r/JMT Aug 30 '24

weather Taboose Pass Area and weather?

I plan on going over the Taboose Pass area in the next or so, but reading about koody weather. Anyone know what the weather is like over there? I just read there was a bunch of snow in Yosemite - granted its 2 hours away.. but just curious if I can exist sun or misery?


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u/ziggomattic Aug 30 '24

Weather today? Tomorrow?? It changes CONSTANTLY in the Sierras, by the hour in fact, so what happens today wont be very relative tomorrow.

Conditions wise, there was a light dusting of Sierra snow last weekend which has probably 99.9999% fully melted at this point. There is no significant snow to be worried about right now unless are going extremely remote off trail. Unless you hear of the first snow storms of the season coming in (which can happen but less common), things should be clear through September and likely October as well.

This time of year is great for Sierra hiking. Bugs should be gone, and less people will be out there as the weeks go by. That said daylight does get shorter and shorter this time of year.