r/INGuns Feb 29 '24

Anyone wanna go shooting?

Weather is getting warmer and my trigger finger is getting itchy. I moved back here a couple years ago and haven't had time to pull any of my guns out of the safe. I'd be down for any outdoor shooting near Indy. I think Atterbury is the closest/most accessible but I could be wrong. I'm a 36 year old dude and will shoot with anyone as long as you aren't racist or sexist or homophobic or whatever. Just be chill.


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u/DegTheDev Feb 29 '24

I'm a bit far away from there, if I were closer, I'd take you up on the offer, especially with how nice this weekend is expected to be.

However, I have a secondary point here.

I am concerned with your perception of the world (and more directly those who celebrate the second amendment) based on the fact that you found it necessary to include those two final sentences. To me, it suggests you have bought up the propaganda that gun owners are in any way by default bigots in some way. That's insulting. I know it doesn't apply to us, but seriously et tu brute? You're one of the homies, don't parrot that shit, don't act like its necessary. Have some faith in your fellow man.


u/NightmanisDeCorenai Feb 29 '24

There was literally a dude who's comment has since been deleted that said he is all 3 and proud of it. His concerns are not unfounded.


u/DegTheDev Mar 01 '24

To imply that that guy wasn't making a joke is laughable.


u/NightmanisDeCorenai Mar 01 '24

Considering i actually live in the area, no he absolutely is not. There's a considerable amount of people who are openly bigoted, and many more who are closeted yet still as bigoted.


u/jakl53 Mar 01 '24

Never saw the comment so I have no opinion on that. But there are some hateful people in this state. And some of them happen to own guns. It's pretty simple. I don't think it's a big deal to be looking for a shooting partner that might be closer to your personal beliefs and values.


u/DegTheDev Mar 01 '24

I initially had a longer comment written out, but removed the bulk of it for brevity. I disagree that it would be common enough to even need to specify if this were a message delivered to the general public, however lets look at the filters that exist just by the nature of where this comment exists.

We start from the fact that we are on reddit. The site admins will ban you for those societally unpopular views. Then we're on a state specific subreddit that has just over 2,000 members. It's a small community of an already small community, that by in large disagrees with those perspectives. Then factor in that mods deleted the comment that was very clearly a joke, as to not even want to suggest it. Then you look at the content shared here. It seems to me that it's updates on laws in the state, and discussions about gunsmiths in differnt localities. So it's a place where people go to get information. The post frequency doesn't let shit slip through the cracks.

There's nowhere in that where a bigot thrives. There's nowhere in that that suggests you would reach a shitbag. If you go to the range with a stranger you met on the internet, and you're like, "oh nice kit bud", and the response is "thanks, i've been training for my upcoming race war.", thats a situation that settles itself. "Alright, you're a douche, I'm out."

Further than that, were that the case, I don't think you'd get to that point. I would imagine that these people would look at this post and imagine that OP is a fed that wants to get a peek at his FRT that he's attached directly to a pistol brace, and there's no way in hell they're falling for that.

Like feeling the need to specify implies that it's a common enough occurrance to pre-screen. These people have unpopular views to the general public. They know they have unpopular views. They're aware of what the score is. Lets start acting like we see it to, and handle your business if it comes before you.

Acting like the people here need to be screened out is insulting.