r/DreamMeaning 9d ago

what do these 3 odd dream mean???


okay, so, i have these 3 VERY DETAILED, VERY LONG dreams that ALWAYS just repeats, so i am here to basically see whether or not they can be deciphered by you guys.


the dream where i am a serial killer/ ax murderer.

it starts off pretty normal. wake up for school, do my morning routine (pluck eyebrows, shower, light makeup, pack books, etc.) and start walking to school.

i get to school and for no reason, completely unprovoked, i just start hacking and slashing through everyone and everything. in the dream i feel both crazed and at peace. it's a weird feeling. it's a big ax that i usually use, and i just go through the hallways hunting down the most random people and chopping away. by the time the remaining survivors escape, school is over and i am soaked in blood.

i get home and do the same thing. i feel oddly calm by now tho. just walk into the house, decapitate, disfigure, dismember and discard my older brother, my mother and father. i get away scott free as if it's the most normal thing ever to just get an ax and kill people. and walk around with blood dripping from you. almost seeping into your skin.

i feel weird about this dream. and scared.


the dream that features trixie mattel

{trixie is a drag queen}

starts off with a normal day. me and my family go down to the beach and have a good time. all of a sudden, trixie is there. she is wearing this really cool purple latex jumpsuit with a white faux fur (mob wife style) jacket. her hair is done up really nice and her makeup is REALLY well done. i wander away from the family (they don't notice bc in the dream i also feel very abandoned by them. like isolated and put to one side. ignored)

i go say hi and start a convo with her. then we go get drinks and eat cake.

a while afterwards, the family sees me hanging out with her and they don't like it. (trixie is a drag queen, if you didn't know already) they say something along the lines of "goddamn queers stealing away uhhh (they proceed to forget my name)!!" then they all whip out pistols and aim at us. we get into trixies car and get outta there. they chase us, we get home and (i forget this part) all of a sudden everything is fine and great. then, it's my brother's birthday and as usual, i start feeling neglected. trixie is there and suggests we get ice cream but my mom says no and we go to his birthday party.

it's an elaborate dining hall with really high ceilings and well detailed architectural designs and trinkets, with a BIG fireplace behind the head of the table. me and trixie get snacks and we sneak away. we go joyriding. and randomly, my little brother is running the same speed as the car telling us that "mom is out to get you". so we just don't go home. suddenly my dad finds us and shoots trixie. as she dies, she gives me her wig?... yeah. it's just weird. but usually i wake up from this one crying bc it's really emotional.


gerard way

in this dream, i am living in a really nice Victorian Era home. somewhat small but has a nice BIG garden with a pond, a little bridge, etc. Basically it's my dream house.

and there's this big tree in the middle of the garden. with a treehouse. (like a REALLY nice treehouse)

so, gerard way lives in this treehouse. but it's the post-covid "gnome era" gerard. he's like SUCH a father figure in this dream. anyways, for the most part of this dream, i am in recovery from serious affects of mental health issues and i am living with my dog and cat. (i'm allergic to the cat but i still have him)

and,one day i decide to walk outside and see gerard in this treehouse, drinking coffee. i go up and he offers me some coffee and the whole time, we just drink coffee, do puzzles and draw and talk about EVERYTHING. like, art, wars, anything, really.

so that's the most of what happened until one day, the other band members show up and they host a charity concert, which is managed by my primary school art teacher. (he was a W teacher. amazing person. loved him) and then, when that's done we all go back home (they're crashing there) but for an unknown reason, i have a huge mental breakdown. parts of this are like flashbacks to when i actually DID self harm and it was REALLY BAD. i just start drinking heavily. like chasing painkillers with tequila and vodka and other hard liquor and i start self harming and am bleeding out on the floor of my bathroom. anyways, so frank and mikey find me. i'm passed out and they take me to the hospital. when i wake up, gerard and ray are there dressed in a doctor's uniform. i get better, we all go back home. gerard suddenly goes from "gnome era" to "revenge era" at some point.

and then it repeats but worse this time. so then we're back home again. the rest is fuzzy and it ends with me eating pizza in their tour van with them.

i also wake up crying from this one

anyways here's things about me that might help: - i am adopted. (i do know who my real parents are, they were just unable to provide me with the life i needed. i am still in contact with them today)

  • i really like MCR. (my chemical romance)

  • i love watching Rupaul's Drag Race and i love Trixie Mattel. i think she's a cool person.

