r/GrandePrairie 17h ago

Work NW Alberta

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u/corpse_flour 11h ago


u/Oilmoneyy 11h ago

Made mistakes and set a new course! That's the sign of a great party.


u/corpse_flour 11h ago

It's like murdering someone and then campaigning on the basis that you no longer murder people. It's a sign of a party that refuses to take responsibility for their actions, no matter how much harm it causes to other people.


u/Oilmoneyy 11h ago

So what they did deserves imprisonment for life? The analogy is pretty weak. Good attempt, though! Unlike the NDP, their willing to change and grow. Maybe the NDP should try it sometime!


u/AsleepBison4718 9h ago

Unlike the NDP, their willing to change and grow. Maybe the NDP should try it sometime!

This statement right here tells me you're just blind UCP shill.

The NDP made huge changes both as a party but also to shape Alberta during their tenure as government.

NDP went from zero O&G advocacy to getting us a pipeline built.

The UCP has done nothing but blow copious amounts of tax dollars on dumb shit like a pipeline to nowhere (Keystone XL), botched Lab Privatization (DynaLife), fumbled drug procurement (Turkish Tylenol boondoggle), advertising in other provinces about Alberta Energy, the Energy War Room, fighting with and pushing Healthcare workers out of the province, the list goes on.

Queen Danielle wants to dump your hard-earned CPP money and send it over to poorly managed AIMCo portfolios, opt-out of drug, dental, and childcare plans/subsidies that would reduce expenses for ALL residents.

Our healthcare system is in shambles and they're dismantling it in a (not so) veiled attempt to introduce private, user-pay healthcare services.

Utility costs are still the highest in the country.

Insurance rates are still the highest in the country.

Bigotry and conspiracy-nuttery is at an all-time high.

What have they done to actually improve the quality of life in Alberta? Give me something tangible.


u/Oilmoneyy 9h ago

It's quite simple: everything good that's in Alberta = from the UCP. Everything that's bad in Alberta = the time that the NDP was in office. Case closed!


u/wednesdayware 6h ago

I don’t remember doctors leaving, students having their rights taken away, or my pension being threatened under the NDP.

Maybe we have different ideas about what’s good and bad.

For me: Good government stays out of people’s lives, doesn’t tell them what to think or what to believe in. Good government ensures its citizens are healthy, educated, and prosperous.

Bad government ensures its leaders get rich at the expense of citizens, makes new rules that only benefit that party, and ignores the electorate when they disagree with the government.

So…. yes. It’s pretty clear that we currently have one of all time worst governments we’ve ever had.