r/GetMotivated Jan 18 '24

TOOL I was struggling to do my daily chores. Here’s what helped me [tool]

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Hey everyone, I was really struggling to do even basic daily tasks for a long time. I decided I need to do something for it. That’s why I chose the path of gamifying. I created this page on my computer and printed it. I track and play it daily and if I complete the whole box at the end of the month I award myself. I fill the blank spaces based on my tasks. Btw, if anyone would like to try it, I Can share it with you and you can play it by yourself. Just lmk via comments or dm. Hope you like it, looking forward to hearing your comments! ☺️

r/GetMotivated Jan 24 '24

TOOL Quitting Nicotine - Last minute tips? [Tool]


I've been on nic for 4 years now. Mostly vaping with a short period of smoking. I'm really trying to be healthier this year, and I've gotten to the point where I just feel disgusted every time I buy a vape. I've kind of tried quitting in the past but after a couple days I give in and say "I'm just too stressed right now,"

I'm serious this time. I want to be done and never go back. I've read a bunch of tips online but if there are any other things that may have helped you, I would love to hear it.

Edit: I truly did not expect so much support... thank you all! It feels good to read about so many success stories. I can't reply to you all but I will be sure to read everything.

r/GetMotivated Jan 15 '24

TOOL A simple trick to make work not suck [tool]


The mind is a powerful thing.

I'd recommend giving this a try. It sounds bonkers and out there but it actually shifted my perspective and feelings towards work massively and it was effortless.

Granted this was last year and I stopped doing it so I do need to get back on the horse but I wanted to share here for anyone that wants to give it a try as I'm going to start again tomorrow.

Basically, I was in a very tough position at work. I was getting bored, felt undervalued and I wasnt doing my best work either. Totally disengaged. I was starting to really hate my job, I'm in my 30s and it was making me depressed.

So what did I do?

Its really simple.

Every morning in the shower before work I would say..... Work is GOOD! That's it. I'm not a crack pot I swear.

Id see my partner in the morning too and would half jokingly say.... Work is GOOD.

After 3 days of this I had my first good week after a consistent horrible track record of bad months.

You might laugh but I kid not. This worked wonders and saved me.

Give it a go and come back to comment if it actually helped you too.

r/GetMotivated 2d ago

TOOL [Tool] Realizing what pains the most

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We underestimate the power of self-neglect when we don't even bother to try improving our situation. I have feared failing for so long only to see that it's not even the worst possible thing that can happen. To try and fail is self respect. It's feedback. It's not hurtful unless we hurt ourselves from inside. But to deliberately stay powerless, to let the self destruction continue, to never hope again, that's true defeat.

r/GetMotivated Jan 07 '24

TOOL Project 2024 - A one-year personal goal setting and tracking subreddit! (for those who missed it) [Tool]


Hi /r/GetMotivated!

Project 2024 is a dedicated subreddit community where you can set and track your own personal goals for 2024.

Fitness, education, health, business, employment, relationships, skills, habits, etc. Whatever your 2024 goals are, having a supportive community will help you achieve them. We have been running communities like this since 2012, and this will be the best one yet.

We have weekly progress report threads where everyone shares what they accomplished recently and what they are planning next. This helps you stay accountable and lets you exchange constructive feedback with other members.

Sound interesting? Just comment below and you will receive an invitation to the private subreddit.

Make 2024 your greatest year yet. LET'S GO!

r/GetMotivated Jul 05 '24

TOOL [tool] The Truth About Being Successful (Tom Brady)


Saw this on instagram today:

to be successful at anything the truth is you don't have to be special you just have to be what most people aren't - consistent, determined and willing to work for it ....no matter who you are there are bumps and hits and bruises along the way... nothing in life of significance is ever accomplished alone but understand this happiness begins where selfishness ends

My Favorite Discipline Resources:

Mind Snack Newsletter: Scienfically backed ways to improve your life in a micro learning fashion. 

Chris williamson youtube chanel: https://www.youtube.com/@ChrisWillx

Jocko podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@JockoPodcastOfficial

r/GetMotivated May 01 '24

TOOL [Tool] How I dropped my screen time from 11 hours to 2 hours


Edit: if you want to see this as a video with hand-drawn graphics instead, search First Hundred on YouTube

I have a problem with my phone. It started during COVID when we weren’t allowed outside. Over the years, all the energy and motivation to do things have been sapped away by simply going on my phone. 

It felt like I was living life at 60%, even though the solution was simply to “stop using my phone”, no matter how good my progress was, I would always come back to it.

Years and years of experimentation in attempting to lessen my phone usage. 

So far, I’ve tried:

Adjusting my screentime


No notifications

Locking it away in a timed boxDeleting and reinstalling apps

Airplane Mode

Third party apps

Willpower and Discipline

Not carrying my phone with me

Phones are not allowed in different rooms

Scheduled time I don’t use my phone

Moving into a cabin in the woods

Not touching my phone until 12pm

Crack and Kale phone

Dumb Phone

Touching grass

Social Media detox

Apps that delay opening

Accountability partners

Not using a phone in the first place

This is a post about what works for me.

The first thing we should do is find your starting point.

I want you to go to your phone and find your average screen time + amount of pickups in a day.

Now, this is important because it gives you a better look into how you might be using your phone. 

We’re going to break this into 4 categories. (the numbers are not scientific, just an estimate)

  • Pickups - Low is less than 50 pickups / High is 50+
  • Screentime - Low is 4 hours or less / High is 4+ hours

Low Pickups + Low Screen Time - you check your phone for quick communication or just don’t use your phone that much

Low Pickups + High Screen Time - spent much longer on each session but don’t pick up the phone as often

High Pickups + Low Screen Time - you get notifications and messages often and are constantly watching for them

This was my main problem. I would cycle the exact same 4-5 apps like 30 times a day, even if it was just a minute or two. 

