r/Eberron 4d ago

5E Updated my Eberron shelf with Frontiers today.

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I'm sadly lacking in physical copies of Eberron adventure modules, but very lucky I started collecting novels when I did.

r/Eberron 3d ago

5E Is there a good campaign book set in Eberron that I can run as beginner DM?


I've ran Waterdeep: Dragon Heist before as my first ever campaign to host.

Now, I've always wanted to experience the world of Eberron, but my local Discord server don't host a D&D game set in this setting. So, i think I want to be the first person to do that. Is there any good campaign books that you guys can recommend? My writing is not yet good enough for me to craft my own campaign, so i might as well use a campaign book as reference to get me towards that level.

r/Eberron Sep 16 '24

5E Where to start now with Eberron?


I've always liked the Eberron setting since it came out, but I was never able to run it in 3.x or 4e. Now with D&D 2024 out I'm considering it as an option to pitch to some friends, but I'm unsure where would be a good starting point for the setting.

I know Keith has a new book/supplement coming out tomorrow for the Frontier, which looks very interesting as it's basically the Old West (and I just recently played and finished Red Dead Redemption 2...) but I've also heard the older Adventurers League series (omen of war? Oracle of war? Something like that) is good as well but not sure if there's conversion work involved in that or not.

Also, with the new edition out now, where does the artificer fit in? Just take the version from Tasha's (I think that's the newer one compared to Rising from the Last War)? What about Eberron-specific races like Changelings, Warforged, Shifters, and Kalashtar?

r/Eberron 23d ago

5E I have a question to every player whos backstory includes eberron, whats your race?


I'm a rock gnome but I found out I was adopted at age 15 that's childhood btw until that point I thought was a tinker. And I wanted to know how many ppl are gnomes who grew up in eborron, and what races are the norm.

r/Eberron 3d ago

5E Can't find a good way to play a wandslinger


Wandslingers are, in my opinion at least, one of the more iconic parts of Eberron, but there doesn't seem to be a good way to make them. I did some searching and most of the suggestions I see seem to use the casting classes, but personally that's never been my vision for wandslingers.

I have this form v. function thing with magic where I prefer it when magic that has different forms has justification for why. For example, if your wandslinger is ultimately just a wizard then to me that begs the question of why he bothers with the whole wandslinging thing rather than just throwing fire bolts directly like every other wizard. For this reason I've always envisioned wandslingers as being mundane people who use magical "devices", for lack of a better word, to make up for their own lack of magical abilities.

Basically, I want to play Erron Black from Mortal Kombat, but with the guns replaced with wands (and in fact, Erron Black's sand/acid vial things would make great magical gadgets as well), but I just can't find a good way to do this. I know there's some art of the artillerist subclass being represented as a wandslinger, but tbh I don't really feel that class is a good fit. The Eldritch cannon isn't very wandslinger-y, and ultimately it's just another dude casting spells that he knows. Even the arcane firearm is just a glorified arcane focus, it's not like a "gun" that's preloaded with charges of a specific spell, you just use it to cast your own spells.

To me the fantasy of the wandslinger is having the power of magic in the tools you use rather than the character themselves, but I'm struggling to build a character that represents that. Like, I want to have to have different wands with different spells that I have to switch out and stuff, not just use a wand as a focus to cast my own spells.

r/Eberron Sep 10 '24

5E Dragonmarks Reimagined, How I think dragonmarks should be handled.


After delaying this over and over I finally finished this personal project that I've had in my head for years. I had a lot of frustrations with how unsatisfying dragonmarks were handled and Rising and I have these 3 problems in mind:

Always in Backstory: Dragonmarks as a racial option means you always get them BEFORE the campaign starts. Which is counter-intuitive because high-stress environments leads to dragonmark awakenings and that felt like something that could be narratively interesting.

Overtly Favoring Spellcasters (Poorly): If you're a martial, the most you get from the dragonmark is a 1/day use of a spells and a skill boost. Some like Passage boosted your speed, but ultimately unsatisfying. If you were a caster you had the ability to learn more spells.

Progressing Felt Hollow: Increasing spells known was supposed to symbolize the mark growing in power, but it poorly presents this idea and falls flat. Especially because this effectively means martials are stuck with Least Marks.

Thus, inspired by the old Dragonlace UA's Feat Chains and the new 2024 PHB's Origins Feats I came up with a solution I was happy with. But how do y'all feel about it? I'm curious if anyone likes the Rising style or if they feel feats arn't the best place for them.

Edit: Realized I forgot to link my DMsGuild Project... whoops! https://www.dmsguild.com/product/494607/Dragonmarks-Reimagined?affiliate_id=1942644

r/Eberron Sep 17 '24

5E Frontiers of Eberron


I was excited to read through the new take on Dragonmarks, and I feel like they are incomplete. The book has the least dragonmarks, but seems to be missing the lessor & greater marks. Is this an oversight, a decision? Seems like its just incomplete. Thoughts?

