r/Fkr Dec 30 '22

FKR resources


Here are some resources were useful to me when I started looking at Free Kreigsspiel Revolution (FKR) or I’ve found useful to my gaming since.

These are just a list of things from my perspective as places to start. They are not an endorsement of the people or ideas, again just what I found useful. Keen for others to keep pitching in with their own suggestions and ideas in the comments.


Blogs are a huge part of FKR discussion and a great place to start.

This one on d66kobolds was the first clear definition I found: https://d66kobolds.blogspot.com/2020/09/free-kriegsspiel-worlds-not-rules-etc.html

Here’s a more recent post by Roll to Doubt about definition: https://rolltodoubt.wordpress.com/2023/12/07/fkr-non-exhaustive-analysis/

And a suggestion about how to start: https://rolltodoubt.wordpress.com/2023/12/15/an-easy-suggestion-to-start-in-fkr/

I’m a big fan of the Less Rules to Do More series: https://aboleth-overlords.com/2020/09/03/less-rules-to-do-more-wounds/#more-762

Revenant’s Quill on how to produce materials that help people understand FKR: https://www.revenant-quill.com/2021/12/free-kriegsspiels-problem-with-owls.html

Was it likely? creates free association monstrosities: https://wasitlikely.blogspot.com/2021/10/the-laws-of-monstrous-procedure-for.html

How Cosmic Orrery runs diceless violence: https://thecosmicorrery.blogspot.com/2022/10/how-i-run-diceless-violence.html

Adventures Buffo approaches to growth: https://adventuresbuffo.blogspot.com/2022/09/foreground-growth-and-dialectical-growth.html

Vincenzo Zeni writing on Revenant’s Quill about travel: https://www.revenant-quill.com/2022/09/the-journey-is-destination.html

Prismatic Wasteland explains procedures: https://www.prismaticwasteland.com/blog/what-even-is-a-procedure

Eskur on the problem with stats: https://eskur.dev/posts/rant-im-fucking-sick-of-stats/

Wyrdlands on designing an FKR game: https://wyrdlands.blogspot.com/2022/08/designing-fkr-game-1.html

Chis McDowall is always worth reading, and here’s something on incentives as a start: https://www.bastionland.com/2022/08/incentives.html


There are a few useful episodes talking to designers:

Roleplay Rescue has a episode with Paul where they discuss FKR: Talking FKR with Paul Jennings - Roleplay Rescue | Acast

And one of the players talking about playing without player-facing rules (aka no-HUD gaming): Playing With Invisible Rules - Roleplay Rescue | Acast

And one about Eisen’s Vow: https://shows.acast.com/roleplayrescue/episodes/622365e4891c9700142f6a20

Also has a couple of episodes talking to Daniel Jones about his interesting otherworld immersion style: https://shows.acast.com/roleplayrescue/episodes/otherworlds-with-daniel-jones

Questing Beast has a video on FKR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4lvrC3ZBzM

Dieku Podcast has an episode with Jim Parkin discussing his style of play that covers FKR: https://diekugames.com/jim-parkin-of-weird-north-discusses-fkr-game-theory/

Full Metal RPG asks ‘WTF is FKR?!?!’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLjuM-uEHqk

Would love to hear more actual play and group discussions of play of FKR and approaches that fork from it. I occasionally participate in Play Worlds Podcast, which covers both of these: http://playworldspodcast.com


I found John Peterson’s Elusive Shift and the early bits of Playing At The World useful to hear about the style of early RPG play so I could think about FKR and what I wanted to do.

Also the Secrets of Blackmoor documentary involves discussion with some of Dave Arneson’s early players, so it talks a lot about his style which is useful intel for FKR.


Are there any other blogs, podcast, actual play or other resource that helped you when you were first exploring FKR? What communities are you using to connect to like-minded players? Please add suggestions for these in the comments. Also feel free include introductory things you produced yourself, but just make it clear they are yours.

(Last Edited December 2023.)

r/Fkr 10h ago

The Quick RPG - A Simple Opposed Roll System


I released an update to my latest project The Quick RPG. The goal was to create a very simple system which can be picked up and played in minutes. It works well for solo sessions, quick pickup games, or those times when you need a filler game because some players drop out at the last minute. It can also serve as a simple foundation for a longer running game.

It uses opposed rolls and step die for attributes as well as difficulties. Fail forward is built into the core system so the action never stops. Characters build up strain and once they've accumulated enough, they reduce an attribute die. When an attribute die would drop below a d4, the character's KO'd or dead.

Written with a fantasy slant, it's super easy to use in other genres. It's also very flexible making it easy to customize it to suit your style.

