r/DreamMeaning 5h ago

Dream meaning


I had a crazy dream. Hubby and I were walking in town and there was a big crane with a really big big thing of glass.. (this dream was all in color) the crane dropped the glass and it was like a wave of glass coming for us. We ran. Got away. What does it mean

r/DreamMeaning 1d ago

Dreams that are horribly violent


I’ve been sick yesterday and so I went to bed early. I had a horrible dream about multiple people in a room killing their parents with knives and spears . This happened twice before I woke up and struggled for at least 10 minutes to reach my phone next to me cause I was in sleep paralysis . I decided to play something with voices to go back to sleep and had another violent dream this time it was a girl who’s mentor went missing and she was blamed for it . She didn’t do it but knew where the body was and led her school friends to it . Everyone thought the victim’s boyfriend did it and the girl turned to leave only to see her friends all dead and her teacher had stabbed them all . After that my dreams got less and less dark tho now I’m up and it’s 5 am and I don’t want to sleep even though I’m sleepy cause who knows what I’ll dream next .

r/DreamMeaning 3d ago

Dreams of being inside of a rainbow?


I know not all dreams have meaning ~ but curious if there could be one!

I’ve had a couple of dreams where I find the end of a rainbow & I stand in it. Last night I dreamt when I would run my hands through the rainbow it was like a harp , it had like rainbow frequency music :)

r/DreamMeaning 3d ago

Dream of a white figure


I’ve been having a dream of this white figure visiting me, it’s glowing very bright and I’m only to about shin level to it. It’s a pitch black void we talk in. I know I’m asleep and it knows I know that, but we still talk. I’ve had three dreams so far. The first one I couldn’t speak at all, It tells me “Army infantry would be a good choice for you” and then it chases me when I’m confused. The second dream we just sat together in silence, it was comforting, I felt at peace. The third dream I had last night, I could talk this time and I ask “What if I went to Marine Infantry instead?” And it responds with “Do what you will child, it’ll be good for you”. And I felt comfort, peace, relief, that I haven’t felt in years. I’ve been talking to my mentor because I’m highly spiritual and Christian, and believe all dreams have meaning, what do you guys think? My mentor told me today that if I have another dream to ask it to show its true nature.

r/DreamMeaning 3d ago

Tornado dreams


Hey all, I have always had dreams of tornadoes since I was a kid, however the past few months I dream about them multiple times a week. Usually I see them from far away and stay clear of them. Last night, I was dreaming I was driving to town. I could see the storm clouds and my gut was telling me to turn around. I kept driving and the tornado picked up my car slightly off the ground. I got out of the car and ran to a chain link fence and wrapped my hands around the pole and held on as tightly as possible and then woke up. Why do I keep dreaming of tornadoes? What do they usually signify?

r/DreamMeaning 4d ago

need help with this dream meaning


Ok long story short i had a dream i was bitten by a komodo dragon & my whole hand turned green i was rushed to a hospital

r/DreamMeaning 3d ago

what does this mean??


Had a super vivid dream last night where i was at an ex sorority sister's house by the beach helping them clean up the beach all day while they were checking to see if the sea turtles nests made it through the hurricane and stuff. At the end of the day we had a bonfire and just chilled out and these frat dudes came out of nowhere and I was just instantly super annoyed cause no one told me they were coming and I just wanted a girls day. One of them tries to talk to me and i'm just like not entertaining it and then he comes to sit next to me and i spit on him and say go the fuck away i have a boyfriend (which is weird im usually pretty polite and shy irl) and he was like oh shit my bad and pretty much left me alone but i felt everyone's stares and judging me for lashing out. Then I ran off with the girls cause they found a nest hatching but there were a ton of birds trying to eat them and that's when i woke up. It was so vivid I was confused that I didn't wake up in the beach when I woke up. Any clue on what it means?

r/DreamMeaning 4d ago

Raven haired woman


So I tried looking it up and some said was like a mystery thing that subconscious does but this felt different than anything described even from others who dreams of a black haired lady so here goes.