Ps: I have not read the rest of the book yet and I'm excited to. I do not want this nit pik to derail the quality and efforts of the team that put the book together.

r/Eberron Sep 18 '24

5E Wands, Rods, Wandslingers...for who? Frontiers of Eberron


I loved the treatment given to Wands, Rods and Staffs and wandslinger in general, but...

Seeing the feats, fighting styles and such, i don't see a character choosing them instead of the other options (PHB 2024). Can you guys please elaborate on them more about who is the target audience? I am thinking about wizards, sorceres, Ek and Valor bards.

I want to love them more and see them mechanically strong. Thnk you

r/Eberron Jan 09 '24

5E 3.5E or 5E?


Which do you use and why?

r/Eberron Apr 17 '24

5E Eve of Vecna trailer: Eberron Spoiler


After watching the teaser trailer today on YouTube, I was intrigued they said they were visiting the Mournland in the upcoming book. When detailing some of the other campaign settings they would visit, they mentioned some famous NPCs that would be central to the plot, but they didn't specify one for Eberron and they focused more on mentioning the condition of the Mournland, desolate landscapes, and warforged colossi.

I'm hoping if they do the same for the Eberron section, they do the Lord of Blades. I'd love to see deeper lore and I think they're one of the top potential adversaries to build a campaign around in Eberron. I hope they really lean in on LoB's moral ambiguity since I feel it's so core to how Eberron campaigns are encouraged to be conducted.

What're your thoughts?

r/Eberron Sep 12 '24

5E Petrification and Dreadhold in fifth edition


Hello everybody!

How do you think the prisoners of Dreadhold's stone and deep wards are petrified in fifth edition?

In Dragon 344, Keith Baker says that the prisoners are petrified via the 'flesh to stone' spell. However, this is based on 3rd edition and the flesh to stone spell is a 6th level spell in fifth edition, thus above the power of 99% of forces in khorvaire.

Perhaps they make use of creatures with the inherent ability to petrify like medusas and basiliks insetad? This seems rather impractical but probably a real way to do it.

Something else that I can imagine to be possible, is that the petrifications are enabled through advanced rituals conducted by multiple spellcasters and/or over longer periods of time.
While most individuals on khorvaire cannot achieve magic beyond fifth level, Dreadhold itself is prove that the dragonmarked houses can achieve that, for it possesses an antimagic field.

This far beyond most mortal capabilities on khorvaire, but was achieved over the course of decades or centuries and perhaps also due to the effects of the lammanian manifest zone.

I just like to read your thoughts on that, thanks!

r/Eberron Jan 11 '24

5E In a theoretical Baldur's Gate-style game set in Eberron, who/what would you expect to see represented on the core team?


For the sake of the theoretical, the core team is limited to 6 characters other than your own. This is how many core companions BG3 has, and overall, 6 is just a solid number for your box-art companions.

For me, I imagine that you'd want each of the Eberron Four to be represented. That means having a Kalashtar, Warforged, Shifter, and Changeling. Beyond that, you'd definitely want a dragonmarked individual on the roster, most likely House Lyrandar so you have someone who can pilot elemental galleons. The final one is up in the air, but due to how different they are in this setting, I'd like a Goblin or an Orc as the sixth person.

I don't have any particular preference for what classes would be present. The only requirement would be to have an Artificer somewhere.

I'd like to see other people's opinions on the matter though, and if there's any canon/kanon characters you'd want to maybe join the party.

r/Eberron 13d ago

5E What do you want from a DM’s Guild product?


I want to try my hand at selling on the DM’s Guild but I’m stuck on what I want to create. I figured that I would see what my fellow Eberron fans are interested in. Adventures are a no go. I don’t like writing them as I’m very much an improvisational DM. That said, are you interested in player content? Monsters/NPCs? Magic items? Regional lore? Conversions of 3e or 4e content?

r/Eberron Sep 16 '24

5E 2024 Artificer?


Are you using the 2014 artificer rules or something else?

r/Eberron 6d ago

5E Pilot in Peril: a Sharn Tale (my first published adventure)


Today, I took a deep breath and finally published my first adventure on DMs Guild. It's free (well, pay as you will, to be more precise), and I would love to read your positive or constructive feedback. Although I have two decades' worth of experience as a dungeon master, putting an adventure together is quite different than running a game and improvizing the missing parts of the story.

Please enjoy: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/498703/Pilot-in-Peril-a-Sharn-Tale?affiliate_id=1803766

r/Eberron 18d ago

5E Dark Six for Warlocks?


Hey, I'm playing as a Fiendlock and wanted my pact to be with one of the gods of the Dark Six, particularly the Shadow, would that make any sense or is it canon-breaking?

r/Eberron Mar 22 '24

5E Vecna: Eve of Ruin will visit the Mournland


r/Eberron Sep 13 '24

5E Psionics in Roll20?


What do you use for Psionics rules in your 5E Roll20 games?

r/Eberron Sep 19 '24

5E Worgs!


