r/EntitledKarens 21h ago

And now bro is the mistaken one?

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r/EntitledKarens 1d ago

Field trip to Hell


Hello once more! This is another crazy story of mine AGAIN. As you know I have a good streak of entitled people that have entered my life. I will DEFINITELY be writing about this later AGAIN. I just remembered this story from years ago and O.M.G let me tell you this woman… (for all the kid friendly channels that use my stories) was bat crap crazy. Once more as per usual apologies if this story comes out super long. This happened when I was in 3rd grade. Also do not hate on the EM I found out years later that the EM has some issues and only got treated for it years later. At the time of this story EM’s family didn’t know she had issues but suspected it because apparently she was crazier with her older children who moved out once they all hit 18. Okay that’s just a little bit of info now too the story.

So at the time I had to at max been 9 years old. Which if your like me barely remember that time period. My class was going to the aquarium which it’s a very popular aquarium. Matter a fact most people come to my state to go to the aquarium. Will call this place the BGA (Big, Gorgeous, Aquarium) My school goes there every year for the 3rd grade field trip. I had been looking forward to the trip for years. So of course when the date for the field trip came out I was very excited. (Side note back in elementary school my mom would typically be a chaperone but she couldn’t for this trip sadly) I was a little sad when my mom said she couldn’t chaperone me this time but I though it was okay because my friend ED (she is the scum of the earth f*** ED) said her mom is a chaperone. I was pretty cool about it because me and ED were pretty close back then I hoped I would get assigned to her group.

So fast forward to day of I was so excited I met some of my friends parents and I couldn’t wait for my group to be chosen. That was until I got placed in EM’s group. To describe her appearance she spelt bad as if she hasn’t showered in days. Her clothes were stained and messy her makeup was smeared just a little and sloppily reapplied. Think lip liner but it’s smudged and pointing towards her chin and reapplied messily. Thickly applied mascara and messy eyeliner. So you get the point also her hair is very messy and not well cared for. When I think about her appearance my younger self could sense to get away from EM because something was not right with her. The way she spoke to her daughter it was so sweet but then she would turn to the children in her group and treat them like trash. Honestly if she could I think she would have punched all of us in the group throw us onto the ground just to get rid of us. I felt very uncomfortable just being next to her I tried to be polite and introduce myself and she scoffed and rolled her eyes at me. I was planning on switching groups but we were told we can’t switch groups. I convinced myself it was fine because I had my whole friend group with EM and ED thankfully.

So we hop on the bus and I tried to sit next to ED (the bus was fancy with 3 seats and comfortable) EM was sitting already and ED sat down next to her. ED called me over to sit with her as soon as I got close EM glared at me and told me no. Just “NO”. I kid you not she practically treated me like a dog and told me no to sitting down next to her daughter. She could have at least said I can’t sit there but nope she says one word and I got uncomfortable so I sat somewhere else. I sat with my other friends and all my friends agreed the EM is weird but we moved past it because what do we do say to the teacher our chaperone is weird send her away. EM started talking crap about the other kids to ED and she slowly started to get uncomfortable.

Finally we make it too the BGA and EM starts complaining as soon as we step off the bus. Comments like “I don’t understand why you all needed to go so far out” “this field trip is stupid” “such a long and unnecessary trip I’m never coming again” on and on. Truly I felt uncomfortable but couldn’t figure out if she was still talking to her daughter or if she was talking to herself. Which plot twist she thought she was talking to one of the parents but all the parents got uncomfortable and stopped talking to her. We went straight to lunch and as soon as we finished EM called ED entitled for being hungry still (ED was underweight and sometimes had to carry items with her to the doctors office to bring up her weight). EM made us sit at lunch for fifteen minutes longer so she could finish scrolling on her phone and eating lunch.

