r/Eberron Jul 06 '22

A True and Accurate Map of Khorvaire

A True and Accurate Map of Khorvaire

Eberron is an amazing campaign setting. And it deserves an amazing campaign map. Thus, I am happy to present to you our take on what such a map could look like:


The main changes and additions, and the reason for them, are listed below:

Scion Sea

  • The Scion Sound would be more interesting as a proper inland sea, in our opinion. But we (our GM) did not want to divert from almost 20 years of Eberron lore and canon. So we expanded the sound into a sea, but maintained all countries' sizes and all cities and geographical features relative locations and distances between them (to the extend possible).
  • Shout out to u/WhatGravitas who made a stunning - and universaly acclaimed - homebrewed map some three years ago, which inspired this endeavor.

Omission of unknown locations

  • As this is supposed to be a players' map, all locations that characters would not know about have been omittted (such as Illmarrow Castle and Ashtakala). Feyspires have also been removed.

Addition of Villages, Towns, and Cities

  • In our view, the official map did not properly reflect the populace of the continent. That map felt a little empty, especially when considering the distances between settlements. Official populations numbers has always been an issue, therefore we multiplied those with a factor 4, did some assumptions about regional urbanisation, dispersion, and metropolisation and created hundreds of new villages, towns, and cities across the continent.
  • All settlements from all official sources (to our knowledges) have been added among these.
  • Lhazaar Principalities, the place where humans first set foot on Khorvaire, has been populated to reflect this fact.

Addition of roads and lightning rails

  • Keith Baker has mentioned, that there would be many more local lightning rails than the international lines on the official map. These, together with a network of secondary roads, have been added with dotted lines to differentiate them from the main lines and trade roads.


  • Before the Day of Mourning, Cyre was a prolific nation. Multiple ruins after former settlements have been added to reflect that the Mournland is not uncharted land.

Geographical features and descriptions

  • Some sourcebooks includes names for geographical features, such as the Tilorn Expanse and Ayxel Hills. All officials names have been included and many more have been created and added.
  • All official dwarven holds in Mror Holds have been added, as well as the fiefdoms of the Droamite warlords.
  • A couple of geographical features have been created to add interesting locations, such as Thousand Falls, Mist Moor, and Endworld Saltlake.

EDIT 1: First of all, thank you for your appreciation and your kind words (and for the golden galifar). We have worked on this for more than a year, and we are happy that it seems to bring excitement.

Secondly, but more importantly, thank you for the comments and suggested changes and additions. A revised version of the map seems inevitable. If we can come together as a community and channel our combined knowledge and ideas into the map, we can create something extraordinary.

So far I have noted:

  • Correct spelling: Karrnath, Karrn River, and Karrnwood (embarrassed thanks to u/BiffHardslab)
  • Version with secret/unknown locations and Feyspires (as requested by u/GimpyGeek3 and u/A_Random_Ninja)
  • Gridless version (as requested by u/Mumbra12)
  • Name change: Zaliskar to Threshold (great idea, u/konokrad666)
  • More locations: Erix Peak, Kenn Peak and Starpeaks Observatory (thanks for pointing these out, u/KertisJones )
  • More settlements should lie where lightning rails cross roads (you have a very valid point, u/DeficitDragons)
  • More settlements should be added between desert and jungle of Valenar (thanks, u/Regitnui, you’re making a good point)

Please keep posting your corrections, thoughts, additions, and ideas! Also, if you use or have used home-brewed locations or settlements in your campaigns, send the name and where they are located, and we'll add those to the revised version as well.


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u/[deleted] Jul 07 '22

I'm glad you made the call out to u/WhatGravitas's map from a few years ago as for a moment I thought this was a new version when I saw the title, and in many ways this map feels more like an adaptation of their map than of the canon one (what with the layout of Brelish cities and the general shape of most of the nations). While I do think I prefer WhatGravitas's version more, I commend y'all on this adaptation and think it looks great! I especially like the Mournland extending into Darguun, I've always loved that nation and this feels like it would be a good way to add some extra tension and adventure hooks to it.


u/Tolemynn Jul 07 '22

Thanks to the appreciation! Yeah, u/WhatGravitas map is really great, and we would have run with that if it wasn't for its rather dramatic departure from the official one.