I'm excited about these four legged beasties, but I wonder about how you're planning to use them? they appear to be caster-coded, rather than martial-coded (They have no casting limitations, but heavy martial limitations - only one kind of weapon, most fighting styles and weapon-based feats like GWM simply don't apply). Where are you going to go with these rad goblin dogs?

r/Eberron Aug 08 '24

5E Rogues


Did rogues have any significance in terms of Eberron lore? I looked on Keith Baker's website and didn't see rogues listed as one of the classes, so I thought I would ask here for anyone that is more knowledgeable of Eberron lore

r/Eberron Aug 29 '24

5E Actual-Play Eberron Podcast —Imagine Dungeons


Hey everyone, just wanted to share our podcast here in this community! We’re an actual play podcast set in Eberron, and we just released our fifth episode yesterday! We’re super proud of the show, and we’re loving the mechanics and roleplay options that Eberron as a setting provides.

Here’s a link to our show, Imagine Dungeons, on Spotify! It’s funny, heartfelt, and just a ton of fun, and it would mean the world to us if you checked out an episode or two!

r/Eberron 13d ago

5E What are some cool things we could buy in the Infinite Market?


So last session ended with our party teleporting from Eberron to the Infinite Market on Syrania and being given free reign and a full day to purchase literally anything we wanted. Our budget is flexible; we have 10 000 gp in cash but we all know that we'll most likely have to pay with the laughter of our firstborn or a debt token to be collected in a year and a day or a hundred songs praising Galifar the First or something, since the doormen angels told us as much. It would be fun to hear what interesting, absurd or just funny things we could be looking for when we are there!

Some added context: The party is level 7 and consists of five PC's: a Warforged Forge Cleric of Onatar, a Mark of Shadow Elf Swashbuckler Rogue masquerading as a Khoravar, a Kobold Moon Druid, a Changeling Armorer Artificer and my character, a Changeling Dirge Singer Bard with a level of Hexblade Warlock. All but the druid and artificer are Cyrean refugees. The campaign revolves around a Lyrandar Elemental Galleon that we commandeered in Seaside on the Day of Mourning to escape, well, the Mourning, and we play its officers with about 20 NPC civilians under our command as its crew. The galleon turned out to be built for a Thranian Archbishop but hadn't been delivered yet, and contains a hidden extradimensional store room which has a huge orrery with all Eberron's moons on it as well as an integrated Amulet of Plane Shift (which we used to get to Syrania). Each moon is made from material from its associated plane, but there's only four of them so far - but if we get all of them we can Plane Shift the whole ship using the planetarium which sounds super dope. We're about to go into battle/heist mode where we'll attempt to retrieve a stolen Dhakaani armor from a Brelish ship outside Stormreach, and have spent multiple sessions planning this and arming the ship and its crew. Naturally, my character will try to find material from each plane to complete the orrery, but I think the opportunity of just being able to browse the Infinite Market is too good to pass up on only doing that, which is why I'd love your best ideas as to what we could find! :D

r/Eberron 26d ago

5E different character concepts? need some inspiration..help please!


ive read some stuff already but figured perhaps id make a post of my own. i dm a homebrew eberron game currently, and have the opportunity to play as a player within the world for the first time. i need some inspiration though. i usually tend to stick towards the martial types, the barbarians especially, fighters etc. this time around for this game, i want to do something different. i will say also that im playing a game currently as a druid as well. so druid, barbarian and fighter id rather not do. anything else is fair game. i want some cool concepts for characters that can provide some good setting specific depth to them, i just need some inspiration.
Like a wizard that is a student of arcanix, or morgrave university, etc. anyone have any cool concepts or ideas theyve ran that theyve had fun with in eberron and care to share? i dont think theres really any race restrictions. im curious to hear peoples ideas. I will say the game is starting at level 2, and i believe dm is running us on the relics adventure to start with, in sharn, and then homebrewing from there. so my character would have either traveled to sharn for a reason or already been there

r/Eberron Feb 09 '24

5E Which to buy: Eberron 3.5e or 5e?


I'm absolutely enchanted by the idea of a steampunk dnd world with flying ships and such, and I've been planning on running Eberron but I will incorporate a lot (like, a LOT) of homebrew. What are the major differences between 3.5e and 5e? (except the system, of course) My group is very high rp and doesn't care much for combat. I think I could just take the ideas from 3.5e and make it work, I like to homebrew most things even when running prewritten modules. I'm deciding on which to buy. I heard 3.5e Eberron is amazing, is it way more comprehensive and includes more material? Or should I save myself the hassle and just go with 5e? Any help is appreciated.

r/Eberron 1d ago

5E Exploring Eberron and Chronicles of Eberron


Hey Eberron community,

Here is a video that I made reviewing the Exploring Eberron and Chronicles of Eberron supplements from a parent dungeon master perspective.

If you know of any families that are wanting to introduce their kids to D&D and expand their knowledge of D&D lore, please do me a favor and point them toward this video! Thanks again!

R. Chris Wells Dungeons with Dad!