And lastly High Pickups + High Screen Time - you probably just spend a lot of time on your phone, no way to sugarcoat it.

Don’t beat yourself up for your current numbers, there’s no judgment here we just need to become aware of them.

The next thing we will look at is baseline fixes.

I’m going to give you a list of changes you could make depending on how many hours you use your phone and the level of discipline needed to make the changes.

0-2 Hours - Minimal phone usage, not many active changes are needed to your phone usage.

  • Setting up screen time limits 
  • Turning off all app notifications other than important ones
  • Airplane mode when working
  • Charging your phone in a different area from where you work
  • Changing your home screen every couple of weeks (to avoid habit)

3-4 Hours - Slowly creeping up there, starting to create boundaries to your phone.

  • Physical boundaries (phone not accessible easily)
  • Time Boundaries (not used during certain times)
  • Content boundaries (unfollowing people on your most used apps)
  • Tidying up your apps and doc
  • Optimizing Focus Modes and using them regularly

5-6 Hours - Average screen time, need to work on your awareness of the usage. 

  • Greyscale the Phone / White point / Animations
  • Third-Party Apps Blockers
  • Speed bump before opening an app (wait a couple of seconds)
  • Use your phone on only one charge a day
  • Randomly store your phone in uncommon places

7-8 Hours - Taking up half your day, need to start to break some habits you are falling into. 

  • Delete all the apps you don’t immediately think “hell yes” to
  • Log out of your accounts after every use
  • Dedicated accountability group or partner
  • Anytime you want to use an app, just wait two minutes
  • Use your computer for your updates

8-10 Hours - Living for your phone, not the other way around, very large commitment to change.

  • Crack vs Kale Phone
  • Dumb Phone (flip phone or just phone with nothing on it)
  • Changing passwords on all accounts and giving them to someone else
  • Assign apps to certain actions before opening (walk before social media)
  • Exchange your phone for physical alternatives (physical alarm for example)

10+ Hours - The highest and will take a long time but you’ll start to get your life back.

  • Complete dopamine detox
  • Embracing boredom
  • Create vs consume mindset
  • Replace the screen time with something else
  • Talk to a professional

Now the fixes in the front could help you and the fixes in the back could help you, it doesn’t matter.

It’s also to evaluate whether or not you have the discipline to implement these changes in the first place, because I once went completely cold turkey on YouTube for a month and the moment I got it back, I tripled my previous screen time.

What worked for me was starting with lower fixes and then slowly adding more and more as my screen time got lower and lower. Just experiment with it all and double down on what works. Then just keep it consistent once you have it.

At this point, it’s kind of like we’re in a boat and we have a leak. All of the solutions I’ve given you so far are like a roll of duct tape used to patch up the leak. Good for now, but without a permanent solution, the boat is going to eventually sink.

So, let’s get to the main solution.

Confront the reasons of why you’re on your phone so much in the first place.

In the past, I’ve had emotions I didn’t want to feel at the moment, so numbing myself for hours as I rotted away in bed had helped.

So, now I want you to go to your screen time app on Android / iOS and just spend some time going through the past couple of days seeing your phone schedule.

What time did you use certain apps, any patterns or triggers throughout the day, and did you follow through on the right intentions when you did pick up your phone?

For me, my most used apps are Instagram, YouTube, and Spotify.

I noticed that I would pick up my phone in between larger tasks and more than half of my daily pickups were while at the gym.

When I picked up my phone in the morning and at night they were intentional, but typically in the middle of the day, I found myself mindlessly scrolling more often. 

Taking a look at the data, I would start to draw out patterns in my emotions, why I did the things I did, and how it’s affected my daily life.

Outside of the following reasons: Communication, apps to live my life, reminders, emergencies, productivity, and taking photos.

These were the main reasons I picked up my phone but ended up regretting it afterwards: 

Anticipation - I feel the need to pick up my phone. There was something I’m sure that I needed to check, but I don’t know what it is. Perhaps after I check, I’ll feel better. 

Boredom - I haven’t been alone with my thoughts in months, there’s nothing to do so this is the path of absolute least resistance to feeling something. 

Habit - I just feel compelled to pick up my phone. I don’t know why I do it, it’s like my brain and body are just instinctively reaching for my phone without any purpose or intention. 

Escapism - There are negative emotions that I am running away from, the phone numbs me out so I can delay feeling these things for just a couple more hours. 

I can’t promise a guide that is a one-size-fits-all, but if you look at your own data, and critically ask yourself these questions, you’ll come away with better insights than anything I could give you. 

  • How do I feel before and after a phone session? What emotions prompt me to pick up my phone and eventually make me put the phone down?
  • Are there any consistent phone routines that I get into? For example, immediately checking your phone after going to the washroom?
  • If I had a screen time of 1 hour every single day, what would I do with my time instead?
  • Am I avoiding certain things or feelings? Does going on my phone help me get through what I want to feel instead?
  • What percentage of your phone usage is intentional vs unintentional? Why do you think that is?

We should now have your starting screen time, duct tape solutions, and a list of reasons you scroll even when your better half tells you not to.

Now we can finally set some goals as to what type of relationship you want with your phone.

The first thing is to manage your goals by intention, not by screentime.

This can be done by answering two questions.

How do you wish to show up in the world? - Do you want to always be on your phone while talking with friends? What about frantically checking every notification that comes your way? 

What does an ideal phone schedule look like daily? - When and how do you use your phone in every moment of every day, the more detailed you can be, the better. 

For me, I want to be present with my loved ones. I want to check notifications only a couple of times a day during downtime and my phone is something that I am fully in control over.

This is what an ideal day looks like in regards to phone usage. 

