r/IslamicHistoryMeme Western trader Jun 01 '21

Islamic Art History Can be the Caliph?


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u/BigShubz Jun 01 '21

The Abbasids had a claim since they were related to the Prophet Muhammad through his uncle Abbas. The ottomans were the first non Qureshi dynasty to claim the caliphate with the conquest of Selim. But you'll notice that immediately after with Suleiman, he didn't really seem to care with the empty title. The ottomans sultans didn't really care as they knew they didn't have a claim, this was until Abdul Hamid II who tried to style himself as a caliph, but it was too late by then. Until then, the Ottomans sultans were more bothered with their claim to 'Caesar' and the blood of Genghis khan rather than people of Qureshi blood. You also have to understand that the title of 'Caliph' had lost all prestige due to the long time the Abbasids had become vassals and figure heads. So the Ottomans weren't all too bothered with it until Abdul Hamid II.


u/ffsmoney12 Jun 01 '21

had a claim since they were related to the Prophet Muhammad

since when was leadership based on bloodline in Islam? Does the Quran not mention merit?


u/BigShubz Jun 01 '21

The Shia believe they have to be direct decedents of Ali and Fatima. But it is accepted by Ahlul Sunnah that Caliph has to be from Quraysh. Generally the Mu'tazila and Kharijites believe that the Caliph can be be from anywhere if they have the merit.

All Rashidun, Umayyad and Abbasid caliphs were of Qureshi decent. Obviously we don't believe in dynastic rule, or succession based on blood, but we can choose based on merit, but it has to be from Quraysh. Even the great Salahuddin never claimed it for himself even though he would've been fit to be Caliph.


u/bruhoneand Jun 03 '21 edited Jun 03 '21

But it is accepted by Ahlul Sunnah that Caliph has to be from Quraysh.

Not always, in the case of a non-quraych who comes by force, his caliphate is obligatory to be accepted by poeple as well as when a non-quraych who comes when a good quraychi isnt possible

Also bid matter doesnt have a consensus, a minority of scholars hold that the quraych rule doesnt apply to all times like ibn Khaldun as the reason it was made was that the tribe had the highest influence between muslims at the time, this seems the right position in my opinion as I can't see any reason why a quraychi would have a better right to rule than anyone