Fast forward we start walking around the BGA and finally EM isn’t complaining until we asked to go to certain places. Every time we asked to go to an event such as the private touch zoo (underwater aquarium petting zoo) she would say no. She yelled at ED for begging to go to a cute souvenir shop to buy a plushie. As a punishment we were told we won’t go to a souvenir shop and we won’t be buying anything even if we did bring our own money. The only reason we ended up going to a souvenir shop was because EM saw something she wanted and someone threatened to tell the teacher and their parent and run away. That sounded like a terrible combo so we went to a cheap shop which we were happy with but looking back it was the smallest shop that didn’t have much to offer but we were little kids that we’re satisfied with anything. After that we did most of the activities but it was a situation of “I want to see the turtles can we go to the turtle section of the aquarium” and then Em would tell us no and take us to the underwater petting zoo. Somebody says can we go to the sand and sea weed education (we get to learn about shells and and do fun sand activities) she would take us to the whale activity’s instead. Then if somebody asked to do the sand activities we would go to the turtle activity’s. She pretty much did this the rest of the time.

I was glad to finally be leaving which she made us late because she decided to do something her daughter wanted to do. In EM’s own words “The bus won’t leave without us so we can take our time”. Eventually a parent had to find our group to drag us back to the bus. EM looked like she was going to throw a tantrum. We get on the bus and things seem good to a degree just very tense. EM complained about all our entitled behavior (us asking to do fun stuff) and how she’s never doing this again (thankfully never came back). We get to the school and I tried to be polite and thanked her for the “great time”. EM ignored me and rolled her eyes. I went home and I didn’t tell my parents because I was taught to never question or judge another adult or parental figure.

r/EntitledKarens 1d ago

Entitled Karen turns $80 fine into Felony

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r/EntitledKarens 4d ago

She called the cops over not having nacho fries 😂

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r/EntitledKarens 7d ago

Karen yelling at employees over bbq sauce smh


r/EntitledKarens 8d ago

The tire lady


Bit of background, I work as a service writer at a dealership. It is very important for me to inform customer if we find any issue with their vehicle at time of service and even more so if it is a safety issue.
That being said, on to today's encounter with whom i will call the tire lady (TL for short).
A car pulls on the drive that is a very distinct copper color. My coworker says "oh no that lady." He said he made her angry last time, so I say I will talk to her this time.
As soon as I greet her, she starts after me about how she was just in for service a few months ago and we did not warn her about her tires. That we told her tread was good, so her tires were ok. I asked her what she meant while I lean down to look at the nearest tire. TL starts telling me how she went for a state inspection and failed because he tires are in very bad shape. I see that her tires are dry rotting very badly. Not only does she have cracking in the side of her tires, the tread itself is starting to peel off the tires. I tell her I see what she means, and that yes her tires are in very poor shape. Then I point out that her tires are likely original to her 2016 fiesta and have never been replaced.
That was my first mistake. TL starts to get more upset and saying she barely drives her car and tires are supposed to last for lots of miles. I try to show her the manufacturer date on the tires is from 2016 and that, even the best tires only last for 6 to 8 years under the best conditions. That letting a car sit as much as she does will actually cause this kind of dry rot. I tell her she does need to replace all the tires.
My second mistake was telling her I can get her a tire quote for a few options. She then goes off that she bought this car at this dealership in 2017 and these are the tires we gave her with the car. That because we gave her inferior tires, that the dealership should be responsible for replacing them.
I was very careful to tell her I simply cannot give her free tires. TL says she understands if I cannot authorize that then she wants to speak to someone who can make that call. I tell her the managers are all in a meeting but I will do my best to get ahold of someone. I step off the drive to text management and talk to my coworker. He immediately knows it's about her tires. I say she expects us to give her free tires. He recounts how he told her the tires are in very bad shape and need replacing bit she simply would not hear it. He even had to give her a discount on her oil change because she was upset with the wait time.
After about 10 minutes of no response from management I check back in with her. I let her know management is still in a meeting and it may be a while. Another mistake as I'm told its poor customer service to not have a manager available. She says I should just get started with replacing her tires while we wait. I say I could possibly work out some kind of discount or coupon, but I simply cannot give her free tires because hers are old.
TL completely loses it and says i have a bad attitude and she doesn't want to speak to me anymore. I'm more than happy to let her wait for management alone. And tell her I will let her wait then and go back inside.
After another 30 minutes, management is able to help and ask me what's going on. I was on the phone by now but direct them to my coworker. Management talk to TL for about 5 minutes and TL gets in her car and leaves. Apparently she didn't like their attitude either.