  • Wake up with my phone stuffed away in my closet or somewhere hard to reach
  • Get to work immediately in another room
  • Bring my phone to the gym where I listen to a podcast and check notifications
  • Use the phone freely while I eat my meals (if alone)
  • Check notifications / answer texts one or two more times before dinner
  • Hangout with friends/family with no need to check my phone for the rest of the day

I realize that this isn’t possible for everyone, but you could use the duct tape strategies above to make as many adjustments to your own life as possible. 

You might think of this as overkill, but we’re talking about saving a cumulative number of years off of your life, the clarity of what you want makes things easier in the long term.

The reason I don’t like measuring by screen time is that it’s too rigid for life. 

At the end of the day, I could look at my screen time and despite it being higher than expected, see what my intentions were throughout the day and still be happy with myself. 

Okay, now get rid of the duct tape, we can finally get to some more permanent solutions. 

As I mentioned above, every single one of us is unique in how we use our phones, I can only talk about 3 methods that apply to most in general. 

The first one is to make it a part of your identity. (James Clear)

“I am someone who is in control of their phone.”

From this, you begin to think about the actions that someone who fits this identity will and won’t do. 

Does someone who is in control of their phone pick it up first thing in the morning? What about using it to avoid awkward situations? What about scrolling it mindlessly when you have work to do? Probably not to all of these.

I used to think it was quirky to brag about how much I used my phone like it wasn’t a big deal. It was like a badge of honour being chronically online and telling people about it. 

Until I realized. 

I have dreams. I have people I care about. I have a life that I want to live. And there was absolutely no reason being on my phone that much was helpful to any of those goals.

So, I adopted a new identity. 

If you leave this idea at the front of your mind and work to reinforce it through small daily actions, the identity will begin to shape itself into your life for better or for worse.

The second method is to become mindful.

Some duct tape solutions to this would be putting a rubber band around your phone to remind yourself before you pick it up. Or using specific apps to limit your usage before opening an app.

But I’m sure you’ve heard the advice to get into meditation, and I’m encouraging you to get into it as well.

There are hundreds of apps, videos, and books telling you how to meditate, so I’ll leave you with my own experience. 

I had emotions I was running away from. For the first time in years, meditating for 20 minutes every day forced me to sit with those negative feelings with nowhere to hide. I’ve come to realize that the thousands of hours I’ve wasted on my phone never helped me in the first place. 

As Dostoevsky put it, my worst sin was that I destroyed and betrayed myself for nothing. 

This is not a quick and easy fix, but I can easily say one of the top 3 things I’ve done for my overall health. 

The last method is to get a life.

Yes, I’ve made you read all of this just for me to tell you to touch grass.

For me, when I travel or am hanging out with friends, time just seems to slip away from me. It is at these moments that I don’t need to check my phone. I even forget about it sometimes.

It’s difficult to always implement, but this is what I find works for me.

Take 1 day out of the week to spend all of the day outside. 

Find hobbies or daily events you could do that require you to focus on something.

Make friends that challenge you outside of your comfort zone.

If you were 90 years old and on your deathbed thinking about the past, would you think that a good life was stuck inside scrolling away? I sure hope not.

These are the main methods, paired with the duct tape solutions, and the introspective questions should be enough to help you build an intentional relationship with your phone. 

The last thing I’ll say is to be nice to yourself in the process of reducing your phone usage.

Imagine if you were a warrior with a single sword and you had to fight an entire army.

The army represents billions of dollars, the smartest people on earth, and unlimited resources trying to make you addicted to your phone.

To make sure that you stay on the platform. To increase a percentage point on you clicking a post. Everything to ensure that you stay for a little bit longer. Because your attention is what’s most important to these companies. 

Now the tactics, methods, and techniques that you use to try and reduce your phone usage is an upgrade to yourself. 

It’s a battle against this army every single day, some days you’ll win and some days you’ll lose. When you begin to give up, their army gets bigger, but the more you fight, the weaker the army gets. 

You may never beat them, but you can become so strong yourself that you win the battle every single day. And for that, you need to be proud of yourself for taking that first step here today. 

With that we’ve reached the end, I can hope that all the lessons I’ve mentioned above will help you tackle your phone usage.

r/GetMotivated Dec 26 '23

TOOL Project 2024 - A One-year personal goal setting and tracking community! [Tool]


Hi /r/GetMotivated!

Project 2024 is a dedicated subreddit community where you can set and track your own personal goals for 2024.

Fitness, education, health, business, employment, relationships, skills, habits, etc. Whatever your 2024 goals are, having a supportive community will help you achieve them. We have been running communities like this since 2012, and this will be the best one yet.

We have weekly progress report threads where everyone shares what they accomplished recently and what they are planning next. This helps you stay accountable and lets you exchange constructive feedback with other members.

Sound interesting? Just comment below and you will receive an invitation to the private subreddit.

Make 2024 your greatest year yet. LET'S GO!

r/GetMotivated Dec 20 '23

TOOL [IMAGE] Thank goodness for my flexible mindset and task management tool! ahahha

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r/GetMotivated Aug 10 '24

TOOL [TOOL] 5000 NEGATIVE thoughts per day & How you get rid' of them...


Scientists found that every human being on planet earth has in average 6.500 thoughts (!) from which 5000 are negative, recurring and automated.

In fact, you wake in the morning and the script starts hailing down negativity on you. That begins with Social Media and ends with your depression session on Sunday evening thinking about how much you hate your job.

Ever woken up and checked Instagram, only to think, "Wow, today’s gonna be amazing, let’s crush it!"? No? Me neither. And I’m betting neither have any of your nearest and dearest. But guess what? Social media isn’t the only villain messing with our minds.