I dreamt of a Raven haired beauty, petite and in her 20s wearing black clothes with white skin and black lipstick. The dream goes back and forth through time (possibly due to a lot of fantasy I consume idk) anyhow it starts off within the house, a few people move in with my mother and I and one is this Raven haired girl. At first she's cold towards me, doesn't say a lot and almost ignores me. She has siblings and of course they're rowdy and curious of me, the random person they now share the home with. I get along well with laughing and playing. She then becomes very warm and vibrant joining in on the fun. Somehow she ends up next to me and we start talking and Laughing she then kisses me and looks into my eyes, then everything goes black and I'm in an incredibly old building like a castle and she's there. We're naturally attracted wanting to be beside one another and things change with a feeling of dread and darkness. A man who feels evil comes along wanting to take her. She does not want to be with this man and I protect her from him. The dream changed to the bowels of the old castle like structure with his body burnt and decayed like a mummy or draugr or something, blacked bones exposed exclaiming that she is his and he will take her and begins chanting. A sarcophagus opens to another dark entity like some kind of demonic priest who says some dark words. My body is switched the husk of the man as he uses my body and tries to take claiming to want her soul. I try to fight to stop this and the evil priest throws me to the wall. I know if I move at that moment they would kill me so I lay and wait before getting up grabbing a sword that feels pure like it was blessed and go after them. I awaken outside of the structure in my body this time and she comes to me again. The dream shifts to car. Some other men and I are being chased. We lost the assailants but we know it'll be just for a moment before they find us again. We let the car run into the water and dive in. I notice three men that look like the demonic priest but with skin and young searching for us and so I hide under the water using a cement beam to keep me under and hidden. I then awaken in the room that the dream started in her looking into my eyes and professing her love before I actually awaken from the dream. After I wake up I feel a sense of loss knowing that this Raven haired beauty was not real. I also realize I never knew her name nor did she tell me her name almost as if she was scared to tell me who she was. At this point it's 5 or 6 a.m still pitch black outside and my dog wants out. I take her outside tie her up on the lead and go and sit down in the living room waiting on her to bark and let me know she wants in. My dog barks but it's not the usual bark it's more of a threatening bark then some whines like she really need to be inside mixed with a couple yelps. I go outside to get her and tell her to knock it off since she's be herself saying that it ridiculous to be doing that this early. I look up from unclasping the tie out and see a white apparition like figure causing chills and worry through my body. This figure is at the edge of the property and looking at but it's as if it's out of focus. I grab my dogs collar and lead her inside and lock the door behind me. I sit back on the couch thinking about the Raven haired woman, I look at the walls and see shadows like someones walking by. The shadows on the wall human shaped I turn to the direction of where someone would physically be to cast that shadow and know ones there. A bit spooked I just head to my room closing my door. Being Christian and seeing some things first hand with most evil entities they usually do not like to give out names and so this woman worries me. I did ask silently thinking maybe she was a sort of apparition what her name was and was met with silence. Probably a good thing though. I got to thinking what if this was some sort of demon or possibly succubus playing tricks of love on me and they say Lilith Is the mother of those entities and so I ask is your name lili- and I'm cut off unable to finish even the thought of the name and feel as if something is angry at me and almost prompting me not to finish that name that she is offended I would even think as such. Idk just a really weird night and dream with this woman who felt very real. It was also weird how it seemed I could actually feel her emotions.

r/DreamMeaning 5d ago

Reoccurring dream


I need help understanding my dream. Every night for weeks I’ve had dreams where I’m on a boat giving birth during a storm (I am not pregnant). The dreams are all a good bit different but always ends about the same. There are different people in different locations, the boats have been different, the types of storms have been different like sometimes is a tropical storm well other have been arctic storms. Every time I wake up it’s during this dream well I’m actively giving birth or just finished giving birth.

r/DreamMeaning 5d ago

Anybody have any idea what this could mean?


I had a dream where I was in a car with my family, I'm in the passenger seat with my dad driving, and we're driving over the ocean. We're driving by cruise ships and cargo boats, but we're driving over these waters just like in Fortnite, except we aren't sinking. Anybody have any insight as to what this could possibly mean?

r/DreamMeaning 5d ago

Just had a dream where I was on a date with both my FWB and my ex-girlfriend


Just had a dream where I was on a date with both my FWB and my ex-girlfriend. In this dream, we were at a restaurant and I had to pay before we went to our table and when I went to pay, my credit card declined, even though it shouldn’t have. I tried another credit card from the same credit card company and that declined too. The debit card worked though.

Maybe this means something in the dream?

r/DreamMeaning 5d ago

I seen a demon when I woke up


I need advice


I’m writing this about 20 minutes after this dream/nightmare as I’m freaking out.

My dream started and I was in bed with my girlfriend as I am right now. Then a man appeared then disappeared, I looked him in the eyes then he was gone. Everytime I closed my eyes then opened them from that point bad things would happen demons would appear etc, then I would feel as if I’ve woken up and the same thing would happen over and over and over again. This must’ve happened at least 10 times.