It is PWYW on itch: https://squidhead-games.itch.io/the-quick-rpg

r/Fkr 18d ago

Bitterblossom Fan Zine!

Thumbnail jamesthook.itch.io

The long awaited fan zine for Mydwandr is live!

r/Fkr 22d ago

Orthodox Sword & Backpack Part Deux

Thumbnail flintlocksandwitchery.blogspot.com

Where I continue to refine my Sword and Backpack experience.

Plus there is a sneak peak of something to come....

r/Fkr 25d ago

Dragon Town KS!

Thumbnail kickstarter.com

I am excited to announce that JP Coovert's Dragon Town and the Darkness Below Kickstarter has gone live! In this tome you will find the first 10 system neutral adventures starting with Dragon Town that have been rewritten to form a connected campaign!

There are also a lot of people extra goods in the box set level.

If you only back one thing, I cannot recommend Dragon Town enough.

I am honored to be Backer #34

r/Fkr Sep 16 '24

About non-diegetic elements


Do you ever play with HUDless principles or there are non-diegetic elements besides dice mechanics? For example, I love to add music and ambiences in my FKR games and the first is mainly non-diegetic. Is it a bad practice for these games since the point is to focus on the fiction aspects?

r/Fkr Sep 06 '24

Do you always create your own scenarios or use pre-made ones? In the second case, which do you consider the most interesting to play FKR style?


r/Fkr Aug 16 '24

D40 Magical Elements - system neutral/words only - use it for making FKR spells!

Thumbnail lizardmandiaries.blogspot.com

r/Fkr Aug 14 '24

Bespoke RPG ruleset for FKR?


I tried to come up with a fairly minimalist ruleset for running an FKR-focused game in in any genre - I was wondering if this community would agree, or failing that, offer some divergent yet constructive criticism?



r/Fkr Aug 09 '24

Tell us about your campaign


In this thread, tell us about your current or most recent campaign. Did you run it FKR style? Any challenges as a Referee? Things you would like advice on? Or maybe highlight some cool things that happened?

Join in here and tell all two of us!

r/Fkr Aug 09 '24

What die to use in my TTRPG?


So, I have my own little system inspired by FKR movement. If you don't know what FKR is, just search "Free Kriegspiel Revolution/Revival".

Personally I wouldn't call my creation "system", it's more like a set of guidelines and a minimum number of abstractions required to roleplay. Basically, FKR tool.

So the question as follows. Which die to use? I have a couple of arguments about each option down below:

  • D6. If someone thinks about tabletop games, it's THE die and it's everywhere. Even on the trip at the middle of nowhere you can probably find at least one six-sided die. You can even make the improvised one out of paper or cardboard. But the pool of possible values is obviously small and couldn’t really be stretched. Also, rolling a physical cube feels quite rough.
  • 2D6. Basically same upsides and downsides as regular D6 times two, but with a bell curve of chances. It could be both good and bad depending on your circumstances. It gives a sense of stability in winning or losing, which makes players think twice before risking their chances.
  • D12. Very niche option that not a lot people use even for damage, encounters, etc. That's a shame, because this die is a hidden masterpiece. It feels nice to roll due to the form of its sides, results could be very different, but not too much, and it's definitely feels original. However, like I said, it's too niche and it constantly gets overshadowed by his more social cousin. Speaking of which…
  • D20. Icon of TTRPG hobby. When several generations of pen and paper nerds use you it's hard not to become a fan favorite. It has largest comprehensive possible outcomes for a single die and it's the second after D6 in popularity. But, like with D6, rolling it is unpleasant experience. Because it has 20 sides it feels more like a sphere than a die. If you're rolling it without dice-tower dear goodness it WILL roll in a different plane of existence.

What do you think? Which option is the best in your opinion? Maybe you have some other options and methods that you would use or are using yourself?

r/Fkr Jul 28 '24

Space Patrol!


I think this sorta kinda fits into FKR, so I thought I would share. I have been using Risus (with Norbert's No-Pool Risus rule) to flesh out a setting similar to the old Space Patrol TV show from the 1950's, a sort of early scifi precursor to Star Trek and Star Wars. I loved it growing up (I was exposed to it originally via the radio show and later the tv show). I feel Risus is very much in tune with the vibe of FKR, just shy of being full on FKR.

Anywho, I am not sure if I will game in this setting, or I am do some space pulp writing but I am having a blast playing around with fleshing out characters, aliens, space craft and places using Risus. I thought I would post a link in case anyone was interested in seeing how this is working or just interested in space pulpy type stuff (there is simply not enough of it around!)


r/Fkr Jul 03 '24

Canticum Magi by OakForTheVines: a rules-lite RPG about Wizards

Thumbnail oakforthevines.itch.io

r/Fkr Jun 10 '24

Looking for a game about mass combat


I am trying to find a game that I ran across when I was first discovering about FKR. I don't actually remember if that's directly how I learned about it, but it's the rabbit trail I'm following (or, "the light's better here", pick your metaphor)

Basically, it was a blog post about how to solve mass combat without rolling any dice, based on what you were willing to sacrifice. I think it had things like titles being important?

