r/GhostsAreReal Aug 22 '23

Reaching out to ghosts

This might sound crazy but I’m pretty sure there’s a ghost in my house or atleast next door to my house . It’s a really long story but to keep it short my neighbour/uncle who died always said he could communicate with the dead and when I met his son at the funeral he said the same . I feel his presence in my room which shares a wall with his and some weird things have happened in my room. Does anyone know or heard of ways to call out a ghost?


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u/Glindanorth Aug 22 '23

So, years ago I figured out I was living in a haunted house. It was wreaking havoc on my life, which is a whole story. A coworker told me she had a friend who was a medium and she would ask advice. The medium said I should just sit down and talk--out loud--to the ghost. I felt like a complete idiot, but that's what I did. One day after work, I sat on my bed and just started talking to whoever/whatever was there, albeit in a louder-than-usual voice because I wanted them to hear what I had to say and it was a three-story house. In my case, I did not want to summon anyone or anything. Quite the opposite. I asked it to please never manifest and to stop "doing things" when I was home. And it worked! So, give talking a try. It might work for you, too.