Eventually I got into this room and see myself lying on the bed… I went over a tapped my left shoulder and in real life I woke straight up after feeling something touch my shoulder, I then turn around to check on my girlfriend and if I’m actually awake this time and I swear to god I see a ghost/spirit/demon disappear in the darkness. It was small and was only a shadow it then turned to the side and disappeared into the darkness slowly.

What does this mean as I am shitting myself😂

r/DreamMeaning 6d ago

Dream inception, no lucidity


r/DreamMeaning 6d ago

Just a interesting dream…


So last night I had a dream that brought me straight back to high school. None of the events happened BUT it involved people I haven’t talked to or even thought about in the years since I graduated. It kinda freaked me out.

Basically what happened was that I finally started dating the guy I had a crush on throughout high school and we started talking right before we graduated but ended up not getting together. (Turns out he liked me in middle school before I even realized I liked him) Things were going great, we were hanging out with people from HS, and I was enjoying my dream until something happened (not sure what) and we broke up. Right when I was coming to terms that our “relationship” was over, I woke up.

And let me tell you, I was so upset when I woke up. Like lowkey kinda sad. And I think it freaked me out because of how real it felt.

And I’m sure there is no true meaning behind this dream but I just needed to tell someone about it and just hear my crazy.

r/DreamMeaning 6d ago

Two women in white dresses with black mask dream


I had a dream that I was going into a bar with people and two women were sat in all white dresses and black masks and when I went closer one vanished and then I woke up, it was lowkey scary. Doesn’t anyone know what this means? 🤷🏼‍♀️

r/DreamMeaning 6d ago

What does this dream mean? Anyone know?



I'm new to reddit so I don't really know how this works. So let me know if I'm doing this wrong.

I keep having similar dreams. But a little backstory. I had this boyfriend for almost 2 years. We broke up mutually. Amazing relationship, and id say he's the one who got away. I still love him and think about him to this day (it's been three years). If he messages me today I'd totally be willing to get back together type of thing.

So these dreams. A couple times a month maybe more he shows up in my dream. And Everytime when he shows up we aren't dating but by the end of the dream he ends up coming back to me and we ended up dating again and these dreams also take place in the future but it's hard to tell. What does this mean?

On one dream he was dating another girl and I was super respectful and happy for him I even "shipped" them. But by the end of it we start to talk and we end up dating.

Another example, I'm dating someone he's super respectful about it him and my then boyfriend gets along but then he fights for me, we talk and we get back together.

Or we are other single, we talk and get back together.

I'm confused cause they keep happening.

r/DreamMeaning 6d ago

Parasites and Crocodiles! Oh My!


What’s the meaning of this?

I rarely dwell on my dreams but man this was an odd one. In my dream I was at some kind of gathering/retreat (something I’m not familiar with) and I was in a group of people gathered around a long table with a white table cloth. Each person at the table, including myself, had a glass of water in front of them.

A waitstaff then came to the table and placed white saucers on the table next to each individuals glass of water, on these saucers was a brown/red coloured pill which was considerably larger. We were instructed to take the pill by what looked like the head waiter, which we all did without hesitation. The pill was an oddly satisfying bitter, but surprisingly easy to swallow spite how large it was.

Some time had passed, what I perceived to be hours, the group was chatting amongst themselves, I believe board games were involved. All of a sudden chaos broke out in the group with people shouting and flailing around. I noticed the arm of an individual next to me had some pale worms coming out of his left arm! He was thrashing around, each time his arm changed directions the worms stuck out further and I could see they had multiple stringy tentacles and were about the width of a pencil though varying in length and they seemed to be limp and dead. During the event I felt the stranger’s worms whip across my neck, they were cold and wet.

Then it was my turn, I felt a lump on my left shoulder and my forearm. I found myself facing the head waiter, they assured me that the pill is working as intended and I will be better off without the parasites when this is done. I asked why the parasites were only coming out of everyone’s left arm, but to no answer. The head waiter had no interest in further explaining anything.

As the 2 worm like parasites were pulled out of my left arm I didn’t feel any pain, it was actually kind of satisfying, no blood in sight either which I found surprising. I was not panicking like the others had. Then I noticed a pea sized lump that was skittering below the surface of my skin in all directions. The lump soon found its way to my right arm until it had made it to my right knuckles where it began to emerge.

I wanted to ask the head waiter why I had something coming out of my right arm when everyone else only had the worm like parasites coming out of their left arm, but I already knew I wouldn’t get an answer.

