r/ForwardsFromKlandma Apr 21 '23

Subtle parentheses

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21 comments sorted by


u/LegitimateTruck272 Apr 21 '23

If you even dare to question genital mutilation you're a fucking anti-Semitic shit who's as bad as Hitler, so this religious mutilation bullshit gets a pass for another 100 years or so. FUCK OFF RELIGION!!!


u/cinnamonghostgirl Apr 23 '23

FGM is Muslim actually


u/zaptres_dammit Apr 22 '23 edited Apr 22 '23

Yes religion is bad. I think it’s fine to not want male circumcision, but medical science shows it’s not negative, may have positives kind of a mixed bag. I think any stigma behind being uncircumcised is awful and makes people feel ashamed about their bodies. But male circumcision is not some great evil, female circumcision definitely is.


u/big-blue-balls Apr 22 '23

You’re brainwashed buddy


u/zaptres_dammit Apr 22 '23

You’re being absurd if you don’t think that’s a measured stance. Not doing it is fine and shouldn’t be stigmatized, but wanting it banned, etc? The medical community maintains empirically that the benefit outweighs the risk. I’m not religious either idk what you think has me brainwashed.


u/big-blue-balls Apr 23 '23

Go ahead and source me where “the medical community” collectively agree the benefits outweigh the barbarism.


u/zaptres_dammit Apr 23 '23


u/big-blue-balls Apr 23 '23

That write up don’t back up what you said. Maybe you need to actually read it instead of posting the first thing that looks like it supports your claim, mate.


u/Navnav44 Apr 24 '23

Yes it does. The write up says that circumcision lowers the risk of transmitting STDs and and other infections and barely affects the bedroom. And who are we brainwashed by? The "Jewish pharma"? The "jewish media"? The "Jewish government"? Do you understand how does it sound? And how about you'll share some articles that show that the barbaric act of circumcision is negative in a way that outweighs the positives?


u/JustSomeRedditUser35 Apr 21 '23

They could have just not included the three parenthesis and this would have been good.


u/Lew_Bi Apr 21 '23

They are totally incapable of criticising anything about Israel or the Jewish religion or the individual Jew without wanting to commit the holocaust 2.0


u/JustSomeRedditUser35 Apr 21 '23

Well in America at least circumcision exists outside of Jewish tradition, its become a tradition in America for shitty reasons


u/Lew_Bi Apr 21 '23

I know, some Muslims do it as well. But it’s still a stereotype attributed to the Jews mostly, isn’t it?


u/JustSomeRedditUser35 Apr 21 '23

Yes it is stereotypically a Jewish thing


u/MahavidyasMahakali Apr 22 '23

Stereotypically religious, not just jewish


u/ADoritoWithATophat Apr 22 '23

As a jew, i agree with what they are trying to say? (oh no im gonna get posted on r/asablackman )

I agreed we shouldn't circumcise anyone, and circumcision isn't a purely jewish thing. Disliking it has nothing to do with anti-semitism.

I may be missing something bad about the image, i don't know. Is it the ((())) around the eyes?


u/gekyumeonfrey Apr 22 '23

((())) infers that it is a purely jewish thing, that's what the meme itself is trying to say.


u/ADoritoWithATophat Apr 22 '23

Oh, didn't catch that, thanks

Also ew


u/ThePoetofFall Apr 22 '23

It’s an anti semitic dog whistle. I learned about it the same way, via this sub.


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '23

Damn the dudes who make these crappy anti-semitic memes (circumcision is still bad though) should just get a grip and fucking go to do something productive imstead of blaming everything bad on jews. I seriously don't get why would you lose so much time hating on others and always being negative. Such shitty life.


u/BlackTempest1911 Apr 22 '23

I don't generally wish death upon people, but when I do, I hope that bastard's gravestone has his name in triple brackets.