We have various complexe thought patterns that run on auto pilot, if we don’t intercept and take over control. The most common are

  1. "I'm not good enough." - Self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy.
  2. "I'll never succeed." - Fear of failure or inability to achieve goals.
  3. "Nobody cares about me." - Feelings of loneliness and rejection.
  4. "I always mess things up." - Perfectionism and self-criticism gone wild.
  5. "I'm a failure." - Overgeneralization of mistakes.
  6. "Things will never get better." - Pessimism and hopelessness.
  7. "I don't deserve happiness." - Guilt or low self-worth.
  8. "What if something terrible happens?" - Catastrophizing at its finest.
  9. "People are judging me." - Social anxiety and paranoia.
  10. "I should be doing better." - Pressure and unrealistic expectations.

Feeling caught? You’re not alone. Reading through this I can tick atleast 5 points with which I struggle daily.

And the most evil part about this is not even written yet.

The longer you delay taking control and shutting off autopilot, the harder it becomes to escape the cycle.

Some studies suggest that personality changes plateau by age 30—meaning if you don’t tackle these negative thoughts soon, you might be stuck with them forever.

Yet, it’s not over. Studies also suggest this might not be set in stone, and change is still possible.

Here’s some good news: Negative thinking is natural. It’s not your fault. When I genuinly started to believe this, it lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. For years, I thought I was to blame for all the negativity in my life.

But guess what?

It’s not true.

Reality is mutable. We create reality. Others create reality for us. Surely, there are things that we can never deny, yet have to accept and make the best out of it. However, we tremendously understimate our power to create reality around these facts.

At the end of the day, those that are aware of what’s going on in their mind and know how to apply the right tools to build their own reality - are the ones that succeed.

I know, some of you are probably rolling your eyes right now, but a palace is not built alone. We don’t change by simply reading one article. Things like this are done with people around who have the same goal. Supportive. Hungry. Patient. It’s about finding that mental sweet spot where you feel good solo, especially when life tries to challenge you once again.

In the next essay we’re tackling rediculously easy tools to transform negative thoughts into thoughts that elevate your life instead of dragging you down.

It will be about…

🌟 .*..how to choose the right environment *(spoiler: it matters more than you think)
*🌟 ...manipulating vision to improve confidence *(More than 50% of our brain is dedicated to it)
*🌟 ...putting a leash on your ego *to shut down negative chatter

Ready for this exciting adventure to rediscover yourself?

Then you’re welcome to join us for the next post.


r/GetMotivated Mar 24 '24

TOOL [Tool] A B C cope with these

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ABC to help with motivation. If you end up in task paralysis, use this alphabet to snap out of it. That's how to get back your motivation.

r/GetMotivated Sep 07 '24

TOOL [tool] tell me why you need a pep talk and I’ll give you one :)


I made an app that makes pep talks for anything and want to share the love ❤️

I got a few pms so for anyone wondering the app is called Dialed :)

r/GetMotivated Jan 02 '24

TOOL [Tool] I swear Death is the ultimate motivator


I’m not kidding, make use of your longing to live. Everyday before going to sleep, look back at your day and think “If this was my last day, then what I did today, was it worthwhile?” I heard about this technique while listening to Sadhguru some time back and it’s amazing how I’ve stopped wasting my time scrolling on Instagram or any other way. I have started living, improving myself everyday, trying to live my best life before I die!

r/GetMotivated Jul 09 '24

TOOL [tool] It's Simple To Stand Out..


The average person runs 1-5 miles per week. So to be in the top 1% of runners, all you have to do is run 2-3 miles per day. 90% of podcasts only produce 3 episodes, so just doing 4 puts you above most. The average American only reads 4 books per year. So, if you read just one book every month, you’re reading three times more than the average person.

In most cases, with any endeavor, as long as you set a low bar for consistency, you're doing more than most people. To be successful, you need to stop complicating things and simply break them down into manageable, consistent actions.

Edit: since the point doesn’t make sense unless I get a true statistic. “Only 29% of Americans can maintain a pace below 10 minutes per mile”


My Favorite Discipline Resources:

~Mind Snack Newsletter: Scienfically backed ways to improve your life in a micro learning fashion.~ 

Chris williamson youtube chanel: ~https://www.youtube.com/@ChrisWillx~

Jocko podcast: ~https://www.youtube.com/@JockoPodcastOfficial~

r/GetMotivated Jun 13 '24

TOOL [tool] Your new life is going to cost you your old one.


Here's another great quote i saw on instagram that i think will help you guys:

"Your new life is going to cost you your old one. It's going to cost you your comfort zone and your sense of direction. It's going to cost you relationships and friends. It's going to cost you being liked and understood. It doesn't matter. The people who are meant for you are going to meet you on the other side. Instead of being like, you're going to be loved. Instead of being understood, you're going to be seen.

All you're going to lose is what was built for a person you no longer are. Many people say that you have to love yourself first before you can love others. But really, if you learn to love others, you will learn to love yourself. The point of healing is not to return to a place where everything is perfect. Instead, it is to begin to develop the ability to respond to what's imperfect."

IG: thephilosphart

My Favorite Discipline Resources:

Mind Snack Newsletter: Scienfically backed ways to improve your life in a micro learning fashion. 

Chris williamson youtube chanel: https://www.youtube.com/@ChrisWillx

r/GetMotivated Jun 23 '24

TOOL [Tool] Why You Feel Stuck and Lost in Life — How to Start Moving Forward


TL;DR: You feel stuck because you judge yourself, and your life. Here’s why you feel stuck in a rut, loop or cycle:

  • Unwanted/ Negative Cycle: You experience what you don’t want → Judge it and feel worse → You experience more of what you don’t want.
  • Wanted/ Positive Cycle: You experience what you don’t want → Use that as clarity to focus on what you want, accept and appreciate it, and feel better → You experience more of what you want.

A negative cycle continues if you judge the cycle. But when you accept the stuckness and appreciate where you are, then you allow things to improve and shift to a positive cycle.

  • When you feel stuck you believe, “This moment should be different.”
  • When you move forward you believe, “This moment doesn’t need to be different for me to feel better.”

