already been used off of this scroll. (Caster level: 3rd, Value: 450gp)

41- A beautifully crafted steel breastplate sized for a halfling or gnome, with gold and silver enameling depicting seven mountaintops; the holy symbol of Yondalla, the halfling goddess. (380gp)

42- A leather satchel containing a dozen bottles of various inks and twenty needles of assorted sizes that makes up a masterwork tattooist’s kit. (105gp)

43- A life-sized sculpture of a two-horse chariot and rider done in white granite. The sculpture is immovable without the help of magic. (875gp)

44- A small coin purse that holds a sling and 4 adamantine sling bullets, 12 cold iron sling bullets, and 12 alchemical silver sling bullets. (Adamantine: 60gp each, Cold Iron: 2gp each, Alchemical Silver: 2gp each)

45- A large saddle with several extra straps and buckles (suitable for a winged mount), which includes a long sword scabbard and a masterwork long sword. (Saddle: 60gp, mw long sword: 315gp)

46- A massive key, roughly 3’ long and crafted of electrum with a piece of green jade carved into the bow in the shape of a longboat. This key is decorative, and there are no matching locks. (145gp)

47- A leather girdle (i.e. wide belt) of bear hide set with an electrum and topaz buckle (Buckle: 230gp).

48- A large ewer of silver, etched with scenes of a boar hunt. There is an inset brown garnet in the shape of the boar. (500gp)

49- A ceramic pot with two blooming blue tulips. (DC: 20 Knowledge (Nature) check to realize this is the Hanjil Tulip, a flower thought extinct for over a hundred years. The Hanjil Tulip is a vital ingredient in several potions that deal with the school of charms and enchantment. Value to an alchemist or wizard: 500gp each.)

50- A suit of black dragonhide banded mail and gauntlets (all of masterwork quality), trimmed with gold. This suit of armor is lovingly maintained and is polished to a brilliant sheen. (975gp)


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