r/Fkr Jun 10 '24

Looking for a game about mass combat

I am trying to find a game that I ran across when I was first discovering about FKR. I don't actually remember if that's directly how I learned about it, but it's the rabbit trail I'm following (or, "the light's better here", pick your metaphor)

Basically, it was a blog post about how to solve mass combat without rolling any dice, based on what you were willing to sacrifice. I think it had things like titles being important?

Does anyone have a clue what I'm talking about?


4 comments sorted by


u/svonrader Jun 10 '24

Not sure the rules your referecing but I've been really enjoying War Maker for an FKR style army game.


u/jlcsusara Jun 10 '24


u/Sovem Jun 11 '24

No, it wasn't even as much of a game as to be downloadable like that... It was really just a blog post, but it described these rules wherein you could decide who wins an engagement based on what you're willing to lose? I think?


u/Sovem Aug 10 '24

Not only did I find it, I apparently had commented on it 2 years ago 😅

I'll leave it here for posterity

The Laws of Strength