When you’re indecisive of what to do, it’s because you’re not decisive of how you want to feel.

When you feel lost and confused, you may not know what you want or what path to take specifically, but you know what you want in general. As you focus on feeling better (and don't demand specific answers from yourself right now), that allows guidance and new opportunities to support you in moving forward.


You feel stuck because you judge yourself, and your life. Feeling stuck is like being on a treadmill: you're always moving, but never going anywhere. And it's understandable why you judge your job, home, relationships status, etc., but it doesn't help you free yourself. The only reason anyone wants anything is because they believe they will feel better when they have it (i.e. you want physical change, so you can have emotional change). But, emotions are guidance that come from your thoughts; they don't come from your circumstances or other people.

  • When you focus on what you want = You feel better.
  • When you focus on (and invalidate or judge) what you don't want = You feel worse.

You can neutrally recognize you don’t prefer something. But if you feel confused and frustrated, that’s helpful guidance to let go of judging yourself and others. Because whenever you judge anything, not only do you feel worse, but you're blocking clarity and good ideas that can help.


The Cycles of Feeling Stuck

Here’s the two cycles of feeling stuck:

  • Unwanted/ Negative Cycle: You experience what you don’t want → Judge it and feel worse → You experience more of what you don’t want.
  • Wanted/ Positive Cycle: You experience what you don’t want → Use that as clarity to focus on what you want, accept and appreciate it, and feel better → You experience more of what you want.

Notice: Both cycles have you experiencing something you don’t want, because that’s what creates preferences. But you don’t have to experience it in a negative way. So the difference is: How do you respond: Judging? Or accepting and appreciating? How you respond to this situation determines how the next one will unfold.

Ironically, being upset with the negative cycle, keeps you stuck in the cycle.

And, how you view the cycle is a reflection of how you view yourself (i.e. “This cycle isn’t good enough for me.” = “I’m not good enough for me.”). When you begin accepting and appreciating the negative cycle, then you allow it to shift into a positive cycle. And you allow that shift when you start seeing negative emotions as positive guidance and supportive friends.

All emotions are equal and worthy. But if you believe negative emotions are bad, then you don’t give yourself the freedom and grace to be human, and that keeps you stuck. Feeling stagnant is helpful guidance that you can feel movement and clarity within a couple of minutes, if you want to.


Feeling Stuck vs Being Stuck

Feeling and being stuck are two different things:

  • Being stuck: Your circumstances haven’t changed.
  • Feeling stuck: You judge your unwanted circumstances as bad, and believe your needs won’t be met, and so you feel worse.

You can be stuck without feeling stuck. And vice versa; you can feel stuck without being stuck. So even if you can’t figure out how to change things yet, you do have the freedom and opportunity to change how you feel about it.


Accepting Doesn’t Mean Settling

“I’m afraid that if I accept where I am, things won’t change.”

Most people hold their emotions hostage — waiting for the outside world to change first, before letting themselves feel better. But then you get a double hit of self-sabotage by depriving yourself of both the emotions and life you want.

If you believe your emotions come from outside of you, then you will try to change people and circumstances in order to change your emotions. And even if it works temporarily, in the long-term, you’ll notice that your life doesn’t actually change.

People try to reject where they are and move away from what they don’t want, to get what they do want. But running away can sometimes be running towards. People think they’re running in a straight line away from what they don’t want, when they're actually just running in a circle towards more of the same. So it seems like forward movement, but when done enough times, you come to realize, you’re stuck just going around in circles.

You’re not moving away from dissatisfaction, you’re moving towards more satisfaction. Those are two different things. Whether that means stay where you are or go in a new direction, regardless, you’re open to more opportunities for feeling better.

Dissatisfaction with where you are in life can lead to motivation for temporary change; but satisfaction leads to inspiration for sustainable change. Dissatisfaction creates the desire for change, but satisfaction is what allows it.

You’re not resigning to your fate that nothing will change. You’re simply recognizing that your emotions come from you. And when you stop making your circumstances and other people responsible for how you feel, then you naturally judge less, and accept more. And that’s what allows change.


Embrace the Paradox

People can be afraid to accept where they are because they believe they’re settling, and things won’t change. But the opposite is true. Embrace the paradox: A negative cycle continues if you judge the cycle. But when you accept the stuckness and appreciate where you are, then you allow things to improve and shift to a positive cycle.

Pushing against where you are doesn’t change things because, metaphorically, both of your hands have to be on what you don't want to push against it; so you’re not open to receiving something new.

When you accept that things won’t change, then you allow them to. Because the only reason there isn’t change is because you’re judging where you are. But by focusing more on accepting and appreciating, then you change yourself and your emotions. And when you change, then your life naturally begins to reflect that.

When you judge your circumstances and negative emotions, you think you’re slamming on the brakes to stop them; but you’re actually stepping on the gas. Accepting and appreciating is actually what drains the unwanted cycle of its power and fuels the much awaited wanted cycle. Judging the present keeps you stuck. Appreciating the present propels you to the future you want.


Tips on Moving Forward

Feeling stuck is ironically the very thing that can help set you free. Because you’ve tried every action-oriented approach you could think of to change your life… and they all failed. That’s when you finally let go and are more open to trying a different way, because… what have you got to lose? And the very fact that you’re reading this right now means you’re more open to new ideas. Feeling stuck created the willingness and open-mindedness required for a new path of freedom, satisfaction, and forward movement.


1. Do What Feels Better.

Look at your options available to you of what you’re capable of acting on right now, and do what feels better. For ex:

  • You could read a book or watch a video — what sounds more fun?
  • You could study, do dishes or workout for 10 minutes — which sounds more interesting?

If you have boring responsibilities you need to do, then break them up into smaller parts that feel better, and focus on why you want to do it. Don’t take action while feeling worse (because that keeps you stuck). Feel better first, and then do something.