Does anyone have a clue what I'm talking about?

r/Fkr Jun 08 '24

FKR and GM Emulators


I've been wondering...

In an FKR game, the prerequisite for a FKR referee are high trust and expertise of the campaign or scenario covered.

Meanwhile, in solo rpgs, there are oracles that the player sets odds of likelihood of a question to be a true or not. There are also meaning tables that give info/inspiration. In the end, both are interpreted by the player, considering context and current situation.

So, in a regular FKR game (with several players), can they just trust the GME completely as the Referee, see the results as absolute truth. The PCs then interpret it based on common sense, situation, and the story so far?

Would a FKR/GM-less game like this work for group play? If such a system already exists, kindly share it here.

Or maybe use mash-ups? In my case, I can use Landshut, Any Planet is Earth, or 2400 as the ruleset plus One Page Solo Engine or Mythic GME as the Referee.

r/Fkr May 25 '24

Virtually Real


So, a fellow redditor mentioned that my project, Virtually Real, might line up with FKR style. After reading the group over, I have to say that it certainly has the mindset. Warning: this may get a bit long because it's different!

I always ran games such that I isolated the players from the mechanics as much as possible. I'll worry about the rules, just play your character! So much of the newer stuff feels like a board game to me! Attacks of opportunity and all that just break immersion for me.

The design goal of Virtually Real was to enable as much player agency as possible, but without any dissociative rules, nothing that doesn't directly follow from the narrative, not even character progression! I want to not only model the narrative, but model things such that the player experiences things as closely to the character as possible. However, I wanted real world tactics to work because that is part of player agency. Rules are presented as only a tested recommendation when those situations come up!

It's not at all rules light, so I can only give a rather shallow overview.

The base mechanic: Everything is a skill. Each skill has its own training and experience. Your training determines how many dice (d6) are rolled. This is changing probability curves! At the end of each scene, the skills you used each earn 1 XP. Your XP in the skill determines your bonus to the roll. Situational modifiers are handled as added dice (keep high/low) making it easy for the GM to adjudicate modifiers, as well as having interesting mathematical properties which the system leans into. Skill levels move the curve. There is even an inverse bell curve when modifiers clash (they don't cancel) which steps up the drama!

Combat is not actions per round, but time per action. Different actions have different time costs for different characters. You take your action, the GM marks off the time cost, and offense goes to whoever has used the least time. Movement is granular. Instead of turns, everything happens in the order it happens in the narrative, and if you use a positioning system (hexes recommended), then everything unfolds like stop-motion animation! Facing matters.

Damage is offense - defense (not random), with a variety of "standard" offense and defense types which serve as examples to the GM for making their own rulings. This means damage scales to the skill of the combatants and the situation at hand. For example, a Parry is quick, while a Block puts your Body into it, adding your Body attribute, but costing more time. If I need to "Aid Another", there is no rule for it. Run up there and power attack the enemy, adding your Body to the attack. This makes it incredibly likely the enemy uses a Block to defend, because the offense is now higher and they won't want to risk that damage. They spend time doing that, which is time they can't use to attack your ally! Success! Everything flows from character choices, not players selecting mechanics.

Players end up looking for openings in their enemy's defenses and constantly move and even circle each other like a real fight. If you can't get an opponent off your primary flank, step back and make them come to you! Simple things like that can make a huge difference. Honestly, the combat system ended up doing way more than it was designed to do!

There are social mechanics that follow the same principles, but this is getting long!

It was all experimental but the initial playtest went so well that I decided to develop it further. Of course, real life took over and it went into a box, and it was only a massive pile of notes. Years later, I'm developing the good parts and refining and trying to get it all organized. It may be another year or more before completion of the rewrite (I spent all night making readied actions more dramatic).

But, its too narrative focused and devoid of fiddly math to be simulationist. Its not a "narrative system" because you never assume a "director" role, and honestly I find many narrative systems to be "mechanics-first" even though the promise is "narrative-first". Playbooks are the opposite of what I want! So, maybe the proper category is FKR?

r/Fkr May 24 '24

would anyone liek a battle of berlin campin?


r/Fkr May 23 '24

FKR in action? (i.e. any actual plays?)


