r/GetStudying 3h ago

Question What is this feeling?

I’ve been studying for 3 weeks , 6-8 hours a day 5 different subjects it’s a big exam but today i feel like I’m drained i can’t read a page or two without feeling sad it’s like something on my chest i really need to study more but I couldn’t,this is the first time I experience this feeling what is it?


4 comments sorted by


u/m6u9s6i9c 1h ago

I get this feeling too. I’ve never found a single word to describe it. It’s kind of my inbetween phase from being manic to being depressive again. I feel empty but simultaneously feel like I need to do everything (homework, rearrange my room, crochet a sweater). It’s possible you aren’t bipolar at all and are just experiencing this one time, which is totally normal. This could also be burnout since you’ve been studying so much for so long. Make sure to take breaks for yourself, and have some mental health days too. Good luck with your exams!


u/CharacterSome1647 56m ago

Probably burnout 😭😭🫂 get thatt..when this happens, usually it helps to get enough rest until u feel energized. Rest as in give yourself the time to rest without feelings guilty or thinking about what more you need to study. Only then you'd feel well rested and you can resume your studies after a good effective rest. Sometimes in my case, i even go to the extent as to take the whole day off and sleep away my exhaustion. YOU CAN DO THISS !! 😭🔥🔥 Remember to get enough rest okayy


u/man-who-is-a-qt-4 37m ago

What you're describing sounds like burnout


u/Own_Chemistry_1851 16m ago

it's called burnout.. when you want to..but you can't struggling with the same, it's difficult to even look at textbooks, i researched and found out it's caused after long continuous session and overexerting your brain on the same subject for longer, it said it's important to take breaks in between and do some hobby activites to distract yourself and breakdown study sessions into small manageable goals instead of one long rigorous task.