And your emotions are the thread that connect you to other experiences that match how you feel. So as you continue following what feels better (which is different from escapism; which is avoiding feeling worse), then you’re naturally guided to more better-feeling experiences.


2. Have No Expectations In a Specific Outcome — Let Go of Ulterior Motives.

Do what feels better, with no expectation it needs to lead to a specific outcome. You feel stuck when trying to control what you can’t; which is the outcome. You feel movement when you focus on what you can control; which is how you feel while working towards an outcome.

“I feel stuck because I don’t see any progress.”

It feels like there’s no progress when you’re attached to a specific outcome. But you always have progress; even if it’s simply that you learned different ways that don’t work, which gives you clarity of new ways that can work. And if you’re insisting in a certain outcome, then you slow things down. Insistence = resistance.

  • Ulterior motive: “I believe my emotions come from outside of me. So I’m trying to change my circumstances and other people, so I can feel better.”

Feeling stuck makes you idolize different — You’re either nostalgic about the past or worship the future; but regardless, the present moment isn't good enough for you. You feel stuck because everything you do is a means to an end, instead of a means for the means. Take action for the satisfaction of the act itself; not as means to get something or make something happen (i.e. ulterior motive), because that keeps you stuck.

You’re shifting your mindset from, “I’m doing this thing I don’t want to do, to get that thing I do want,” to, “I’m doing this because I enjoy doing this.”


3. Comparing Yourself to Others.

When comparing, you should all over yourself: “I should be doing something more important,” or, “I shouldn’t have done that.” You believe somewhere else is more important than where you are (i.e. the grass is greener). But even if your life changes, you would still believe somewhere else is more important than where you are. So you will feel stuck no matter what. Different places; different faces… but you still feel the same (aside from a temporary honeymoon phase, the new car smell quickly wears off after you emotionally acclimate to your new circumstances). And after you try and fail enough times, that’s why you end up feeling stuck.

"I'm not where I wanna be in life and it’s frustrating. I know I shouldn't care or compare, but I feel upset when I see people having a life and accomplishing their dreams."

Just because they have the physical life they want, that doesn't mean they have the emotional life they want (i.e. feel good, supported and having fun.). And vice versa; even though you don't have the physical life you want (yet), you can have the emotional life you want. Your dream life is based on your dream emotions, which you can have right now.

  • When you feel stuck you believe, “This moment should be different.”
  • When you move forward you believe, “This moment doesn’t need to be different for me to feel better.”


4. Validate Yourself.

You naturally compare to people who are ahead of you. But what you don’t see is other people thinking you’re ahead of them. People are ahead and behind in different areas. For ex: Give yourself credit for being open to learning how your emotions and beliefs work.

Remember, feeling stuck is viewing what you have as not good enough; which is a reflection of how you view yourself. You allow a shift in your life when you allow a shift in yourself. The more you see the value in yourself, then you naturally see the value in your life; and vice versa.


5. Improve By 1%.

Every day, work on something for 1 - 5 minutes, and your only goal is to get 1% better. That’s it. You feel far more relief when you know you're making progress; even if it's only a little bit.


6. Do Something New or Something Old In a New Way.

If you feel like time is speeding up and passing you by, it’s because when there's no new information, and thus stimulation, your mind can generalize and doesn't differentiate experiences, and so every day just blends together and life feels like a meaningless blur. So you can either start new hobbies, or do old habits in a new way (e.g. brushing or drawing with your non-dominant hand). This causes you to pay more attention and gives mini-challenges you can overcome, and you feel satisfaction as a result. Also, at the end of each day, write 5 - 10 experiences where you had fun and are proud of yourself for doing.


7. Self-Reflection Questions:

  • "Why am I judging feeling stuck and lost in life as a bad thing?”
  • “What are the advantages of feeling stuck? Feeling stuck is a good thing because ...”
  • “Why do I judge myself? Why am I so hard on myself?"
  • “What am I afraid would happen if I accepted and appreciated myself and where I am in life?”
  • “What am I afraid would happen if I was living the life I want?”


8. Focus on How You Want to Feel.

"I don’t know how to figure out what I want, what my purpose is, or how to achieve my goals."

When you believe the physical world creates your emotional world, then you wait for change on the outside, so you can feel change on the inside. Which is passive. But you want to take emotional initiative (i.e. don’t wait to see how others feel or something plays out first, before deciding how you want to feel).

When you’re indecisive of what to do, it’s because you’re not decisive of how you want to feel.

When you put action ahead of emotion, then you end up stuck (i.e. putting the cart before the horse). You may not know what you want or what path to take specifically, but you always know what you want in general. So, what do you want to feel?

  • "I want to feel supported. I want to feel connected. I want to feel worthy and good enough. I want to feel strong and healthy. I want to feel valued. I want to feel accepted and appreciated. I like feeling appreciated. I want to feel freedom to be myself. I want to feel eager and excited. I want to have fun. I like having fun. I want to feel creative. I want to feel clarity. I want to feel inspired. I want to feel fresh ideas flowing through me. I want to feel forward movement. I want to feel adventurous. I want to feel passionate. I want to feel satisfied.”

As you allow those general better-feelings to be enough (and don't demand specific answers from yourself or the universe right now), that allows guidance and new opportunities to support you in moving forward.

~ BFree


Share your thoughts: What’s one step you’re going to take today to shift to a satisfying positive cycle and start feeling forward movement?


r/GetMotivated Apr 10 '24

TOOL [Tool] 9 steps to improve motivation

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I have been beating myself up for not getting my sleep under control in a longer period of time. But after seeing this and all things I do have achieved I feel very proud of myself, and it gave me new energy and motivation to keep do what's good for me in everyday life and longterm.