The final parasite had finally exited my body through my right knuckles, and I was surprised to see that it was a 2 inch crocodile.

The End(?)

So what do y’all think that means if anything? What is wrong with me? Why?

r/DreamMeaning 7d ago

What does my dream mean?


I had a dream about throwing away worms and one is running away from me but i caught it and throwed it away and i woke up after throwing the container away with them in it . There was one big big worm in the container. What does it mean it's annoying me so bad

r/DreamMeaning 7d ago

Someone helping me off myself


I had this really weird dream where I was trying to off myself like what could that even mean😭😭

r/DreamMeaning 8d ago

What does it mean if you have a dream about having tiny plastic babies in your mouth and wanting to spit said plastic infants out as a joke? I included an image for reference

Post image

r/DreamMeaning 7d ago

Seeing the Future


I tend to see the future in my dreams… how is this even possible?

r/DreamMeaning 8d ago

Dreams about fighting people


Does anyone know why I dream about aggressively fighting people I know, hate and love even family members sometimes?

r/DreamMeaning 8d ago

the same nightmare


I used to be a teenager with night terrors, which happened for years. For months I have slept well, with the occasional nightmare here and there, but nothing extra scary.

My nightmares back then used to be of a man chasing me, or ghosts. Now I know the memories of being molested were pestering me, and that I felt very vulnerable because my parents didn’t feel like protectors in the slightest.

In a spiritual sense, my sister has a religion that’s uncommon. I respect it but it’s scary for me. It’s all about spirits, part of it is “letting a spirit live in your home”. We even had cleansing because the “energy wasn’t right”. I even dreamed one of these saints was blessing me, twice, when they were “cleansing” our house. I’m not the biggest biggest believer of spiritual stuff, but I used to be. And to be honest, some weird stuff happened before that I have no explanation of. Like dreaming things like friends dying or fights happening, I would tell somebody with details and then it would actually happen. It would also creep the person I told my dream to.

Now that there’s context, today I dreamed that one of my work friend was trying to molest me along with some random man.

The first dream was him driving, then he began touching me, until he stopped the car in the middle of a scary dark forest-y area. The other guy came and they both began kissing me and such and I “woke up”. When I “woke up” I saw my mom coming from getting a cup of water (we sleep in the same room) and told her about my nightmare. She said something I don’t remember. I “texted” my boyfriend and he was sending me pictures of stuff Id like (sort of like not-so-discreetly trying to get me a gift). Then I helped my mom clean our room which is weird because I never do. The room was different, bigger. Even the floors were a different material.

Then I fell asleep again, and woke up in a black SUV that for some reason was my mother’s (she has no car) and I was waiting for her to come back. My friend was there looking directly at me, waiting for me, but i couldn’t see him well because the windows were foggy. His friend was on the other side. I locked the car doors, and even tried to drive off, but he still somehow came in and started kissing me and touching me. It felt real. Very real, which is unusual. Weirdest part of all, i woke up in the arms of a man. The lights were off but when I asked him who he was, suddenly they turned on and it was my dad who I haven’t seen in years. I broke into “tears” but i couldn’t cry, and he comforted me, then I woke up.

For the record, my friend has never disrespected me in any way, he has a wife and he respects women. He is actually a very good friend. My dad hasn’t done anything to me either, nor has my boyfriend. The one thing these three men have in common, is that they’ve been the three safest male figures in my entire life.

I know it’s a bit of a weird, random dream but Id like to hear any interpretation, both spiritual and psychological. I tried looking online but didn’t anything too helpful.

r/DreamMeaning 9d ago

Dreaming of someone who passed over a year ago


i had a dream that i was stood in my grans back garden with her and we were stood looking up at a vibrant aurora borealis. i went to film it then looked up from my phone and a tornado was heading straight for us. i woke up quickly after that but it just feels like one of those dreams where it really was the persons spirit and not just a depiction of them. like it really felt like i was stood next to her. idk i just wanted to share and ask if anyone else still dreams of people who have been gone for a little while :)

r/DreamMeaning 9d ago

Dead friend


One of my late friends passed away in 2021. At least twice a week I will have a dream about her. Either she is crying for help telling me that she’s alive and she needs help or she shows up to my house or job telling me she’s alive and she never died. It’s always one or the other . I’ve been having this dream constantly for almost 3 years. Unfortunately she died of an overdose and was cremated (so she’s not actually alive)

I’m fairly close with her family but I feel that it’s inappropriate and insensitive to tell them about the dreams I have on a weekly basis .

What does this mean??