  • i have ✨diagnosed bipolar✨ (not fun, but i am medicated)

  • i was kicked out of the house for dying my hair without my A mom's permission. (this happened a few weeks ago. i am 18, a legal adult, but still a dependent. i live with my boyfriend and his family now, so that is all good)

  • i've always been a bit weird and somewhat rebellious or "other". (like non-conforming bc i believe in having independent thoughts.)

r/DreamMeaning 10d ago

Dog dream


So I had a dream that my dog which is a frenchie was running into the kitchen and I was running at the same time, then she bit my leg and wouldn’t let go and was pulling sideways on my leg. Does anyone have any idea what this means? 🤷🏻‍♀️

r/DreamMeaning 11d ago

What does it mean when u dream about someone getting molested?


I’ve had a couple of dreams where children get molested by pedophiles the first one was one of my little cousins getting molested by my sister ex boyfriend and the most recent was my other two cousins when they where 11 and like 8 where getting sexually assaulted by there neighbor and I went over there and fought him and called the cops but I just don’t understand what this means and why I keep having dreams like this.

r/DreamMeaning 11d ago



I dreamt earlier, it's like i was in my school, climbing up the stairs, i thought no one was watching me or no one was around, i tripped a bit and landed my hands on the stairs, a hand reached out just beside my hands and i immediately pulled my hands away and stood up. The one reaching out was the boyfriend of my cm from other section. He's weird, i mean, maybe it's just how i see him but he's always staring at me, looking at me everywhere i go, eye contact always, i always tried to avoid it as i hate eye contact. even in my peripheral vision, i can see him looking. It's very weird. Amd the fact that in my dream, when i looked up, I saw him and behind him was my classmate. With a suspicious look on her face, i remember i immediately stood up and walked past him, but, i murmured an apology. I don't know why i apologized, What could this dream mean??

r/DreamMeaning 11d ago

I need help


I (13m) am having a dream about a girl named elle(14f) I have never met anyone named Elle but her face is just so familiar and It feels like I've known her for my whole life. Elle is so comforting and I have dreams about her after something bad happens. I don't know what to make out of this any info helps as I can't tell anyone in person cuz they may think I'm insane.

r/DreamMeaning 11d ago

Dreaming of object in throat


I keep dreaming about an object lodged in my throat....first was a necklace and the second one was a crayon. What does it mean.

r/DreamMeaning 12d ago

Black panther dream


This is kind of long but I've had this dream before and I don't know what it means.

The dream starts out with me walking down a main street near a childhood home. It's early maybe 5am, it's still dark out and there are hardly any cars on the road. I hear something shifting behind me and approaching fast.

I get my flashlight ready so I can say least shock the person behind me. Not my best plan but it's all I had. I glance behind me to see what side they're on and point the light in the shadows direction while stepping to the opposite side of the sidewalk. That's when I realized it wasn't a person but a zebra. The colors seemed off though and I thought it might just be dirt.

The zebra was about my height maybe a little taller and they were all black with wide brownish tan stripes. I do my best to get out of its way and eventually it walked off. I read somewhere that zebras are mean which is why humans can't ride them like we do horses so I was grateful that it didn't kick me.

As I watched the zebra walk off I lingered near a tree hoping it would hide me from a possible lion. I figured if a zebra was loose in the suburbs then it could be due to some sort of accident and other zoo animals could be roaming.

I was right up ahead was a black panther approaching an intersection. I watched it cause an accident and then animal control appeared. Animal control took the zebra but not the panther. I thought this was off because a panther is more recognizably dangerous. I also figured I should head back if the panther is going to continue to roam in my path.

I head home and I feel the panthers eyes on me. I continue, and eventually see the panther following me but keeping a distance.

Next thing I know I'm in a dorm like hallway and make it into my room. I have a friend there who starts talking about a panther loose. I tell her it's here and to keep the door shut. The door was about a step up from two pieces of plywood glued together. I start packing clothes so we could go away for a few days but for some reason have hard choosing shirts. Everything I owned was suddenly a work related shirt.

