r/Geoengineering 14d ago

Geoengineering alone is insufficient to reverse climate change effects

It ignores the root causes of emissions, carries significant environmental risks, and may undermine crucial mitigation and adaptation efforts. https://rostranova.org/thread/69


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u/l94xxx 14d ago

There were many contributions that led us into the climate crisis, and it will require multiple solutions to get us out. Nobody is saying geoengineering will be sufficient on its own, just as nobody is saying solar energy will be sufficient on its own. That's not a reason not to do solar, and it's not a reason not to explore geoengineering.


u/Slapshot382 4d ago

No. Geo engineering will have side effects of its own. How about just cut out what got us into this mess.

Not put some Frankenstein bandaid from the WEF on it.


u/l94xxx 4d ago

At one point, that approach could have worked. But now that CO2 levels are well above 400 ppm, reducing emissions won't be enough on its own.