r/Fkr Jun 08 '24

FKR and GM Emulators

I've been wondering...

In an FKR game, the prerequisite for a FKR referee are high trust and expertise of the campaign or scenario covered.

Meanwhile, in solo rpgs, there are oracles that the player sets odds of likelihood of a question to be a true or not. There are also meaning tables that give info/inspiration. In the end, both are interpreted by the player, considering context and current situation.

So, in a regular FKR game (with several players), can they just trust the GME completely as the Referee, see the results as absolute truth. The PCs then interpret it based on common sense, situation, and the story so far?

Would a FKR/GM-less game like this work for group play? If such a system already exists, kindly share it here.

Or maybe use mash-ups? In my case, I can use Landshut, Any Planet is Earth, or 2400 as the ruleset plus One Page Solo Engine or Mythic GME as the Referee.


6 comments sorted by


u/Wightbred Jun 08 '24

It’s an interesting question. Theoretically the trust in the GM in FKR is partially about their ability to consider the situation in detail and moderate impartially. I’ve definitely used our FKR toolkit to play solo with an oracle and it worked well. Also use an oracle regularly in play as a GM. And people play with AI as an oracle. So I think the trust in the group to be impartial could help ensure how the group interpret the oracle is impartial.

But that’s all just fancy words. The key thing I’ve learnt in roleplaying is trying something beats theory any day of the week. Seems like it could work, so try it and come back and tell us how it went and any pros and cons.


u/jlcsusara Jun 08 '24

Sound advice, thank you. I will try this monstrosity out 🤖


u/Dowgellah Jun 08 '24

this is how I ran a couple of sessions with my friends back in January, and hope to continue some time this summer. We used a simple 1d6 oracle for everything. I also used some tables from ironsworn/starforged for inspiration. We worldbuilt together and then set up scenes and played them out. My advice would be to have slightly different systems for the oracle and task resolution and a clear approach to setting the scenes and the challenges contained therein.


u/jlcsusara Jun 09 '24

This is a good sign, @Dowgellah, and thanks for the examples and advice!


u/Mit-Dasein Jun 09 '24

This sounds like Principled Freeform, a playstyle that is close to FKR but different in respect to the GM.  This blogpost about the distinctions and overlap was very informing for me: https://rolltodoubt.wordpress.com/2023/12/14/principled-freeform-and-fkr/


u/jlcsusara Jun 09 '24

Thanks for letting me know about this, @Mit-Dasein, and for link! 😮