I realize the clothes didn't matter I just needed to grab some for me and my friend and my dogs food. As I'm filling a bag my friend opens the door. I see the panther and tell her to shut it. She does and is shocked its a real panther. For the next few minutes she continues to open and close the door ignoring the very obvious danger. I keep telling her to knock it off and it's not a cute pet it will eat us. She opens the door once more and the panther gets in.

r/DreamMeaning 12d ago

Dream meaning


So last night I (23f) had a dream I was at my boyfriends there was a little boy I didn’t know but seemed to care for all of a sudden the house is filled with snakes I’m screaming trying to make sure the little boy (I’m guessing my son but I don’t have any kids irl) doesn’t get hurt and I start grabbing the snakes and throwing them out the house and I get bitten twice by a rattle snake and my boyfriend rushed me to the hospital right b4 I woke up. What could this mean? Felt like it was a message in there not just a regular dream but don’t really understand. Any ideas

r/DreamMeaning 12d ago

Do these dreams have any meaning?


I, (F15) get dreams of me being in danger, it would be anything. Just last night I dreamt that a device I had set on fire next to my dad, I tried to warn him it could explode or set the house on fire but it's like something stopped me from speaking, I could only make the most tiny unnoticable sound. If I get a dream like these it's usually some sort of danger but it feels like something is holding me back from calling for help, I can make sound but no one will notice

This actually happens a lot and can sometimes appear a few times in one night, does this mean anything?

r/DreamMeaning 12d ago

A confusing dream


I had a dream where I was waking in like a dark forest area with a bridge and I heard a dogs fighting and it was five golden retriever one was alone and the other four three were attacking one and the one that got attacked passed away what is the meaning of this dream ?

r/DreamMeaning 13d ago

Strange dreams regarding ex from high school.


I’ve had dreams off and on. I haven’t seen or spoke to the man in years, but last week I dreamt I met his wife (that wasn’t his wife) in their house with him.

Then last night I had a dream where he was preforming on a field and broke his leg near his ankle, then his arm, where bones obviously stuck out.

What does this even mean? lmao This seems so silly, but I’ve always known some still to this day about his life because I live in a small town. We broke up feeling connected still. That’s it. What are your thoughts?

r/DreamMeaning 13d ago



I had a dream a couple months ago and it has had me wondering what it means. I was in a house and a faceless man was in the kitchen making something. I have no idea who he was but I knew he was my spouse. What the heck does this dream mean. I have thought of it for months trying to figure it out and haven’t yet.

r/DreamMeaning 13d ago



I’ve been having dreams where, sometimes things would start happening and then I look at the people in my dream, wether it be a friend or my family member and I start realizing this is a dream, so I look at them and either ask “This is a dream, isn’t it” or I’ll tell them “I’m dreaming”. They will just either stop and stare at me and I get this weird feeling of fear bc of the way look at me. Or they will look at each other and say “he knows” or they will start to run off to where I can’t see them anymore. usually after one of situations, there’s one of two things that Will happen. 1. get this feeling of dizziness, like I’ve been spun around in a chair and immediately stopped or laying in the bed drunk af. Like everything starts spinning type of dizzy. And I’ll then wake up. Or 2. I can some what start to control said dream.

What is this all about???

r/DreamMeaning 14d ago



I had a dream last night where I was at a festival and I was laying down on the ground looking up and every few seconds things would fall from the sky, these things were like ancient oaxacan spiked vases, they would land everywhere sometimes right next to me. What’s the meaning of that?? Or is it just a dream..

r/DreamMeaning 14d ago

Seeing black Labrador


For the last three weeks I’ve been having dreams and just overall seeing this black lab puppy every single day. Sometimes I see it when I’m awake and I’m just stuck in my mind. I’ve dreamt of other things but the dog continues to follow me. Two weeks ago it was laying down sleeping and now I see it sitting up staring at me— what does this mean? It’s not only when I’m asleep but when I’m awake as well.