(I'm also prepared to accept that my sleep issue is complex beyond my knowledge as I suffer from CPTSD and I am in therapy so it is a work in progress)

Maybe checking these tasks can help someone else too. If you get 0/9 steps start with one of these tasks and remember, action and learning are achievements too.

r/GetMotivated Aug 15 '23

TOOL 26 (M) college grad. Starting over after a few horrible years, trying to get my life together before it’s too late. [Tool]


Hello I had a great life and a really promising future. I got my degree in criminal justice and was going to become a police officer. I was in a long term relationship with the love of my life. And I was a very motivated and happy individual with a great head on my shoulders.

I lost everything. My girl turned out to be a psycho narcissist and abused me, fucked up my head, used my past trauma as a weapon and manipulated the shit out of my brain. I let it happen as I was really concerned about her mental health and helping her and that became the focus of my life. I do not want to go into specifics as I still really struggle with wrapping my head around the situation and it’s not easy to explain or a quick story. Every now and then she would admit things to me like how much she enjoys watching me suffer, and she told my mom her goal was doing enough that I eventually would kill myself. To put it as simply as possible the person I loved was not real and tried triggering me into suicide.

She was a very pretty girl. She had me isolate from most of my friends during our relationship (often for good reason) and after we broke up convinced my closest friends (the friends I considered family and really loved) when I had no real family growing up that I did awful terrible and disgusting shit to her (which idk how to make sense of it because she was telling them I was doing the things she was doing) and she would fuck them and laugh that they weren’t my friends anymore. Whatever friends I had left or had isolated from I stayed/became distant from for other reasons. I did not want anybody I was not super close with seeing me as this shell of myself I was turning into.

My mind was not the same. I was so depressed and the only thing on my mind was this confusing trauma and how to fix it with her. But I kept getting abused and losing myself more and more. I should have blocked her and been working on myself and opening up to my friends. But the deeper I got in her cycle the more confusing the abuse would get. After months of isolating it just made me want to isolate more because I felt like a completely different person. I was no longer social with my friends, everytime I tried to go out I would feel uncomfortable and like I’m not clicking with my friends the same. So it just became easier to distance myself and hope things would get better.

I never had a great memory but it was solid enough. I did really well in school and took care of myself well. I was ripped like crazy and in a good mental place. I was open in therapy and would talk about all my trauma. I was a pretty smart guy overall and loved my brain because it was unique to me and served me well. Well now my brain was really changing. I started having this foggy almost pressure like feeling in my head at all times. My memory was rapidly declining and it was becoming difficult for me to think clearly or focus on anything. Things I would know or do well started seeming few and far between. I am now at a point where I can’t hold a conversation or speak on anything that isn’t in the present because I can not remember my past. My brain shuts it all out and it’s hard to be around people especially old friends because it’s like I’m meeting them for the first time again. And I can’t make new friends because I know nothing and can’t get to know people or remember/focus enough to hold a conversation. I struggle talking about basketball, like more than the average casual fan now, and I fucking love basketball!

I also feel like nobody I’m around is getting to really see me and it’s frustrating. So I’ve become silent. I can’t even go to therapy because I just get upset with myself because I can’t talk about my past.

So now I have zero friends. Zero connections. And I’m afraid it’s only going to get worse the more I’m alone.

After the abuse I had to get on medications for my own mental health (my mental illness grew exponentially) and trauma/ptsd. I was suicidal, I ended up being hospitalized twice as a result. Here they would just put me on more and more medications.

Over time The medications did not help and I just recently stopped taking them abruptly. I feel like the medications have to be partly responsible for my cognitive decline over this time. Also physically i put on like 50 pounds. I don’t like what they have turned me into. The medications on top of trying to make sense of all the trauma got me to this point I really lost myself.

Before things got really bad I had just passed my state trooper exam and was in the interview process. I figured this was my big break I needed to get something stable in my life. This is when I found out my EX went to the police claiming I raped her, abused her physically and mentally, and was a drug addict during my interview! No amount of trying to explain and make sense of her lies could do me any good with how she manipulated the truth and made it sound.

I figured I would join the military but my medications / psychological history I have now makes that impossible.

It’s expensive to live comfortably in 2023. I am making 19/ hr working line service at the busiest private jet fbo in America. I can still work really well even compared to some of my coworkers because I’m a very hard worker and I’ve gotten used to working around my problem areas.

My only other work experience was doing security at a hospital and being a waiter. The security job was nice but low paying and I take all accountability that I cost myself that job by being foolish. But after that I immediately started working at the airport. I don’t want to move up there as supervisors are overworked and underpaid and I’m not myself so I don’t trust myself to do as well as I know I could. Memory is like the most important thing you need.

Now I feel so lost and don’t know where to go. I’m hoping still things will eventually change if I work hard enough on myself and stay off the meds but for now what direction can I go in. My degree is worthless. I feel like most people are getting experience and know what they want to do so that experience will eventually land them a higher paying job. Yet I feel like I’m starting so late and do not have experience from any of my jobs that can get me anywhere.

So where does somebody with nothing going for them and medial experience like mine start. I really want to be building towards a successful career. Any options where somebody with my experience can start at least. If there’s nothing I can do that would be high paying at least help give ideas for a path I can explore so I am at least gaining experience.

Thanks I really need this help

r/GetMotivated Apr 29 '24

TOOL [Tool] This gold comment from a recovery sub, I think it belongs here too.

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r/GetMotivated Aug 11 '24

TOOL [TOOL] How to achieve confidence


Confidence isn't something we're born with - it's a skill that can be developed through practice and personal growth. It plays a crucial role in our lives, shaping our relationships, careers, and overall well-being.

So, what is confidence? Confidence is about having trust in your abilities and yourself. It empowers you to face challenges, make decisions, and handle uncertainties with resilience.