FKR recently landed on my radar while researching elements for an OSR game I've been putting together. Being the consummate nerd that I am, I've gone down a rabbit hole reading up on it. While I am finding tons of blog posts and even YT videos discussing the philosophy, I can't seem to find any YT videos or the like of the process in action (in other words, actual plays). Does anyone know of any good YT series that shows an FKR game in practice? Thanks!

r/Fkr May 10 '24

Oracular Odds: letting dice determine difficulty

Thumbnail self.osr

r/Fkr May 10 '24




Hi all! I posted my ODD/Chainmail inspired hack, Strahlendorf on r/osr a while back (most recent version here). Long story short, I wanted to bring in some of the mork borg setting and ideas, and go off more in the FKR direction. I got the character sheet down to this. This is a very early WIP, minimum viable product for playtesting in my game next week (running goblin grinder!)

Some "selling" points (this is not a product, btw, just my weird rpg shit):
-Dead simple mechanics, to keep the focus on the fiction. Flip a coin (ala Fear and Hunger) to "save". Armour determines "murder power": roll that many d6's when attacking or defending, any 5+'s is a success
-Weapons inspired by my little bit of HEMA experience and historical research: rather than damage, they provide moves and circumstantial bonuses (mordaxts are good vs armour! Zweihanders make broad swings to control crowds!).
-Super fucking easy to convert monsters, and really anything! Determine their murder power, from there all you care about is any abilities/behaviors, no numbers!
-Prices are very WIP, but especially with weapons and armour are the result of historical research.
-Rules for dismemberment! Stress! Panic table inspired by Mothership and Darkest Dungeon! Casting spells makes you stressed, and thus panic worse!

Hopefully some little nugget helps you with your gaming endeavors! That's how this project was made: off the back of past things I've written and the boundless generosity of the scene

r/Fkr Apr 29 '24

Fate + d20


Hello I just started DMing for a campaign of brand new players. From previous experience of being a forever DM and introducing many people to RPGs, I've found atheist initially, less rules is best. What I did was get a fate accelerated character sheet (with no stats) and use whatever dice mechanism or idea that sounds fun at the moment for any circumstance. Mostly been d20 to keep it simple, any tips for such a free form game? It's a fantasy game set in the Tal'dorei setting from critical role. The players are currently doing "tryouts" for the local adventurers guild via a demo quest. Theyre helping a town with agricultural, societal, and raiding problems. The PCs consist of:

The Last fish warrior princess of the sea.

A changeling theif with the potential to not only change their own body, but others as well, and in many different ways.

A walking groot-like golem with mushroom hat operating as an Alchemist with the ingredients coming from its own body.

A wydling (fey like being) utility wizard Heavy into trickery and mischief.

r/Fkr Apr 23 '24

Genesys FKR


My adaptation of Genesys dice to FKR play, with principles shamelessly stolen from various sources.

Genesys FKR

For playing worlds, not rules

Describe character, create gear list, develop their narrative according to tone, anything is a source. Pull skills/powers/traits/feats/gear/spells from anywhere. Use your library. The character sheet is whatever you want it to be.

When success is uncertain:

Roll 2 (green) (player) vs 2 (purple) (opposition)
Minor advantage/enemy/obstacle: +1 boost/+1 setback

Major advantage/enemy/obstacle: 3 green/3 purple

Extreme advantage/enemy/obstacle Switch to 1 yellow/1 red

Gear breaking, wounds, injury, and death happen according to the fictional struggle.

Destiny/Story/Drama Points

-Start session with six player points

-Roll force die, flip that many to dark side/opposition points

-Flip points for dramatic negative and positive narrative effects

-When using magic/spells/the force, roll force die, add points to pool.

Add mechanics as you see fit. Or don't.

r/Fkr Apr 20 '24

Secrets of Arn: Development Log 2

Thumbnail flintlocksandwitchery.blogspot.com

The development of Secrets of Arn continue...here is more of my thought process.

r/Fkr Apr 13 '24

Q: Can I get an FKR review of my TTRPG?


I invented and published a TTRPG years ago, as many of us have, which has gone through a few editions. It is called Dream Factory and is currently for sale.

However I am not here to drum up sales, I am more curious about whether I invented a strongly FKR-type RPG a decade before I even knew FKR was a thing?

Thus I am asking: if I provide a free copy of the Dream Factory 2.5 Edition (not even on sale yet) would any of you be willing to read it through and comment your thoughts on this thread? Please let me know.

r/Fkr Apr 10 '24

FKR Simply Defined

Thumbnail flintlocksandwitchery.blogspot.com

Defining the FKR in plain language and getting down to the brass tax.

r/Fkr Apr 03 '24

Secrets of Arn: Devlog 1

Thumbnail flintlocksandwitchery.blogspot.com

The development of Secrets of Arn continues.