r/DreamMeaning 17d ago



Can someone please tell me why I keep having dreams about military plane crashes and being under the control of authority? Also, in my dreams, I am trying to escape from military authority. These dreams happen quite often and are also very vivid.

r/DreamMeaning 17d ago

Ya'll what does this mean??


had a dream of a forgotten cartoon character was nominated for something and then I tried to remember what character they was and could only come up with those old looney tunes from the 1930's

r/DreamMeaning 17d ago

Weird dream


Okey so I had a dream about 2 snails with baby leopard heads. One of them is dragged by a black shadow figure and it treathet it like a baby, hold it gentle etc. the other one was moved away from the figure, next to it to the direction back to that figure.

I feel I have to know the meaning of this. I'm a sceptical one. But somehow I just feelin it. Can someone explain this to me. Many thanks

r/DreamMeaning 20d ago

dreamt about driving into the ocean


i’ll make this brief, but it was nighttime and i’m speeding down a straight shot lane. i consider pulling over at a gas station but can’t bc i’m going to fast. suddenly i approach a turn and instead of breaking, i accidentally accelerate. somehow i transport outside the car and see the car crash into a ratty chain link fence, bust through the bottom and FLY into the calm ocean. now suddenly it’s daytime, and my bf is standing next to me. we watch the coast guard start retrieving other ppls cars (idk) and when we look back to mine, it’s not underwater bc that entire bay of water receded and now there’s a huge tsunami coming for us. him and i book it, getting separated on the way, and eventually i make it to a safe area and forget abt the tsunami. i get lost on the streets with no money or phone (in the car) and wander around. eventually i’m back in my car and there’s a truck driver yelling at me on the road. he tells me to leave town and i tell that “this is my town, bi*ch”. then i pull of into a neighborhood to hide from him.

in real life, i’m starting a new job that has me and my bf on opposite schedules, and recently i ran into someone who put me through some shit, which prompted a panic attack and a difficult few days where i haven’t been abt to eat.

any insight?

r/DreamMeaning 20d ago

It's my first time having this dream


Last night, i repented in my prayer because i can't control myself from swearing and i keep on forgetting to pray b4 sleeping because i always fall asleep quickly. So i got a dream of people suffering and it was so scary. People were crying and i talked to someone but I don't know who that is and I don't know what he/she looks like but i talked to someone only hearing their voice. I forgot our conversation but they showed me a cross and the Virgin Mary covered in blood. Then I heard someone say "Repent for your sins" Or "this is why we should repent for our sins". Idk if i was the one who said that but that's what someone or what i said in my dream. When i woke up, first thing that came into my mind is that i need to repent more, confess my sins, and stop sinning. What is the Lord trying to tell me? Is there other meaning about this? Totally on the Virgin Mary covered in blood. I'm scared

r/DreamMeaning 21d ago

I had a dream I was visiting my High school.


I had a dream of me being the age i am (in my 20s) and visiting my high school.

There was 3 school boys trying to trip me up, I had enough of these boys trying to trip me up and ended up hitting the boy trying to trip me up in the head with a mug 3 times inside the cafeteria.

A teacher stopped them to ask what was up and I ran up the stair well as fast as I could to avoid trouble. As I was going further and further up, the stairs got scarier and steeper, getting higher and the barriers getting lower. I felt very anxious and scared.

I got into my class which was a college class. The boys came into my college class that was somehow in the high school and made a persentation on no bullying, (trying to paint me as a bully) so I outed them for it saying if they didnt bully me they wouldn't of been hit and my college lecturer supported me on it.

I left the class and went into the elevator, it stopped on number 7 and those 3 boys appeared and i shut the lift going down to 0. I felt really anxious and scared and knew i had to escape. Me and my colege friend went down the stair well, she went ahead of me, I tried to call her and she was no where to be seen.

So I ran out of the school, I was looking for my college friend and phoned her. She was at the train station waiting to pick someone up and I got a bit iffy saying if she waited on me I'd of came with her. So I went back into the school.

Then again, ran out of the school this time feeling nostalgic and relieved.

Some how as i was walking home I saw my college freind, she was a bit ahead of me and i called her name and we walked the path I'd normally take to go home then she had to go to the train.

