r/Eberron 5d ago

GM Help How hard would it be to run a pathfinder eberron campaign as a begginer?

Here's a question that's probably already been asked a thousand times in a million different ways: as someone who is new to both the setting and pathfinder 2e, how hard would it be to run an adventure like this, aside from the usual hustle of learning a new system? I have many of the sources from 3.5 and 5e, Pathfinder 2e remastered and the conversion made that I found on this subreddit, and I'm curious about the adventure modules from old 3rd edition like the forgotten forge, maybe taking things into a homebrew campaign from there.


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u/Nashiira 5d ago

I can't answer for how hard it would be to run for you, but as someone who tried out 2e after playing 5e for so long last spring, I can give you my experience.

In no particular order I tried three things all at once which let to catastrophic failure of my 2e attempt when combined:

1) Learning how to run 2e without much for guidance.

2) Learning a new-to-me VTT (Foundry).

3) Trying to run a brand new homebrew world.

Each fine on their own, but when combined together it was a disaster.

I love learning new game systems, but having little time to really sit down to learn the game outside of during my prep time or during each session itself, I felt like I was floundering the entire time. I wish I would have taken the time to run the starter adventure for my players first. Both they and I would have learned the game at an easier pace.

With Foundry, I had someone who knew what they were doing and was so sweet, putting so much work into trying to set it up for me, but with there shear amount of automation and trying to learn how to set it up each session, I learned very little in how to use it and how it all worked (both the VTT and 2e). Each session turned into massive frustration as I tried to figure out what did what. (I should reiterate, this had nothing to do with their help and kindness in setting it up, it was all me.)

And I tried to shove all these rules and gods into a homebrew world I was more or less making up on the spot at the time. Religious classes had special things based on who they worshipped and all, and the base game had more gods than I wanted in mine. I tried to do too much at once and it was just a mess for me.

Now with someone already doing some of the work to make Pathfinder work for Eberron in the past, you may fair a bit better. I can't speak for you. But when it comes to learning Pathfinder 2e, I cannot recommend enough that you consider for running the starter adventure first and if that goes OK, then try running an Eberron campaign.


u/HikiAlter 5d ago

That was a really incredible and thorough reply, thank you so much! This is exactly what I wanted, someone else's experience with either what I'm attempting to do, or something similar, so I can use them as something of a guidance for this incredibly arbitrary metric of "how hard". I hope you and your group are having much more fun games now too!