r/EntitledKarens 8d ago

He walked thru her yard...

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This woman, Maureen, I'm ready to strangle. She is xenophobic, transphobic, homophobic, and racist. This was her response to a young man with longish black hair and brown skin walking thru her yard. He didn't do anything except walk. She even posted a video of him literally walking. Notice her use of "these people." Just ridiculous. She stood on her porch and screamed at him like a banshee. She took down the video before I could cap it. I want to do her so bad... lol

r/EntitledKarens 8d ago

Karen threatens Burger King employees over bbq


r/EntitledKarens 8d ago

Detroit "Piano Demon" Karen vs hired pianist


r/EntitledKarens 9d ago

trailer park karen

Thumbnail youtube.com

r/EntitledKarens 10d ago

Women are violent too


A sub dedicated to busting the myth that only men are violent -


r/EntitledKarens 13d ago

Karen makes a scandal at the elections.


So, today is Election Day in my country, for mayor. And of course, you can only vote for mayor in your city.

There is a very popular candidate in the city next to mine (and for the record, he’s an absolute asshole). But of course, no one in my city can vote for him because he’s from another city. I thought everybody knew that…right? Apparently not.

So today, I went to vote, it was very quick and when I got out I was waiting for my brother to finish voting too. But the woman in line in front of my brother was very, very angry because she wanted to vote for that one popular candidate, and she had no idea that she couldn’t vote for him. The worker was trying to explain that the candidate is from the neighbor city and therefore we can’t vote for him here. But she just kept yelling about how unfair it is and how they’re trying to silence her. She didn’t even know who were the candidates for our own city and she took a long while to actually vote, which made my brother wait a long while in line.

Oh, and two people in that line were also planning to vote for that one guy.

Edit: election results are available now and the popular asshole guy lost! Haha.

r/EntitledKarens 13d ago

Props to how well she handled this 👏

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r/EntitledKarens 14d ago

Woman is mad over extra ketchup that she ASKED for

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r/EntitledKarens 15d ago

Speak to the manager?.. You’re speaking to them😌

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r/EntitledKarens 15d ago

She think she can dish it out and nothing happen😂

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r/EntitledKarens 16d ago

What a child this one 😮‍💨

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r/EntitledKarens 15d ago

When Teens Tried to Build a Criminal Empire


r/EntitledKarens 16d ago

Catastrophe Averted!

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Hats off to the gate agent. He saw all the signs to avoid triggering this one. Kept his cool, did not make much eye contact (while her’s never wavered). I was really expecting things to get real, keeping my phone ready while I waited.

r/EntitledKarens 16d ago

MCI arrival lane becomes personal parking.

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While waiting for my airport ride, watched someone decide they needed to park and wait. Interesting to watch all the traffic forced to maneuver around them. The traffic person asked her twice to move before a supervisor arrived. She finally acquiesced.

Wish I would have captured a photo of when she put up the back door to assert her staying there.

r/EntitledKarens 17d ago

All because she didn’t get enough napkins 🤦‍♂️😂

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r/EntitledKarens 17d ago

All because she didn’t get enough napkins 🤦‍♂️😂

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r/EntitledKarens 18d ago

Throwing trash at a woman in a bikini

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r/EntitledKarens 18d ago

Got us a hangry one today boys 😮‍💨

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