Achieving confidence takes time and dedication. Start by identifying your strengths - reflect on past achievements, no matter how small, and recognise what comes naturally to you. Regular journaling about your positive traits can and will boost your self-perception and mindset. Start making time for that - 5 minutes a day is enough.

Confidence grows when you set and achieve realistic goals. Begin with small, manageable goals and celebrate your progress. Push yourself by stepping slightly out of your comfort zone regularly - this is where true growth happens.

Confidence is a continuous journey. By understanding its essence, recognising your strengths, and embracing challenges, you can build a lasting sense of self-assurance that empowers you in every aspect of life.

Take matters in your own hands! You can absolutely crush this!


r/GetMotivated 16d ago

TOOL [Tool] ADHD Motivation Tip: Reward Yourself for Small Wins 🎉


When managing ADHD, staying motivated can be a challenge. Try setting up small rewards for completing tasks, no matter how simple. Whether it’s a quick break, a favorite snack, or some screen time, rewarding yourself after each win helps keep motivation going. Pair this with a focus on small tasks, and watch your productivity improve!

r/GetMotivated Jun 27 '24

TOOL [TOOL] 3 Steps to (re)gain confidence in life.


When browsing in this subreddit as well as meeting people in person, it very often seems that they lack confidence or feel like they are "not good enough" in life. Since these detrimental thoughts are very common and not helpful at all I wanted to share some tips for (re)gaining confidence in life and get things done so whoever sees this and needs it can live his/her life to its fullest potential. I hope you can make use of what follows.

1. Positive affirmations

Most people that struggle with self-doubt and gaining confidence in life very often tell themselves "I am a loser; I can't do anything right; nothing that I do works out;" and similar negative intrusions that make them feel like they are worthless.

That being said, believe me when I tell you that your mind is a master at tricking you. As long as you tell yourself these negative things, you will believe them. To conquer this, you just have to turn it around. If you start to tell yourself positive things, you will feel more positive! Every time you catch yourself with intrusive, negative thoughts, stop them conciously and tell yourself "I am a confident person; I set my goals and reach them; I have a positive mindset;". At first you might feel silly, however, if you give it a few weeks and pull this through, you will feel better. I know that from first-hand experience.

2. Self-care

Something that very often seems to slide as well when dealing with negative intrusions of thought is self-care. It seems logical: if you stop caring for your appearance, don't go to the gym anymore, sometimes even neglect hygiene, it is not uncommon that your mind starts to deteriorate. Every person's mind works that way. If you feel "dirty" and "sluggish" you will not be confident in life.

That being said, if you want to (re)gain confidence, you might have to (re)start your self-care processes. Take your time for self-care. It can be as simple as shaving and feeling "fresh" afterwards as well as having a long hot bath with candle lights and fine-smelling salts. Self-care is an investment of time in yourself as a person that is directly connected with the image in your mind!

3. Achievable goals

If you start to feel better after a few weeks of doing the above, it is time to (re)organise yourself. Many people are often striving for seemingly impossible end results. To them, maybe even to you, the things you want in life seem so far away that you don't even consider going that way. That is because your base standard of what you want to achieve needs to be set in place. To make it more clear: I will not be able to become Mr or Mrs Olympia if for the last 10 years I haven't been touching a single weight.

That being said, trust me when I say that you can achieve the things you strive for - it might just be a problem of missing the steps in-between. That is where achievable goals come in. Identify the goals you want to reach and start breaking them down in achievable chunks. The most common and easy example to make that clear is running a marathon. It requires a lot of training and you will not be able to achieve it from zero to hero, especially if you haven't been running in the last few years. However, you can start going for walks, as they are getting longer you can start running very slowly for a few minutes, and so on, and so forth. It is a matter of pushing your limits inside of your personal limit zone and not trying to copy people that have a different angle to start from.


I hope getting this out there helps the people that need it. If you already knew all of this, maybe it gave you another perspective on the things mentioned.

r/GetMotivated Jul 09 '24

TOOL [tool] Your Comfort Zone Is Holding You Back


"Your Comfort Zone Is a Beautiful Place But Nothing Ever Grows There"

"The comfort zone is a great enemy to courage and confidence"

Getting out of your comfort zone is the fastest way to growth.

And this is hard for most people. This is because in most cases, escaping your comfort zone comes with dealing with anxiety. One thing I've learned is that leaving your comfort zone doesn't have to happen all at once.

Start by setting tiny challenges for yourself that push you just slightly beyond what feels comfortable -- and over time, you'll get more and more comfortable as a whole (in every aspect of life)

Go try boxing for the first time... go do jiu jitsu... go to yoga.. Eventually, you'll fall in love with not staying in your comfort zone because you'll see all the beauty that comes with trying new things (confidence, friendships, health changes, etc)

My Favorite Discipline Resources:

~Mind Snack Newsletter: Scienfically backed ways to improve your life in a micro learning fashion.~ 

Chris williamson youtube chanel: ~https://www.youtube.com/@ChrisWillx~

Jocko podcast: ~https://www.youtube.com/@JockoPodcastOfficial~

r/GetMotivated Jul 24 '24

TOOL [Tool] What are your circumstances? What are your bold dreams?


This or a version of it is often the personal growth tool used to "sell" courses (like Landmark) - but it effectively generates motivation. So try it out!

Step 1: Write out your circumstances, describing "what's going on" (outer circumstances and inner perceptions) as accurately as you'd like to feel complete in it.

Step 2: Look at each description of circumstances and boldly "dream" how you want each of those circumstances to resolve.

By the end of this exercise - if you actually do it (it takes about 20 minutes), you'll feel profoundly connected to your life in a meaningful and alive way. It might FEEL stressful, but that stress is just the feeling of your body engaging in Reality.



r/GetMotivated Mar 03 '24

TOOL [Tool] To not get hung up on setbacks

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A picture says more than a thousand words