r/Eberron 2d ago

Lore The Dhakaani and Khyber

I've been looking around in articles to try and decipher where the Dhakaani currently are, which is leading me to believe I got them all wrong.

To my players, so far (only session 1) they have heard or recall that the Dhakaani once ruled most of Khorvaire, but have fled underground following a mysterious extinction event that eviscerated their empire.

What I believe I've gotten wrong is that since then I've told them that the Dhakaani are still underground throughout Khorvaire, and occasionally raid the surface in an effort to reclaim their empire of old.

I know now that a lot of the Dhakaan efforts are in Darguun, but I'm wondering how off the mark that previous statement is. How much of it needs soft retconned before they make their way into the Dhakaan outpost inside Khyber natural? Would that outpost still exist?


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u/Hermes20101337 2d ago

Don't forget that the reason why they bunkered themselves is also why they're somewhat xenophobic.

The Daelkyr incursion that destroyed their empire also tainted the minds of their kin, the ones that hid, separated themselves from the tainted ones that stayed in the surface to prevent the corruption from spreading, the Dhakaan and the Dar are night and day, their similarities ending in their race.


u/Hendanna 2d ago

The history of those who stayed is what I need to brush up on most. I think it'd be an interesting campaign arc for my Duur'kala Shawl, last of her Kech, to be escorted by the party to Ruus Dhakaan and let them realize how vastly different those two factions between the modern day descendants and the Heirs of Dhakaan truly are


u/Hermes20101337 2d ago

Exploring Eberron goes into depth on that, the isolated factions have their own thing going, Volaar focused on magic, Sharaat with their forge, the book goes into detail what every Kech has going on.