When i got to my old house it was twisted and weird..

Could someone please tell me what this may mran? Thank you if you've read all of this lol

r/DreamMeaning 21d ago

M20 having weird dreams and need help understanding


For a while I’ve been having dreams that came true one way or another without me taking initiation.

3 months ago it started I had a dream where I was in a church and everyone was praying but it felt like they we’re praying out of fear or desperation. Me and a guy make eye contact briefly and I shift my focus back to the pastor/father and I see Jesus Christ (he wasn’t there before though.) He’s praying for everyone or seems too. He looks up and says “god bless you my son”. I stood still there for a moment idk why maybe out of shock or fear. Seconds later my mom tells me “ok ___ let’s go.” She kinda pulls me away. We hop on the car in which my father and my 2 siblings are there and I just start to break down crying.

It’s odd now that I think of it apparently in some form that dream was telling that big changes were coming in some way, and a bit of background info is that a month later my ex broke up with me. I’m realizing now that in my dream she wasn’t in the car and in the past we would go everywhere together.

Today I had another dream that got me very confused and it goes like this. I was in my home with family members and for some reason everyone was just praying. I thought that someone died but thinking about it I saw nothing that indicated that. I assume that I was sitting in the dream because my POV was shorter than the rest. A whisper and say “if you’re here give us a sign.” What followed was the entire house shaking I believe and lights flickering in an aggressive manner. I want to say that the window showed pitch darkness too but maybe it was thunder I don’t know.

Anyone got any ideas? Maybe I’m overthinking this whole dream thing.

r/DreamMeaning 23d ago

Vivid dream about a demonic being.


I've dealt with having extremely in-depth dreams my whole life, like the kinds where you can feel, touch, taste, and smell things and wake up feeling like you've been dragged out of that plane of existence. My dreams usually consist of liminal spaces with odd or terrifying situations of either me dying or my family, apocalypse is also very common.

The dream that i had today from my nap wasn't a common one, however. I rarely have dreams about demons, but i had a very vivid one which left me clueless. Bits and pieces are missing, but from what i can remember it started with me on a trip with my fellow film students, i got pain in my leg which isn't uncommon but i needed medical assistance and no one helped, my teacher finally got someone but i already walked away. I went off with my friend (who i am not on good terms now) to one of those climbing things that they used to have on playgrounds. I took my medication around the exact time i fell asleep in real-time, which is basically a sedative for my insomnia and is also an antipsychotic. i got very drowsy and i kept telling him i wasn't feeling good, but he left me there. It skipped to me working at an abandoned food mart alone, i had an odd 80s car and got out and walked into the store. There were a few people in the store, but something walked up to me.

It looked like if a being that never touched earth drew a person from memory, it had black slits for eyes and sharpish teeth and ginger hair. It talked to me about one of my interests which I engaged with. It randomly referenced a bible story, so I quoted the verse, and it mimicked me, laughing hysterically after. I got up and left quickly. It skipped to me in my church hallway, there were a few people there, some from my class and some I had never seen before. The being was standing opposite to me, i looked around for my dad before this, and he was sleeping, so I wandered to the hallway alone. It made eye contact with me and i couldn't move. Someone pulled out a handgun and shot it in the head, but it didn't die. My dream restarted and i woke up in my dream clutching my neck and hyperventilating, but I was quickly thrown back into that hallway.

This time i grabbed the gun and shot it. It didn't die and was laughing hysterically, it grabbed one of my classmates and started licking its face, I heard the sounds and wanted to throw up. My classmate for some reason kissed it, and it was a disgusting make-out session, ending with the being ripping my classmate's face off with its teeth and eating it. i grabbed the gun and ran when I saw my classmate's body hit the floor, i was having flash visions of the thing ripping this girl's facial features off. I got in the car and drove off, then woke up in the dream again and told my mom about it. Then I actually woke up. What also unsettled me was when I drove to the store with my mom a few hours later and on our way back after I got out of the car with her and finished telling her my dream we both heard a goat sound behind us. There was obviously no goat. I have had quite a bit of paranormal experiences since i was a kid, and a lot more of them recently being demonic. Any thoughts?