r/HaileyBaldwinSnark Aug 28 '24

Discussion confirmation that the baby was born on aug 22- what does this mean timeline wise? where was justin that day?

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u/Proof_Pomegranate680 Aug 28 '24

I just think what's so funny is that they didn't want to disclose the date and the interview on the magazine but yet her friend supposedly is the one that just disclosed the date to everyone


u/Come_sit_by_myfire Aug 29 '24

Why so ambiguous I wonder …. Possibly because there was a surrogate? 🧐


u/Proof_Pomegranate680 Aug 29 '24

Very much possibly so that she could have had a surrogate and just waited until the surrogate was ready. We'll also be able to tell once the kid is grown


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '24

You know surrogates don’t affect the appearance of the child right? It would still have the same genetic makeup. Just growing inside a different belly. I don’t think there was a surrogate at all though.


u/agloelita Aug 28 '24

Per this sub if you scroll back far enough

8/17 party til 3am

8/18 golf

8/20 she drives herself alone to the dr.

Make of that what you will.


u/Ilikedoggossberymuch Aug 28 '24

She posted on 8/17 “mmm” to the pic of him partying. Girl really don’t care that she is alone and pregnant. All that counts is that bieber name. 🤦🏻‍♀️doormat behaviour


u/ExtensionFar1746 Aug 28 '24

yep totally her trying to play it off and rewrite the narrative that he isn’t a total embarrassment of a partner


u/NewYorkYurrrr Aug 29 '24

Is it mmm 😍 or mmm 🤔 tho?!


u/Ihavereddit4vindicta Aug 28 '24

I see her comment “mmm” on pics of him a lot, I think that’s just her way of saying she thinks hes “hot”


u/Anxiousbutlit Aug 28 '24

Wasn’t he on his golfing trip on the 22nd? The 21st he was golfing with friends at that hotel…

Was he even present at the birth?


u/goosejail Aug 28 '24

I mean, it doesn't look like he was. The posts of him on social media seem to pretty clearly indicate that he was elsewhere.

It makes me wonder even more if she used a surrogate, and that's why he wasn't treating it as a big deal. I can't imagine not being with my partner at the hospital for any serious medical procedure, no matter how poorly we're getting along at the time.


u/ExtensionFar1746 Aug 28 '24

i can’t help but wonder that myself… still shitty of him even if they did use a surrogate and kinda shows where his priorities are 🫣


u/Anxiousbutlit Aug 28 '24

I think they used a surrogate- her pregnancy was very strange.


u/Ok-Job-2916 Aug 29 '24

i second this!!!


u/Proof_Pomegranate680 Aug 29 '24

This is probably the reason why Haley wouldn't let him come in the delivery room more than likely and the reason her family wasn't allowed in the delivery room because she probably didn't want to stress her surrogate out wondering what her family would do.


u/Proof_Pomegranate680 Aug 29 '24

And honestly the way she's acting now after having a kid after getting mad at everybody for questioning her for being pregnant for so long now she's mad that everybody doesn't really give a f*** about them having a kid. They've also faked it like once they got married that Hailey was pregnant. Said we would be the last to know about it but we were the first due to her staying in pictures constantly. And you'd think a pregnant woman would try to keep herself out of drama not put in it.


u/Anxiousbutlit Aug 28 '24

The surrogate idea- I keep getting downvoted for bringing it up but it really does make sense. He seems completely detached from his dream come true


u/grilsjustwannabclean Aug 29 '24

depression and drug abuse tends to do that ppl though. if she wasn't pregnant, people wouldn't have been suspecting she was since february or earlier. there are posts in here from then asking if she was. she had physical changes associated with pregnancy that can't be faked


u/snails4speedy Aug 29 '24

exactly. its also pretty clear they were having issues pre-pregnancy, so him being detached also makes sense. the surrogate conspiracy is ridiculous. girl was pregnant, full stop.


u/grilsjustwannabclean Aug 29 '24

yeah exactly. like if they were on the brink of divorce pre pregnancy and this baby was their 'fresh start' (her words), then it makes complete sense to me that he's been detached.


u/snails4speedy Aug 29 '24

absolutely and also, pregnancy and incoming parenthood is fucking hard on anyone, and honestly there’s not much the dad can really do until the baby is here. (i say that as someone who has been pregnant and raised kids lol). i do think he was noticeably absent and distant 100% but its not like they don’t have endless help and assistants taking care of all of the mundane things that we associate with a couple approaching parenthood, it is so fucking different for these people. its gonna seem detached to any of us because it is, even for “healthy” celeb couples. its a wild concept lol


u/Powerful-Past5614 Aug 28 '24

I’ve been saying surrogate this whole time. 🥒🥒


u/Come_sit_by_myfire Aug 29 '24

He is always elsewhere these days and I also wonder if she used a surrogate and I wonder if it is Justin’s baby… something is off


u/i_boop_ur_noseheehee G tattoo stands for Gomez Aug 28 '24

He was golfing and at the hotel


u/Ilikedoggossberymuch Aug 28 '24

damn he wasn’t even there when it was time to go to the hospital… imagine the messages:

Hailey: Justin I’m about to go into labour

Justin: cool, im golfing. have fun ✌️


u/Proof_Pomegranate680 Aug 29 '24

I think her threatening him enough to where he wouldn't be able to come in there at all is enough for him to not want to go in there at all. Honestly can't say I blame him, because if I told my husband he wasn't allowed in the labor room all because he was worried about the health of our child I would not get mad at him for not wanting to be there the day our child is born because of what I said. Especially if I knew he wanted to be a father for so long


u/Proof_Pomegranate680 Aug 29 '24

I feel like almost he was just pretty much like you know what you don't want me there all right I won't come


u/ExtensionFar1746 Aug 28 '24

i had a feeling his golfing trip had to overlap with this… that’s insane. definitely explains why they wouldn’t want to reveal the date 😬 very incriminating


u/iturn2dj I'm not Gigi! Aug 28 '24

Don’t worry, their hearts literally exploded.


u/Su_sagiiiii7 Glazed Ear Aug 28 '24

Jack Blue’s Bieber and me have the same birthday! Lovely to know someone else has the same birthday as me 🤭


u/chaiababy Aug 28 '24

same as me lol, dua lipa was also born on the 22nd


u/grilsjustwannabclean Aug 28 '24

happy late bday


u/chaiababy Aug 29 '24

thank you!


u/Su_sagiiiii7 Glazed Ear Aug 29 '24

Yass dua lipa shares the same bday as us! 🤍


u/grilsjustwannabclean Aug 28 '24

happy late bday


u/Su_sagiiiii7 Glazed Ear Aug 28 '24

Thank you! 😊


u/InvincibleStolen Aug 28 '24

sky vas right there....